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  1. Blockchain

    Economy In the first eight months of the year, the cost of tariffs almost doubled general inflation - Infobae

    Dang that is some big increases. I won't complain about our inflation here in the States after seeing these jumps up.
  2. Blockchain

    Economy Public transport use in AMBA fell due to fare hikes and recession - Infobae

    When I was in BA earlier this year I saw a lot of people just jumping the turnstiles and not paying. Maybe this is a factor too. Not sure how common that is. 600% increase in less than a year is insane.
  3. Blockchain

    Apartment Rental Buenos Aires city expenses have increased by more than 114% so far this year - Infobae

    Seems like a lot considering the typical salary is so low there. Are people paying their bills on time each month? I'd have to believe that people are slow paying or late on their HOA bills if they keep going up that quickly.
  4. Blockchain

    Buenos Aires International Marathon - September 22, 2024

    I couldn't believe the price of running shoes there. They were at least double the price back here. Hopefully getting rid of some of these taxes will help cut down the price on things there
  5. Blockchain

    Wooohoooo!!!!! One PR down, one to go!

    Are Brazilians easily able to get Portuguese citizenship or I assume one of her parents were from there? A few of my friends got a Golden Visa from Portugal a few years ago but I heard they got rid of that program. That would be a fabulous passport to have!
  6. Blockchain

    President Milei Documentary Series Just Released on X

    I just watched the entire Part 1. Very interesting rise up. It's a good lesson how quickly someone can rise up in politics if people are fed up with the status quo. I wish we could get someone like this in the USA.
  7. Blockchain

    President Milei Documentary Series Just Released on X

    Thank you @FuturoBA
  8. Blockchain

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Very true. Everyone in Latin America thinks it is so easy in the USA and that everyone is making tons of $$$$. Many of my friends are driving around in luxury cars, living in nice places but when you do a deeper dive, they have $2,000 monthly car payments over 7 years, they are renting and...
  9. Blockchain

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Good to hear that food prices are stabilizing. Honestly I didn't think food was a good value on many things. I did visit some places that were affordable but plenty of places where food was not cheap. Food selection at the supermarket was pathetic. Prices for things like toilet paper was...
  10. Blockchain

    President Milei Documentary Series Just Released on X

    If someone has this dubbed in English it would be great.
  11. Blockchain

    Argentines losing patience with Austerity measures

    Looks like the protests are picking back up again. I heard it used to be very bad before. I know this government is trying to prevent them. Looks like some of the protestors are even using pepper spray which I thought was illegal there?
  12. Blockchain

    Newcomer A Serb in Buenos Aires

    Even some success stories sound like they have taken many years. I just visited the website and I would have thought the business went out of business in the late 90's if I was judging based on the website. :ROFLMAO: https://www.rubilarcitizenship.com/ But it says that 28 cases were won in...
  13. Blockchain

    Politics Bolivia asked Salta to stop charging its citizens for medical care, but the province rejected it - Infobae

    No reason why Bolivians should expect free medical care in Argentina. Seems crazy they would even expect this.
  14. Blockchain

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    From what I read before, when Argentina was very expensive and the currency was equal (1 dollar = 1 peso) there was almost no tourism at all in Argentina. It was too expensive.
  15. Blockchain

    Argentina Before Menem - Documentary

    I watched this interesting documentary on YT about Argentina. Worth a watch.
  16. Blockchain

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Agree with you @StatusNomadicus that too many people take way too many medications. Especially Americans. It seems like doctors are incentivized to just keep writing more and more prescriptions. It is nuts! What are restaurant prices like in Mendoza? I am seeing some menus online for places...
  17. Blockchain

    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    Costs have been going up all over. It just sounds like things down there have been subsidized for a long time. So a big time increase is causing everyone to worry but all in all people seem to be taking it in stride.
  18. Blockchain

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Long term Bitcoin should do very well but of course if there is a major conflict or war it will sink like a rock. Some shadowy forces robbing some people that post that they have crypto. Read this yesterday and some scary sh*t.
  19. Blockchain

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    But what happens in 2025 when Argentina has to default on all their repayments? Where will the cash come from to pay back all the obligations? Doesn't look like the IMF is going to give more. Net negative reserves so what happens to the exchange rate then?
  20. Blockchain

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    The exchange rate seems like it's heavily controlled. I thought Libertarians were against socialistic controls of manipulating the markets but looks like they are doing the same thing to control the exchange rate. Seems like no one can answer what would happen if they stopped doing that and let...