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  1. Chesse

    Food & Drink How much do you tip at cafes and restaurants?

    I do 10% with decent service. People here don't tip very much. When someone says AR is not a tipping country, I think it's more like tipping is not completely uncommon (though Violet would know more than I) but it is small for the most part when they do tip. When I go out to eat with an AR...
  2. Chesse

    Newcomer More robberies in Argentina than anywhere else in the Americas

    It wasn't a thread, it was comments by a few (or a couple of?) people who were saying that there is in reality not as much crime as everyone says, that it's more dangerous to live in the US (generally - then the discussions about specific cities and areas started) and other such things. I think...
  3. Chesse

    Newcomer Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    @StiveCosae : almost always when people talk about wages here (I've never enountered different), the figure presented to the employee is the after-tax amount. People here as a whole have the attitude that the employer pays the taxes (and whatever fees, including sindicato dues, etc), even though...
  4. Chesse

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    It just boggles the mind what the government is doing here. Lift restrictions on businesses from harsh labor laws and prejudiced courts and heavy taxes and bureaucratic burden, open markets, kill corruption and Argentina has a powerhouse of investment capital. Things have gotten so bad that...
  5. Chesse

    Banking Banks and phones plans!

    Do you mean a contract, like with Personal? I have a plan from Personal, can't remember the name (I saw in the thread about roaming/long distance the comment about the Black plan - can't remember if that's what mine's called) but I pay 199 pesos a month, well under the radar, a I understand it...
  6. Chesse

    Banking Banks and phones plans!

    I second Santander. Very happy with them.
  7. Chesse

    Legal My Divorce From Argentina

    According to a good buddy of mine, who married an Argentina and has been working on getting her permanent residency in the States, he feels like he need to spend at least 6 months in the US during the first two years of residency, until permanent residency is granted. It seems the question is...
  8. Chesse

    For Sale CasaBar is for Sale

    Yeah. By many accounts he's a bit unstable. Had a partner at one time, don't know if that went away or if he just went silent, or what.
  9. Chesse

    Legal My Divorce From Argentina

    According to the embassy, in a conversation I had with an official there via email, the biggest reason was what I mentioned related to her being an immigrant here. He literally told me that she was considered a high-risk person because she immigrated to Argentina from a poor country. There was...
  10. Chesse

    Legal My Divorce From Argentina

    I don't mean to jump on you at all, but if you get most of your information regarding what you mention related to poor MERCOSUR citizens residing here from your girlfriend - a word of caution. Many Argentinos are quite prejudiced against poor people from other MERCOSUR countries. Take what she...
  11. Chesse

    Newcomer Who's considering it after thinking they would never...?

    Diego, I liked your post. Particularly where you said "I personally don't think I could move across the world to be with someone who wouldn't be willing, one day, to maybe to the same." Allcraz, I was thinking almost exactly the same thing when I read your original post, I just didn't know if I...
  12. Chesse

    Banking What is the usual bank fees in BA

    We have an account at Santander Rio. The fees for a Caja de Ahorro last year were 30 pesos a month (probably have gone up by now! but I don't know.) and I don't remember there needed to be a minimum balance kept in the account as long as you kept paying the fees. For us as residents, it was all...
  13. Chesse

    Newcomer Buenos Aires in or out

    Me too. Might have been more earlier 2010 when I started really wondering, but I think that was because 2009 was a really bad year for me anyway and I wasn't concentrating too much on what was going on in Argentina specifically. Too busy trying to save my business for reasons that had nothing to...
  14. Chesse

    Apartment Rental The End of Closed Neighborhoods?

    I thought I saw posted somewhere else about the new law being considered, related to forcing closed neighborhoods ("countries" and barrio cerrados) to remove their physical barriers, but couldn't find it again, so I repeated part of another post from another thread here to see if anyone finds...
  15. Chesse

    Banking How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    Yeah, tobi, sorry, I forgot to mention what earlyretirement mentioned below. That's the one drawback to the good way of doing it. I know I made it sound simple, but I've written about this so many times I reckon I left that off by accident. The guy I work with will accept my recommendation. The...
  16. Chesse

    Banking How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

    First - Welcome to Argentina. Intended both ironically and honestly as well. You have a good grasp on the few options available and the problems with each option. Hence the ironic part of the welcome. Life can be a bit frustrating here at times, particularly when you are first here, and...
  17. Chesse

    Legal International Child Custody

    I'd be willing to bet that if the father was a foreigner who never visited or supported the child, it could happen. At the very least maybe the courts would give permission to travel without removing the father's legal right as father apart from travel. I'm not a lawyer for sure, I just know...
  18. Chesse

    Legal International Child Custody

    I'm not sure why it doesn't. Perhaps I wasn't detailed enough. In the case I mentioned, both parents are not residents or citizens of Argentina. In the case you mention, one is a resident (citizenship status) and the other is not a legal resident or citizen. It doesn't matter if one parent is...
  19. Chesse

    Legal International Child Custody

    It doesn't matter, if the child is a permanent resident or a citizen. My sister-in-law's parents aren't even here as perma-tourists (they live in Paraguay) and we have to jump through hoops every time she wants to go home to see the family just because she's now a permanent resident here. The...
  20. Chesse

    Legal Crime sensation and real crime! opinion

    When talking to many people, what becomes obvious to most of us is that crime is rampant and that almost no one bothers to report most crimes. Out of twelve crimes that were perpetuated on my direct family (I'm not even talking about friends and acquaintances) the only one that was ever...