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  1. C

    Ordering stuff from abroad

    I would totally avoid customs in Argentina. They are worthless and the worst. You can read this thread I started before. https://www.expatsba.com/threads/how-do-i-know-if-my-package-is-stopped-at-customs.1957/#post-11827
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    Politics Milei made another biblical post in Hebrew; Preview of an announcement he will make in Congress? - Infobae

    Milei made another biblical post in Hebrew; Preview of an announcement he will make in Congress? Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/01/milei-hizo-otro-posteo-biblico-en-hebreo-anticipo-de-un-anuncio-que-hara-en-el-congreso/ March 01, 2024 The head of state will speak tonight...
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    Newcomer Is Buenos Aires safe?

    Thank you everyone for the helpful info. Thank you @StatusNomadicus for confirming about Apple Pay as I use that almost exclusively in the USA to pay. Almost everywhere takes it for payment and I prefer that then getting out a credit card. It is very surprising to hear about the low ATM...
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    Newcomer Have you noticed that cinemas in Buenos Aires are showing fewer and fewer English subtitled movies?

    I confirm, a former friend told me that she couldn't see and read at the same time, being that she considered herself "re intelligent and capable".
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    Newcomer Have you noticed that cinemas in Buenos Aires are showing fewer and fewer English subtitled movies?

    But in Spain there are very few theaters that show movies in the original language and with subtitles, and usually they are specialized theaters and not the big cinemas like here... I had a period in which I stopped going to the movies... I used to go quite a lot when I was a kid/teenager in...
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    Newcomer Buenos Aires: Bring your bug spray!

    Just zoom in. Welcome to hell, aka Buenos Aires.
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    Newcomer Is Buenos Aires safe?

    I don't like to walk around with 100's even in the US. Do they have ATMs everywhere so you can withdraw pesos?
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    Newcomer Is Buenos Aires safe?

    Also is Apple Pay common there, cash or credit card?
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    Newcomer Is Buenos Aires safe?

    Thank you, this is great advice! It's a pretty intense course from what I've read so I might not have much time to sightsee or wander. But I do hope to somewhat get a feel for the town. Have you ridden the trains or buses? Do they feel safe to you?
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    Newcomer Is Buenos Aires safe?

    Thank you so much 🥰 You have given me so much hope! I was really worried about traveling there and walking to class each day with my laptop and phone.
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    Newcomer Is Buenos Aires safe?

    am thinking of taking the CELTA course in Buenos Aires in May. There is one in Recoleta and another in Sede Belgrano. I would probably be at the school the majority of the time during the day, and not go out far at night (if at all) but might try to see a few record stores and maybe Iguazu Falls...
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    Politics Kirchnerism pressures for the Bicameral to begin dealing with the DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae

    Kirchnerism pressures for the Bicameral to begin dealing with the DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/20/el-kirchnerismo-presiona-para-que-la-bicameral-empiece-a-tratar-el-dnu-que-desregula-la-economia/ February 20, 2024 Senators and...
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    Legal How do i know if my package is stopped at customs?

    As far as I know, Amazon does not have any offices in Argentina. So at the time of arrival in Argentina you have to pick up the package at Correo Argentino.
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    Legal How do i know if my package is stopped at customs?

    Hi! In December I made a purchase coming from the Netherlands and it was scheduled to arrive on approximately January 29. However, the tracking provided by the seller shows no updates since December 28, when the package was moved from the Netherlands to Frankfurt, from where DHL would ship it...
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    Newcomer Where can you get tulips?

    I don't know where you are in the Conurbano, but if you can't find it anywhere, there is the Mercado de Flores de Buenos Aires, it is near the huracan stadium, it opens very early in the morning. But I think you should find it there.
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    Politics Patricia Bullrich to relaunch the protocol for the use of firearms by federal forces

    Patricia Bullrich will relaunch the protocol for the use of firearms for federal security forces this afternoon at the Ministry of Security. The measure had been repealed by Sabina Frederic in 2019, arguing that it broadened the circumstances for the lethal use of weapons, as opposed to...
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    A congresswoman from La Libertad Avanza presented a bill to repeal legal abortion.

    La diputada nacional Rocío Bonacci, junto con otros legisladores, presentó un proyecto para derogar la Ley 27610 de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo, generando malestar en la bancada oficialista. La propuesta incluye penas de prisión de 3 a 10 años para quienes realicen abortos sin...
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    Newcomer Booking Booking exchange rate

    But if you pay with a foreign card you do not pay VAT and pay the official, I understand that it is more convenient?
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    Travel How to register the SUBE card in my name

    Thank you I just arrived in Abirl to Argentina and I read that you could avoid the increase in this way and as I don't speak Spanish I didn't understand anything. Very helpfu!!!
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    Travel How to register the SUBE card in my name

    Those who do not have their SUBE card registered will have to pay a higher fare when traveling by public transportation as of April 1. Does anyone know how to register the sube card?