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  1. E

    Newcomer My wife (Argentinian) claims you can live "well" on $1500 a month in Argentina. True?

    This is a great point. It is night and day with being single and having a spouse with kids to think about. Most of my friends are on the opposite side of your thinking @FuturoBA. They are having them later in life as they can't afford them until later when they are more established.
  2. E

    Newcomer My wife (Argentinian) claims you can live "well" on $1500 a month in Argentina. True?

    I think when comparing safety in US vs. Argentina, one has to consider more specific locations and lifestyles. Safety varies from city to city and barrio to barrio. Some walk the streets late at night, others stay cocooned in a car in the suburbs, using a remote control to enter the garage.
  3. E

    Newcomer Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    Fair point er..I was working and can honesly say the 8 years flew by in the blink of an eye, problems and all...sitting at home counting the hours till hubbie comes back is a different story and one Im glad I didnt have to face as with work comes a social life, friends etc which are generally...
  4. E

    Newcomer Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    I love reading the many posts of interesting posters like earlyretirement.honestly it's a hoot and all of this thread is full of useful info for long term expats but standing aside and asking myself objectively does any of it really matter for a 2 yr posting? It seems like OPs work will take...
  5. E

    Taxes "There are few profitable investments left in Argentina...." - New York Times

    Look, if you are using a mortgage, buying in the USA is not ultra simple. Lot of hoops to jump through, especially in today's tighter lending environment. If you are buying all cash, then it gets easier. Still, not like there aren't plenty of other places in the world, many with better...
  6. E

    Legal Have Passport, Will Travel

    No, that's not a practice even seen in Venezuela; that's more aligned with Cuba. I don't lend any credibility to this rumor. What advantages would the national government gain from such an action? I can only see potential drawbacks.
  7. E

    Legal Have Passport, Will Travel

    Your DNI is not a travel document.
  8. E

    Real Estate Sales Looking for a Real Estate Agent

    true, I just sold on a DNI even though I bought on a passport and had no problems. But the value of my apt was under the limit for needing a COTI, which, I believe, is the key in that equation.
  9. E

    Real Estate Sales Looking for a Real Estate Agent

    yes, you would need to show the withdrawls from your account abroad, and if you are a resident you would need to have declared that account and paid taxes on it another option is to do a trade with someone. I recently did the same thing to get money out of the country - I think there are quite...