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  1. CecilM

    Politics 2025 Legislative Elections

    I think people have been voting for the lesser evil lately, not out of conviction, so everything can change in a moment. There are also many who regret their choice, especially retirees who voted for Milei. I don't think many will vote for him again after seeing his administration implement so...
  2. CecilM

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    You don't have to be very smart to see that he acts as if people are just numbers. That’s why he lacks empathy, even for those who voted for him, let alone the retirees. And cutting education funding?? I think he needs to reorganize his priorities. Why benefit the wealthy with tax cuts? Some of...
  3. CecilM

    Argentina police pepper spray pension protesters

    In short, the increase that the government opposes is very small, just 17,000 pesos. I don’t think that will destabilize the economy.
  4. CecilM

    Newcomer Argentina: Top Choice for Digital Nomads

    Despite the crisis, Argentina is still a great place to live. Beyond the economic factor, what drew me in the most was the lifestyle. Here, people value different things, they work to live, unlike in New York, where it feels like people are just on autopilot, living to work and constantly...
  5. CecilM

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    This guy is so unpleasant! After years of evolution and progress, this gringo comes along saying that homosexuality is a disease! My god, he’s a dinosaur! This reminds me of the speech the Minister of Justice gave a few days ago when he said, "They reject sexual identities that don’t align with...
  6. CecilM

    Newcomer Mosquito invasion in BA

    Get ready to battle dengue; it looks like the mosquito won’t give us a break. Scientists say the mosquito has genetically mutated into an even more resistant species, even against fumigation. Authorities are already on alert as temperatures start to rise in September...
  7. CecilM

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    More and more studies are showing the same thing: even if they claim inflation has gone down, what good is it if people still can't cover their basic needs? A lot of folks are cutting back on activities or opting for cheaper brands because their buying power has taken a hit. Everyone around here...
  8. CecilM

    Newcomer Children's Party Venue in Palermo

    If you're looking for a venue with an outdoor space, "La Casona De Los Bajitos" is a great option. It even has a soccer field for the kids. It’s been a while since I went, but I remember it being very spacious, and they also have a dedicated area for adults...
  9. CecilM

    Politics Brain drain? Just like in 2001...

    It’s concerning that the government will not support new scientific projects this year, especially when we’re already seeing a brain drain. This situation reminds me of the 2001 crisis, which also saw a significant loss of talent. Underfunding science and technology not only hinders progress...
  10. CecilM

    Newcomer Which neighborhood do you recommend?

    If you like elegance and sophistication, Recoleta might be the option for you. However, if you ask me, it has very old buildings and almost no trees along its streets. I wouldn’t choose it for living, though it’s great for strolling around! I prefer Palermo, which, as @Melibaires mentioned...
  11. CecilM

    Newcomer Happiness: Only one-third of Argentinians feel satisfied with their lives

    It’s alarming that only 1 in 3 Argentinians feel satisfied with their lives. Many of us come here seeking happiness, but the country’s economic situation clearly weighs on our daily lives. However, as a fellow citizen recognized by Milei wisely said, what truly matters are relationships, values...
  12. CecilM

    Argentina’s Reign of Cash Tips Nears Its End Amid a Fintech Boom

    It seems this might extend beyond just the gastronomic sector. On the positive side, by eliminating tax withholdings, merchants who use electronic payments won't have to deal with VAT and income tax deductions anymore. This could lead to more businesses accepting cards, making it more convenient...
  13. CecilM

    Argentine Senators give themselves yet another raise

    In just 4 months, their salaries increased by 343%! It's outrageous! Meanwhile, a retiree here only gets $300,000. They should be ashamed.
  14. CecilM

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Now that subsidies for many bus lines have been removed, many people will be affected. There are two options: either the companies cover the additional cost or they eliminate it entirely. The latter would have a direct impact on the wallets of workers who commute daily, with some taking up to...
  15. CecilM

    Economy What will the cost of living increases be for August 2024 (Utilities, transportation, rent, etc) ?

    This figure reflects the harsh reality many are facing. It's clear how Argentinians are adapting to cope with the crisis. Many people are buying less or switching brands to adjust their budgets. This trend shows the real impact of the economic situation on people's daily lives...
  16. CecilM

    Newcomer Best VOIP Apps for International Calls

    Have you tried using a VPN? Alternatively, you could install it manually: https://m.apkpure.com/google-voice/com.google.android.apps.googlevoice?fbclid=IwY2xjawErEV1leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHWPBirGcRHI5qjCJ-JyPQdSe0Bn8tXjTDMMf6ili2GcyFHgy-4cYspf5Gg_aem_KNWsqgIDNi26WHolozI9zw
  17. CecilM

    Newcomer Best VOIP Apps for International Calls

    But I don’t pay a monthly fee. You should be able to use it without any issues.
  18. CecilM

    Receipts to consumers to now include ALL taxes included for more transparency

    It's no surprise that Argentina is among the countries with the highest tax burdens in the world. Milei promised to reduce taxes, but so far, the only one I've heard him mention is the "Impuesto País." We'll have to see if more substantial tax reforms are on the horizon or if it's just talk...
  19. CecilM

    Politics Having single-digit inflation is a good start

    These are the painful statistics from Milei's era: According to the Argentine Catholic University, 63% of Argentine children and adolescents live in poverty, with 16.2% in extreme poverty, the highest figures recorded since 2010. This is truly heartbreaking...
  20. CecilM

    Newcomer Best VOIP Apps for International Calls

    Why is Google Voice not an option for you? Have you made sure you are using it correctly? Be sure to use this setting.