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  1. Jeep

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    Agree about staying the heck out of anything Ukraine related. Let them fight their own war. Argentina has nothing to offer. I feel sorry for the males in the Ukraine. Saw this and made me sick.
  2. Jeep

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    I'm not sure what the relationship was but sure beats Alberto's staff. Or could have been his Sexual Tantric student.:unsure:
  3. Jeep

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    Maybe not so much in the face but a lot of boob jobs here.
  4. Jeep

    Tourism in Argentina

    According to this tourism has fallen off a cliff. Worst results of the last 20 years. So @BikeEnthusiast it sounds like you are correct about tourism falling...
  5. Jeep

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    Here is Milei speaking about Ukaine now.
  6. Jeep

    Meloni greets Milei @ G7 (❤️)

    Meloni is a bad ass. I just read her Wiki page. Wow had no idea she was so accomplished. The other day I was watching X and I saw she was meeting a group of old Italian men. I guess one of the men called her a bitch once. So she goes up to shake his hand and she says, "hi, I'm that bitch".
  7. Jeep

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    With the SUPPORT of these women Milei is unstoppable. :ROFLMAO:
  8. Jeep

    Politics Riots in Congress During the Debate on the Bases Law: They Are Not Protesters, They Are Savages

    They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It's a no win situation in Argentina with 50% of the population against Milei you have too much blowback if people get hurt. This is actually not too bad. It's been much worse before. The positive is that these events are contained and you'd...
  9. Jeep

    Newcomer Moving to BA and Essential Apps to use

    Great neighborhood. You'll love it.
  10. Jeep

    The World’s Widest Avenue Has 16 Lanes – And Takes An Eternity To Cross (Avenida 9 de Julio)

    I'm also a Libertador fan especially in Spring.
  11. Jeep

    Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

    I agree with you @FuturoBA. I think it's kind of a moot point about her being a former escort. People cheat all the time. I'm not clear if that is what happened. Would love more details @fool in love. Did the P.I. have proof that she was seeing him? What was her side of the story? At least you...
  12. Jeep

    Real life Spiderman climbing up building in downtown Buenos Aires

    That is crazy. I never understood people that will risk their life for something like this. Not only their life but when people have to attempt to rescue them it puts their lives in jeopardy too. I hope he gets serious jail time. It is the only thing that will make people not copy him. I don't...
  13. Jeep

    How do you buy credit or "saldo" for a pre paid cell phone ?

    Glad you got it figured out. You might think it was only $1.80 USD but if they are doing this many times a day it adds up. But I don't think locals would ever fall for this. Probably only doing it with gringos that can't speak Spanish well and obviously tourists. Shouldn't be difficult to...
  14. Jeep

    Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!

    Bingo! Great points and it is all about the future. Many of the things Milei is doing aren't just a quick fix for today but trying to forever change Argentina. I was a bit skeptical first but can see he is trying to fix Argentina. People can say a lot of things about him but I don't think people...
  15. Jeep

    Newcomer This hate crime in 2024 has left me in shock

    Exactly. ˙Hate crimes against gays and lesbians has been going on in Argentina for a long time. Buenos Aires is known for being tolerant but that is really limited to a handful of the touristy neighborhoods like Recoleta, San Telmo, Palermo, etc. Sure BA has gotten some good PR and in...
  16. Jeep

    Newcomer Mosquito invasion in BA

    Mosquitos have been terrible this year!
  17. Jeep

    Ordering stuff from abroad

    Whenever I try to order something on Amazon I get this error when trying to ship to Buenos Aires. What are people ordering on Amazon that works?
  18. Jeep

    ATM - highest withdraw limit

    Any of you expats having any issues withdrawing pesos out of ATM machines? Even though the limits have been low on foreign cards I have been able to withdraw from my local bank account. I bank with Banco Ciudad. I have been with them a few years. They sent me a letter in December telling me...