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Black people in Argentina

Same. Now I have all sorts of people coming up complaining about Argentina.

I have traveled all over the world as an Asian male and you will encounter some ignorant people all over the world. I would say for the most part I didn't have any issues at all in Argentina. I think some people make a bigger deal of it than it is. While true Argentines seem to lump all Asians into "chinos" I don't think it comes across as racist. I was walking around late at night in Villa Crespo and had one incident like this girl but it was a group of drunk kids.

I think this generation complains too much about race issues.
I have traveled all over the world as an Asian male and you will encounter some ignorant people all over the world. I would say for the most part I didn't have any issues at all in Argentina. I think some people make a bigger deal of it than it is. While true Argentines seem to lump all Asians into "chinos" I don't think it comes across as racist. I was walking around late at night in Villa Crespo and had one incident like this girl but it was a group of drunk kids.

I think this generation complains too much about race issues.
When I was in BA the beginning of this year one of my female friends that was Asian was here. She didn't have any issues. She was from Japan but she found everyone friendly. She did comment that everyone just called her chino. She said in many places she visited they inquired where she was from but here everyone just used the term chino. But she didn't get offended at all.
Speaking of Chinese, it reminded me of these Chinese slaves they found last year. :(

Yikes I never saw this! I am amazed how Buenos Aires never had much of an Asian population but in a relatively short amount of time the Asian population and the amount of chinos has expanded rapidly over the past 20+ years.
Not sure why people have to make things about race. I watched that on Twitter and now many things like this are coming up in my feed.

I am also stuck in the algorithm of Buenos Aires rants on X.

This came up. People shouldn't come to BA without researching more. Plenty of great restaurants and also things to do. The best thing is making friends with locals and getting invited to an authentic aside.

I have traveled all over the world as an Asian male and you will encounter some ignorant people all over the world. I would say for the most part I didn't have any issues at all in Argentina. I think some people make a bigger deal of it than it is. While true Argentines seem to lump all Asians into "chinos" I don't think it comes across as racist. I was walking around late at night in Villa Crespo and had one incident like this girl but it was a group of drunk kids.

I think this generation complains too much about race issues.
I completely agree about all the whining and complaining from today's generation. Back even a generation ago, people had to endure REAL hardships and discrimination. I'm not saying discrimination doesn't exist today because it does but today's generation seem to be the biggest complainers. Most of the world doesn't know true struggle.

I'm sure there is discrimination in Argentina as well but I can tell you speaking as an Asian American, I have NEVER encountered any racism in Argentina and I've been coming here since 2002. I've traveled all over Argentina and I've done business starting many corporations here in Argentina and done business with many different people and companies and I have never had issues.

I have seen a lot of corruption here but I have never personally encountered ANY racism whatsoever here. Argentineans are a very warm and welcoming society. I should add that 2 out of my 3 children were born in Buenos Aires and we come often and none of them have ever experienced any racism either. I formally owned the largest property management company in Argentina and I had tens of thousands of clients visiting Buenos Aires and I never had any complaints from them either of racism and we had clients from all over the world.
I completely agree about all the whining and complaining from today's generation. Back even a generation ago, people had to endure REAL hardships and discrimination. I'm not saying discrimination doesn't exist today because it does but today's generation seem to be the biggest complainers. Most of the world doesn't know true struggle.

I'm sure there is discrimination in Argentina as well but I can tell you speaking as an Asian American, I have NEVER encountered any racism in Argentina and I've been coming here since 2002. I've traveled all over Argentina and I've done business starting many corporations here in Argentina and done business with many different people and companies and I have never had issues.

I have seen a lot of corruption here but I have never personally encountered ANY racism whatsoever here. Argentineans are a very warm and welcoming society. I should add that 2 out of my 3 children were born in Buenos Aires and we come often and none of them have ever experienced any racism either. I formally owned the largest property management company in Argentina and I had tens of thousands of clients visiting Buenos Aires and I never had any complaints from them either of racism and we had clients from all over the world.
THANK you for sharing your personal experience. I have many friends visit me. Several from different ethnic backgrounds and none of them have ever felt anything but love when they visited Argentina. @earlyretirement I remember seeing you on TV several times on HGTV 2 decades ago while you were doing some shows in Buenos Aires. It is nice that you stayed so connected with the country.
I can tell you that I visit BA with many friends from São Paulo that are of Asian decent. They all love BA. Never heard of any of them having issues. Not to discount that someone had issues but these days with social media many people are looking for attention or race baiting people for views.
I'm glad they got them out of there. The sidewalks in Chinatown are narrow and see lots of foot traffic, no room for manteros. They are trying to occupy Barrio Chino because they are not selling much in Once and Centro these days. Bullrich must do something about this soon, before it gets out of hand.

Now, what's an Agente oriental? I know oriental in this case means from Asia and does not have woke connotations, but Agente oriental? Huh?
I'm glad they got them out of there. The sidewalks in Chinatown are narrow and see lots of foot traffic, no room for manteros. They are trying to occupy Barrio Chino because they are not selling much in Once and Centro these days. Bullrich must do something about this soon, before it gets out of hand.

Now, what's an Agente oriental? I know oriental in this case means from Asia and does not have woke connotations, but Agente oriental? Huh?
I agree. I also never heard that term before and was wondering. Glad someone else was confused.