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  1. Blockchain

    Economy What will the cost of living increases be for August 2024 (Utilities, transportation, rent, etc) ?

    But on the flip side then if only $1,075 USD per month is middle class salary for a family of 4. So does that mean if you're only single or married with no kids you can be middle class for a fraction of that amount? That must be true as the median income is so low there. So really how much do...
  2. Blockchain

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    This is what I don't understand. All of these things going up so much and that seems impossible. Sounds like salaries are going up some but not that much. A friend there said their monthly expenses have jumped up almost 300% year over year. Ouch.
  3. Blockchain

    Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?

    Meanwhile you have thugs like this with knives all over London. This kind of thing in the U.S. would last about 2 minutes before someone shot them.
  4. Blockchain

    Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?

    Seeing the madness going on in the UK. That is totally nuts that people are getting 20 month jail sentences for posting on Facebook. The government is trying to scare people into submission. I doubt it will work.
  5. Blockchain

    How can the food here be so bad ?

    What is the population of your town @Scottishgaucho? They probably won't start changing the menu until an entire wave of people probably die and their kids maybe take over. But maybe even not then by the sounds of things.
  6. Blockchain

    How can the food here be so bad ?

    Ouch! I can't imagine not liking Italian food and liking fish and seafood and living in Argentina. That would be brutal. In BA you can get enough variety but Italian was by far the most popular type of food around. Lots of influences from the Italian immigrants it seems.
  7. Blockchain

    Day 1-2

    Thanks again @earlyretirement for so many great recommendations. They were all spot on. I'm planning on coming maybe in November so see you if you're in town then.
  8. Blockchain

    Electricity and gas: the Government is considering freezing tariffs throughout the winter

    It would be difficult for a typical person to have that much usage. Even if you had a huge house. They need to investigate and see who is all plugged into their usage.
  9. Blockchain

    Wales discussing Milei's housing policies

    And the worst thing about the Australia thing is that they are trying to say the criticism is sexist. They just don't get it! This has nothing to do with sexism! Woke politics of trying to find some excuse and blaming people. Sorry @enbits for hijacking your thread. I couldn't resist. I'm still...
  10. Blockchain

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    Someday this will probably be some show on Netflix. I went down the rabbit hole of all of this and some are saying Alberto's ex-wife, Fabiola was also an escort and that is how he met her. I don't know if that is true or not. Interesting though. This guy is talking about all these men's...
  11. Blockchain

    Day 1-2

    @CraigM I am sure people will probably tell you to avoid Don Julio or it is a rip off or overpriced. But that along with El Preferido were my two favorite places for steak. I got some great recommendations from this forum on good places to go to eat. I will save you some time searching around...
  12. Blockchain

    If you had an Argentine friend in a really bad situation

    This sounds like many people I met during my trip there. You will find more people in this situation than people in great situations with their own places, independent and making great salaries. I only met a few people that had it well and they were from well off families. What I noticed is that...
  13. Blockchain

    How can the food here be so bad ?

    @MickMolloy I had the exact same experience with a bunch of places. I even posted about how I thought the food in many places was very mediocre. Even the locals told me the steak quality at many places has gone way down hill. I tried a lot of different places for steak and the two best that I...
  14. Blockchain

    Day 1-2

    What did you think of the steaks here @CraigM? I think I read in another post you said you also live in Texas? I thought all this talk about great steaks was overrated. I can find a great steak in Dallas although typically it was more expensive. Curious to what you think about it. An honest...
  15. Blockchain

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    It sounds like she admitted to sleeping with Alberto a while back. Oops.
  16. Blockchain

    Real Estate News The City has suspended permits for new construction: For how long, the details and the repercussions - La Nacion Propiedades

    Damn, no wonder all of these new constructions are delayed. It's funny. I see some Zonaprop listings that say "Coming in August 2023" and they are still not even done!
  17. Blockchain

    Real Estate News The Buenos Aires government plans to suspend new housing projects: Strong criticism from the private sector - Infobae

    Yes, he certainly is. I am amazed at people like Axel Kicillof and Jorge Macri. They don't seem to have ANY common sense at all.
  18. Blockchain

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    I just read this! Sickening how desperate the Kirchneristas are! https://www.lanacion.com.ar/seguridad/arrestaron-a-un-integrante-de-la-agrupacion-hijos-por-el-asesinato-de-su-madre-en-cordoba-nid08082024/
  19. Blockchain

    Of maids and supermarkets.

    Why would someone pay 8000 pesos per hour. Isn't that like over triple the minimum wage? I guess sure if you want to do it but what is the likelihood of them finding another job where people are willing to pay that much? When you pay above market rates like that will they expect more raises each...
  20. Blockchain

    Desperation situation - I caught my maid of 12 years stealing from me toilet paper and food

    I am going to have to go against the consensus here and recommend that you fire her. If someone steals once they will do it again. I had this same thing happen to me with a Mexican maid that I had. It started out as some snacks and food and toilet paper. I wouldn't have cared if she just asked...