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  1. J

    Government announces 270% budget increase for public universities

    This seems like good news for the Universities and university hospitals. It seems like the government is making some wise choices lately with halting further utility increases, healthcare premium freezes and now this...
  2. J

    Milei's approval ratings are going up!

    What's not to like about the guy? Nothing he is doing is a surprise to anyone. The only surprise for some is that he could sing. :P
  3. J

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Your laughing but Canada is proposing exit taxes! And our Governor today said California might do the same!
  4. J

    Economy Amid punishing inflation, 10,000-peso banknote enters into circulation in Argentina

    I am just curious. What are all of you using ATM's for? Is this for billpayment or something? I never use ATM's there and I have been going a while. I was so happy they would be introducing the larger bills so disappointed to see the delay.
  5. J

    Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

    I was just there in March. I am not sure about Florida but here in LA it is wicked expensive. Here on the West Coast our prices are much higher vs. East Coast I am sure. We have all kinds of whacky taxes and fees here. It is obscene.
  6. J

    Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

    I can promise you that shopping at the supermarket in the States is MUCH more expensive vs. Argentina. Even with the recent inflation. Every time I go to BA it feels like it is very affordable minus a few things that might be comparable. Granted not as wide a selection but anything I need. I...
  7. J

    Train accident on San Martin line today - Derailed in Palermo

    Yes! Someone was filming while mine got stolen. They called 911 but the thieves pulled up in a stolen truck with an electric hacksaw. In less than 3 minutes they were gone.
  8. J

    Train accident on San Martin line today - Derailed in Palermo

    Funny we were posting at the same time. I just saw your post and I just posted at the same time about this theft. I had mine stolen during the middle of the day while I was eating lunch. It happens so quick even if someone calls the police by the time they get there, it's all done. People are...
  9. J

    Newcomer This hate crime in 2024 has left me in shock

    I saw the same thing on AP today (below). I was curious after being a sex workers for so many years what made the government hire her to be in the Foreign Ministry office? https://apnews.com/article/argentina-milei-lgbtq-rights-d75a798ed804ba02e3d3d7abff3fce11
  10. J

    Black people in Argentina

    Argentina never has gotten much tourism from African Americans. I have been going down for 20 years and almost never see any. I just say that as a statement of fact.
  11. J

    Train accident on San Martin line today - Derailed in Palermo

    Yes this is a big problem in California. We have a lot of thieves stealing catalytic converters. You can't park many cars outside at night. The thieves steal them very quickly. People mistakenly think everything is peachy keen in the States but that is far from the case in many areas.
  12. J

    Has anyone applied and been approved for the Rentista visa?

    Based on what many friends have told me and my experiences buying real estate there many years ago, it's just about impossible to do everything legally in Argentina. Hopefully things change but I am told that overstaying is not an issue as it pertains to residency. I have many friends that...
  13. J

    Water bill (Aysa) skyrocketed up 400% from normal bill. Any others?

    My water usage is included in my HOA bill. However, my HOA bill has drastically gone up since December. It still is reasonable compared to comparable property I own in the States. But my electricity bill has also gone up. IIRC I usually pay less than $30 dollars per month and my last bill...
  14. J

    Question to local members

    Signed up in November but mostly just lurk. I purchased an apartment here many years ago. I mostly just rent it out on Airbnb but I hope to someday retire to Buenos Aires so I like to keep tabs on what is going on there. I don't get there as much as I would like to but I enjoy the city. I...
  15. J

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    If the banter wanders into the realm of life's unbearable dance with financial crises, and the debate takes an unexpected twist: Wives buying expenses purses from Lopez and expensive Prada shoes and custom-made British Crockett & Jones shoes from London then we might have a pretty darn good...
  16. J

    Newcomer WTF is the deal with Pedestrians not having the right of way in Buenos Aires. I almost got killed today at a green light

    Ha! Roundabouts are tricky in many countries so this isn't unique to Argentina but Argentina they don't slow down like most places! They speed up! Argentines don't follow most rules on anything. Taxes, laws, common sense so don't expect driving to be different. Cars are bigger than a person so...
  17. J

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    I totally agree. Sure it's painful for everyone. No one is disputing that. My heartaches for my Porteño friends but this escalation has been building up for years. As @GlasgowJohn mentioned, there is a cause and effect when you artificially manipulate things which is what Fernandez as...
  18. J

    Food & Drink Gibraltar Bar, Excellent craft beer

    Yep exactly. I went in there to watch a soccer match once. It's a popular spot with expats. When I was there, there were a lot of English speakers but it might have been because the UK was playing. Good selection of beer and friendly service.
  19. J

    For Sale Total apartment closing Costs with all final fees taxes and commissions in Buenos Aires when buying residential real estate?

    @Howard Stern it doesn't sound like your realtor had you bringing in the cash legally. It might not batter now that Milei is president but you could have issues when you go to sell the property. A friend brought in cash through a cueva many years ago and when he sold it, he had to pay all...
  20. J

    Comical reading BAexpats.org Threads!

    @StatusNomadicus I am not sure if it actually posted. On my end it said posted but others told me that Igor when someone posts something he doesn't agree with, it looks like it's posted but there is a delay. I do not know if this is true or not but I saw it on my end for a minute and then it...