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  1. Pink Panther

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    This is very true. Much of it isn't racism per se but there is still racism here whether they want to admit it or not. It might not be too direct but it exists. I have a lot of friends from Venezuela and there are tons of racism here. And most people aren't really ashamed of it. They will get...
  2. Pink Panther

    Real Estate Sales Investment opportunities: which properties are cheap and what will happen to prices - La Nacion Propiedades

    Congrats for a good call. Are there many foreigners buying in Buenos Aires now like after the big crash in 2002?
  3. Pink Panther

    Blue dollar hits a new historical record! 1,500 to $1 USD

    In other words, none of you know what will happen. I see the Blue dollar holding steady today but the MEP continues to go down.
  4. Pink Panther

    This restaurant makes milanesas shaped like Argentina footballers

    This looks like a fun restaurant to get a Milenesa shaped like a soccer player. https://buenosairesherald.com/sports/football/this-restaurant-makes-milanesas-shaped-like-argentina-footballers
  5. Pink Panther

    With buyers wary, Argentina's zombie mortgage market has a long road to revival

    For all the talk about mortgagees and all the interest, there are hardly any getting approved. I talked to my banker and he told me they had tons of applications in the tens of thousands but not many have gotten funds yet. It's a long painful process.
  6. Pink Panther

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    Yikes! I didn't see that. Hard to imagine many Argentines that would celebrate Messi getting hurt.
  7. Pink Panther

    Economy What if Milei is wrong about the economy?

    I don't expect things to get solved overnight. This will take years to sort itself out.
  8. Pink Panther

    Economy AFIP increased the amount from which banks and virtual wallets must report the movements of their clients

    Definitely the younger generation all use Mercado Pago. I believe taxis now all accept payments from digital wallets too now.
  9. Pink Panther

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    What a game. Argentina pulled it off yet again. Yet another Copa victory!
  10. Pink Panther

    Blue dollar hits a new historical record! 1,500 to $1 USD

    I don't think most people are blaming Milei for all the problems Argentina is having. Of course not all the blame on him. Just not a good idea to fly around the world accepting awards and then claiming he is probably going to win the Nobel prize. Makes him look silly and stupid when the...
  11. Pink Panther

    Visas How complicated is it to obtain residency in Argentina?

    Do you have a friend that will allow you to get mail? I did that for a friend applying for their DNI. They just used my apartment. If you hire lawyer it much easier. 6 month for citizenship sound very quick!! I never heard of that. I heard rumor that some Russians are paying big bribes to some...
  12. Pink Panther

    Newcomer Any recommendations for weekend getaways near the city?

    I just saw Time Out article on a little winter vacation get away. https://www.timeout.com/buenos-aires/getaways-winter-vacation-family-tigre-mar-del-plata-campanopolis
  13. Pink Panther

    Best sports bar to watch the UEFA Euro 2024 on Sunday in Buenos Aires (UK vs. Spain)

    This is a wonderful place. My brother always comes here when he comes in town. Get the double cheeseburger. He told me the best he has had. Called the "Tachame la Doble".
  14. Pink Panther

    Building HOA expenses in Buenos Aires rose 88% from January to June 2024

    My condo bill has gone up over 270% in the past year in pesos. Extremely tough.
  15. Pink Panther

    Real Estate Sales Change in the Buenos Aires real estate market: the keys to the recovery after 6 years of decline - Infobae

    It is good to see prices finally start to go up again after falling so many years. I wonder how high prices will go.
  16. Pink Panther

    Apartment Rental Why rental operations in private neighborhoods collapsed by 50 percent - Infobae

    These were really popular during the pandemic but I haven't heard much about it the past few years. Sounds like things really slowed down.
  17. Pink Panther

    Medical If COVID comes back and mutates into something else will you get another vaccinated against it?

    Bad news. I read that new variants of COVID-19 are spreading worldwide again. :mad: https://en.mercopress.com/2024/07/08/new-variants-of-covid-19-spreading-rapidly-worldwide?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=main&utm_campaign=rss&ct=t(RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN)
  18. Pink Panther

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    So true @FuturoBA! I have local friends that pretend like they know what the dollar will do. Then I ask them why they didn't either sell or buy USD and they never respond. What I do is only buy enough pesos to last me 1-2 months. Here we never know what will happen. But it doesn't hurt to buy...
  19. Pink Panther

    Why is Argentina becoming a 'great friend' of Israel amid its war crimes in Gaza?

    I don't know anyone in BA that giddy about this other than a few Jewish friends I know that obviously are supportive of it.
  20. Pink Panther

    Argentina and the IMF: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

    Don't worry @Digital Nomad. Even the experts don't understand all of this or know how things will end up. Doubt the IMF would ever let Argentina dollarize the economy. At least not any time soon.