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Politics Riots in Congress During the Debate on the Bases Law: They Are Not Protesters, They Are Savages

I can't believe how this protest got out of control. The level of vandalism is incredible. They have burned the city's Ecobikes and police cars. I am outraged; they are only creating obstacles and delaying the approval of the law.

People have to see these people and their political party for what they are. Desperate and pathetic.
But the crowds really aren't bad at all. Betsy just posted this:

The Kirchneristas are desperate! But look at this Kirchnerist National Senator Juliana Di Tulio said that setting media cars on fire is a RIGHT. These people are sick!

This woman is crazy. The violent ones who caused all this destruction are the ones outside the Congress creating chaos. This is not a protest; protests are peaceful.
This woman is crazy. The violent ones who caused all this destruction are the ones outside the Congress creating chaos. This is not a protest; protests are peaceful.
These people belong in jail!!!

Take a look at what these leftist nuts are doing. I saw on the news they are removing bolts from the train tracks which is a severe safety issue. If people get hurt they need to be charged with murder.GP5aoXlXAAAqpKI.jpeg

I will repeat what I wrote in another thread: Bullrich is not doing what needs to be done. As simple as that. Next time she says "el que las hace las paga" someone has to ask her when they are going to start paying for the damages and disturbances and also, why wait until they get to do any damage? Stop the mobs BEFORE they get to do damage.

People have the right to peacefully protest but this is not it. Nothing peaceful about what happened today.
I agree. I thought she was going to be tougher on these thugs! In what world are protestors allowed to burn cars and destroy property. These people should all get arrested and be put in jail. They can't allow it to get to this point. These thugs must be stopped.
And most of them don’t even live in CABA, they just come here to wreak havoc. They’ve been doing that for decades, it’s the Peronist/K’s MO,

AND many of those thugs are not even Argentine. It makes my blood boil.

This country does not deserve this crap. When, for crying out loud, will somebody put a stop to this for good?
CFK and her thugs have been paying other thugs for years to do this. The more I thought things would change the more I see things are the same. :mad::mad:
And most of them don’t even live in CABA, they just come here to wreak havoc. They’ve been doing that for decades, it’s the Peronist/K’s MO,

AND many of those thugs are not even Argentine. It makes my blood boil.

This country does not deserve this crap. When, for crying out loud, will somebody put a stop to this for good?
Exactly. They bus in these people from other areas outside of CABA. When will this country finally be done with these people? Just goes to show you that Peronistas know no other way. This is their MO for years.
How can people support this? This should be a clear sign that
And most of them don’t even live in CABA, they just come here to wreak havoc. They’ve been doing that for decades, it’s the Peronist/K’s MO,

AND many of those thugs are not even Argentine. It makes my blood boil.

This country does not deserve this crap. When, for crying out loud, will somebody put a stop to this for good?
But I'm confused? Won't people in CABA see this and just reinforce the point that Milei was the right choice? For those of us that don't know Argentina well it is confusing what point these rioters are trying to make? Do they really expect to get some sympathy or what exactly are they trying to prove? I see this and think to myself if I voted for Milei and saw the news I'd just think to myself I made the right decision voting for him. If I didn't vote for him, I'd re-think my position.

And most of them don’t even live in CABA, they just come here to wreak havoc. They’ve been doing that for decades, it’s the Peronist/K’s MO,

AND many of those thugs are not even Argentine. It makes my blood boil.

This country does not deserve this crap. When, for crying out loud, will somebody put a stop to this for good?
@Sunny where are these people from? Are these residents living in Argentina from other countries? Which ones? Every Venezuelan that I met was surprisingly pro Milei. I'm curious where these people are brought in from?
How can people support this? This should be a clear sign that

But I'm confused? Won't people in CABA see this and just reinforce the point that Milei was the right choice? For those of us that don't know Argentina well it is confusing what point these rioters are trying to make? Do they really expect to get some sympathy or what exactly are they trying to prove? I see this and think to myself if I voted for Milei and saw the news I'd just think to myself I made the right decision voting for him. If I didn't vote for him, I'd re-think my position.

Selective videos. Many people are against Milei as well. Look at this restaurant with police trying to use bathrooms.

But why don't the police shoot them with rubber bullets or stop them? How are they allowed to do this? Isn't there some plan when these types of things happen?
They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It's a no win situation in Argentina with 50% of the population against Milei you have too much blowback if people get hurt. This is actually not too bad. It's been much worse before. The positive is that these events are contained and you'd never know they were going on unless you saw it on the news. People avoid this area except if they want to be protesting and a part of this. No one else wants to be there and avoid it.
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They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It's a no win situation in Argentina with 50% of the population against Milei you have too much blowback if people get hurt. This is actually not too bad. It's been much worse before. The positive is that these events are contained and you'd never know they were going on unless you saw it on the news. People avoid this area except if they want to be protesting and a part of this. No one else wants to be there and avoid it.
I can confirm this. If you didn't watch the news you would have no idea any of this was going on. Life as usual here in Palermo.
I'm thinking that maybe they didn't want to go all the way, that's the only thing that would make sense. Maybe they knew that the Ley Bases would be approved and the government wanted to let the thugs shine in all their savagery to show that they accomplished nothing after all?

I hope that Bullrich does have a way to make them pay for all the things they destroyed.
Yes I think most things are well thought out. These people came off really horrible. There is no justification for what they did and how they acted. Most reasonable people should see this and be ashamed.