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  1. P

    Newcomer A Large Percentage of Argentinians Want to Be Digital Nomads: A Growing Trend!

    At least his neighbors helped out to stop them from robbing his car. Just terrible.
  2. P

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    It was great watching people celebrate past 3:30 AM last night.
  3. P

    Economy What if Milei is wrong about the economy?

    Yes that is the best attitude to have. I don't understand some people that seem like they hope Argentina gets worse. No one can argue that inflation is falling and that is a good thing.
  4. P

    Blue dollar hits a new historical record! 1,500 to $1 USD

    This seems to be the case. It still sounds like no one knows long-term what will happen to the peso. All the articles I am reading on it sound like it might help blue dollar but cause another problem. Time will tell...
  5. P

    Positive Changes for Real Estate investors in Argentina and also non-resident foreigner investors with Milei's Omnibus law

    There seems to be more and more people that are looking for 2nd passports. I see on Twitter in my feed about 10 companies a day trying to sell 2nd passports.
  6. P

    Politics Milei and Villarruel on The Wall Street Journal Cover

    Milei is always in the news here in the USA.
  7. P

    How much does a retail employee earn in July 2024 in Buenos Aires?

    Wow those are really low! That's only like $535 USD at today's exchange rate yes? Wow that's crazy. My maid here from Cuba makes something like $35 bucks per hour here in Florida. So she makes more in 2 days than these people earn all month. Wild.
  8. P

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    And in some areas like Cordoba it is 66% positive. Anyone know why it is so high in Cordoba?
  9. P

    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    Thanks a ton for the links and info! This kind of stuff really helps me. I heard a few stories like this from other expats that live down there but great to see specific info. How do you protect against stuff like this happening?
  10. P

    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    Wow this is terrible! Isn't the price listed on their website? Does anyone have the website link so I can see it? I heard corruption was very bad in Argentina but aren't these people worried about getting fired?? Also, do they give you a receipt @Oatmeal? What did the receipt say? I'd be...
  11. P

    Interested to move to Buenos Aires from the US. Is $5k enough to live on?

    Thanks! It was so confusing but it sounds like the only two rates I need to be aware of is really MEP for credit cards and blue dollar for exchanging cash or sending in Western Union. That is good to know and simplifies things. I saw Coldplay rate and was laughing. I won't worry about all the...
  12. P

    Help! My tourist extension visa was denied today

    Ok so it sounds like my best strategy is to just enter on tourist visa and maybe extend it another 3 months. So I will get 6 months and then after that I can just take a short trip for another 3 months and do the same thing again after 3 months. Wow this sounds very easy to stay there easily. I...
  13. P

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    Oh wow. I thought you were joking but I just looked on Google and I see it's not a joke. I can't figure out if this new President is doing well or not from reading posts on this forum...
  14. P

    AFIP and IRS to share financial information with one another starting September 30, 2024

    I guess no one will be affected unless they are citizens or residents there?
  15. P

    Interested to move to Buenos Aires from the US. Is $5k enough to live on?

    That would really be horrible if Internet went out in my property. How easy was it to get a private room at a co-working place? How expensive was it? Also, what gives with so many different types of exchange rates. I read about the blue dollar and I think MEP is the rate to use your American...
  16. P

    Rapid collapse of birth rates in Argentina and South America

    Same thing going on here in the States. No one I know wants kids anymore. Most of my friends are traveling around and enjoying their youth. Many females have this totally unrealistic expectation of what kind of guy they can get and holding out for some perfect guy that doesn't really exist.
  17. P

    Interested to move to Buenos Aires from the US. Is $5k enough to live on?

    Thank you everyone for the great info. Great to hear that is more than enough to live well. I will check it out. I like that the time difference is very close to East Coast time which makes it easy. A few friends are living in Spain and a hassle for work but being just an hour difference is very...
  18. P

    Interested to move to Buenos Aires from the US. Is $5k enough to live on?

    Hello all. I am an American and my company just gave me the option to work remote for the next 12 months. I live in Florida now but met a few people that told me it would be fun to move to Buenos Aires. I net around $5,000 bucks a month. Here in Fort Lauderdale that doesn't go too far after rent...