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  1. Pink Panther

    Tips for my 2 weeks trip to BA - Apartment recommendations

    Let us know how your trip goes and what you think of BA. Nothing like an Argentine soccer match. That sounds a bit on the pricey side. But when I went to a game I spent about $150 USD. They aren't cheap. Which match you going to?
  2. Pink Panther

    400 different bus lines on strike today - Beware

    Beware that 400 different bus lines are on strike since midnight. Bus drivers are on strike throughout the Buenos Aires metropolitan area. I'm not sure how you now which lines are affected. Not all lines are affected. There are about 60 that are still operating I saw on the news but just keep...
  3. Pink Panther

    'Justification of dictatorship': outcry as Milei rewrites Argentina history

    The societal issue in Argentina is a complex interplay that, for decades, has been misrepresented by politics, often reduced to a one-sided narrative with limited permissible discourse. Efforts to seek justice and acknowledgment from the state for crimes committed by terrorist organizations, as...
  4. Pink Panther

    Economy The increases in AMBA buses and trains began to take effect today: what are the new rates - Infobae

    Saw this in the news today. It about to get ugly. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/milei-squeezes-governors-eliminates-transport-subsidies-to-inland-provinces.phtml
  5. Pink Panther

    Oh boy "Digital Nomads" are starting to post on what a great deal Buenos Aires is. Here they all come.

    Some great scenery. I wonder if they bring their own drone. The footage is beautiful. This is the Buenos Aires we all know and love. I don't think it is a bad thing that more tourism results from this.
  6. Pink Panther

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    No they are not. Milei supporters can try to argue but when all of this blows up, people will blame him. Both sides throwing hand grenades at one another. And it is the lower class that will suffer. I don't see a way that people don't force him out of office before his term officially ends...
  7. Pink Panther

    Newcomer WTF is the deal with Pedestrians not having the right of way in Buenos Aires. I almost got killed today at a green light

    Ah, the mystical land of Argentina, where window screens and bathroom sink overflows are as rare as a unicorn riding a skateboard. Asking why is like trying to explain the plot of a soap opera to a cat – it's futile. Can we unravel the mysteries of Argentina's quirks? Nope, not a chance. It's...
  8. Pink Panther

    Politics They have Milei. We have Trump. We’re closer to Argentina’s chaos than we think | AOL News

    Oh, the sheer brilliance of Bolsonaro's strategic selfie game! I mean, who needs COVID-19 protocols when you can snap a pic with a sea of supporters? It's like playing pandemic roulette – except instead of a ball, you're using a selfie stick, and the outcome is a potential health crisis. In...
  9. Pink Panther

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    So, like, what are the real deal policies or changes she or her crew are putting forward on this topic? Honestly, I'm not too bothered about what someone thinks personally (or their kinda weird way of saying things), as long as they don't try to push it on me (or anyone else) and it doesn't...
  10. Pink Panther

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that if Argentina becomes super pricey in US dollars and salaries stay low, we might see some serious social unrest. On the flip side, if salaries go up, it might not be so appealing for investors. Plus, with governments doing a 180 degree turn on rules...
  11. Pink Panther

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    Sorry to break the news but I just got an email that OSDE is also going up 39.6% and that will be due in mid-February! So they are just 1 month cycle behind. So that will go up in February 2024. You knew it was too good to be true.
  12. Pink Panther

    Politics Protests erupt in Argentina against President Javier Milei’s economic shock decree - Argentina Reports

    Your take totally comes through from the four links you dropped. Two from Clarin, like the flagship of Empiro Clarin, all gung-ho for Macrista mentimedia. One from La Nación, basically the most old-school and conservative newspaper in the whole country. And then there's Infobae, chilling in...
  13. Pink Panther

    Politics Protests erupt in Argentina against President Javier Milei’s economic shock decree - Argentina Reports

    Read every line of the DNU decrees with a fine tooth comb. Look at the parts about fire restoration and mining. The stripped out all the environmental protection regulations.
  14. Pink Panther

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    Actually Argentina has a TON of oil and gas too and other natural resources. Sure, I agree we should give the guy a chance. But we gotta call a spade a spade and I think he is making bone head moves. Is he good for Argentina? Or would Massa do better? Maybe. But our inflation is higher than...
  15. Pink Panther

    How much should I be tipping at restaurants? What is the tipping etiquette in Buenos Aires or Argentina?

    Stay home! Restaurant/cafe workers are very hard workers. They have a tough enough job than dealing with jerks like you. You can't afford to pay a 10% then don't go out to eat. It's that simple. Respect the policies in the countries you are traveling in. Enough said.
  16. Pink Panther

    How much should I be tipping at restaurants? What is the tipping etiquette in Buenos Aires or Argentina?

    I will go anywhere from 10% up to 20% if the service was over the top good. Also, the latter at places where I am a regular customer and I get the same person each time. I feel I have a personal relationship with this person when I go to the same place for years.
  17. Pink Panther

    What Christmas or New Year gift do you give to your doorman/woman (Portero/a) in Buenos Aires?

    I give mine about 15,000 pesos or about $20 US as well as a box of chocolates. I wish I could give more but times are tough.
  18. Pink Panther

    Politics China suspends US$6.5 billion currency swap agreement with Argentina, reports say

    I agree with you @Avocado! It is important to comprehend that Milei functions as a mere figurehead, a surrogate carrying out the bidding of others. So, back when Macri was just starting out, Macri's first move as president was handing over everything the vulture funds wanted. Like, no...
  19. Pink Panther

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    I agree the 3 years with only raising the value was NOT smart but I worry about the everyday tenant. I don't agree too much with government interference but I think that the government should at least set reasonable terms. A free for all situation where owners can set whatever terms they want...