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  1. Pink Panther

    Newcomer Paul McCartney in Buenos Aires

    Ha. They always say "last show" ever until they run out of money and need more!
  2. Pink Panther

    Happy Birthday Buenos Aires! 444 Years old

    I heard today was the birthday of Buenos Aires. 444 years old today.
  3. Pink Panther

    Newcomer At last, something Argentinians have been loudly demanding - Flights in 12 interest-free installments

    Very good news. This will make it easier to travel now. Flight prices have gotten crazy going to the US now.
  4. Pink Panther

    ATM - highest withdraw limit

    Do you mean to pay bills? I haven't had problems withdrawing 1000 notes from the ATM. I didn't realize there were two types of 1000 bills. I only have seen this one: https://www.theibns.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=627&catid=13&Itemid=51
  5. Pink Panther

    Education What apps do you use to learn or improve your Spanish?

    Rosetta Stone is very good. Many people also prefer a tutor. You can find one on SuperProf. Many give the first lesson free so you can see if it's a good match. https://www.superprof.com/s/spanish,buenos-aires,,,,buenos%20aires.html?a=1
  6. Pink Panther

    Supermarket of the Future coming to Argentina - No cashiers!

    I can't see Argentina going full scale on this. Even in the United States I heard they were getting rid of some of the Amazon stores because of theft. I can't imagine in Argentina! People will find a way to steal and the stores would lose out. Besides a few lanes I don't think this will be the...
  7. Pink Panther

    Transportation increases and anyone who does not have the SUBE in their name will pay up to double the fare - La Nacion

    I think prices need to go up from what they were but it needs to be a gradual increase. Pushing all of these increases on the lower and middle classes is a mistake. Between people not taking it and people just jumping turnstiles, they might see it was better to do a gradual increase. Where do...
  8. Pink Panther

    President Milei’s surprising devotion to Judaism and Israel provokes tension in Argentina and beyond

    I think he just is a media whore. He loves attention and Press and headlines. Same thing with the Ukraine. Argentina won't provide any financial or military support but he knows it will make the Press.
  9. Pink Panther

    The emotional farewell to the last postal employee in Gualjaina

    But lots of good people like this guy are getting terminated. Not sure what their plan is. I doubt it can be that many noquis!
  10. Pink Panther

    Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

    I don't think it makes sense to moderate forums to what an owner's political believes are. If so, it makes no sense to have an open forum where everyone can post opinions. I learn quite a bit about what happens in Argentina each day on this forum. That is all that matters. The other forum has...
  11. Pink Panther

    Apple Pay at Coto?

    I like Coto but I always have to show ID as well but I thought the government was changing the law so you don't have to show ID but they always ask me there. I'm not sure why they are so strict there. I've never used Apple Pay there but I will try the next time. But they don't make me show my...
  12. Pink Panther

    Politics Great event for May 25th in Córdoba - Everyone is eagerly awaiting Milei

    It is amazing this is happening. I was a skeptic but starting to believe things will change.
  13. Pink Panther

    Just out on Netflix New Documentary - Illusions for Sale: The Rise and Fall of Generation Zoe

    I started it but it was very boring. I don't see how people can fall for these scams. 7% a month? Ha you know it's a scam. But the show was not good. I couldn't make it past 30 minutes.
  14. Pink Panther

    President Milei to meet with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg at the end of this month

    It seems like everyone wants to meet with Javier Milei now. Every day it seems like more and more people want to meet him. I wonder if these will convert into companies actually investing in Argentina. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/argentina-milei-plans-meet-zuckerberg-221843921.html
  15. Pink Panther

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    One thing for sure is Javier Milei has a lot of momentum behind him from people all over the world. This feels like something different. I just read that even Mark Zuckerberg is meeting Milei the end of this month. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/argentina-milei-plans-meet-zuckerberg-221843921.html
  16. Pink Panther

    What the UK can learn from Argentina and Javier Milei

    Interesting to see so many people from around the world that think Javier is a savior. Time will tell if they were right or wrong. https://inews.co.uk/opinion/what-the-uk-can-learn-from-argentina-and-javier-milei-3045726 Non paywall version: https://archive.ph/phTUz
  17. Pink Panther

    Politics Tomorrow, May 9th, the country will come to a standstill - National strike

    Subway fares are scheduled to jump by 359% in May, going from AR$125 (US$0.13 at the official rate, US$0.11 at the MEP rate) to AR$574 (US$0.63/0.53). There will be two other price increases next month, taking ticket prices to AR$667 (US$0.74/0.62) and $AR757 (US$0.84/0.70) in June. Train fares...
  18. Pink Panther

    Newcomer This would really unleash chaos: train tickets priced at $2000

    I do agree that strikes are many times politically based but this time feels different as so many people are struggling and situation seems like it will get worse with utility prices going up. I have a bad feeling there will be more protests throughout this year. I hope I am wrong but people...
  19. Pink Panther

    Who is responsible for the monthly (expensas) on a rental? Landlord or Tenant?

    My monthly expensa went up 30% from last month. And my electricity bill jumped up about 170% from last month and I used about the same amount of energy. Not sure how people are going to cope with all these increases.