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Medical If COVID comes back and mutates into something else will you get another vaccinated against it?

Never getting another Covid 19 vaccine. I have never known any friends or family to have had issues with their pregnancies and this past year I know 3 people that lost their babies at the 7/8/9 month mark.
FYI if anyone wants to get the vaccine and vaccinate themselves. It's available in pharmacies.

FYI if anyone wants to get the vaccine and vaccinate themselves. It's available in pharmacies.

No gracias!
FYI if anyone wants to get the vaccine and vaccinate themselves. It's available in pharmacies.

I don't get it? Why would people want to inject themselves? I think you'd have to be nuts to get another injection but if you wanted one why wouldn't you go to a clinic??
This is absolutely crazy that the US was so gung ho to charge Trump yet people like Anthony Fauci who endangered millions of lives doesn't get charged. This just released said he just made up a bunch of things. Hopefully he sees the inside of a court room too!

People were silenced for questioning the science and then we have to read something like this.

Interesting to see this Argentine filing the world's first criminal charges against Pfizer for the COVID 19 vaccine.

No way Pfizer ever will pay anything. I would guess they would spend hundreds of million on legal fees vs. paying out. Also, some of the reports are shocking about this. I don't know what is or isn't true but it is all very disturbing but I doubt these companies will ever pay anyone. They were indemnified by the various governments.
Bad news. I read that new variants of COVID-19 are spreading worldwide again. :mad:

Just as we started to relax after the pandemic, lockdowns, vaccines, and everything COVID brought with it, a new epidemic emerges. Now, there are already 5 cases in Argentina. :(

Just as we started to relax after the pandemic, lockdowns, vaccines, and everything COVID brought with it, a new epidemic emerges. Now, there are already 5 cases in Argentina. :(

I don't think anyone really cares about the cases. This time around there won't be anymore lockdowns. Covid should be looked at like the flu going forward. Of course there will be lots of cases.