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Politics Riots in Congress During the Debate on the Bases Law: They Are Not Protesters, They Are Savages

OMG! What we are witnessing these days is truly frightening.
I agree. So much of the world is chaotic these days. The US is no exception. Scary to think people these days are not scared of the police. That police officer probably saved those kids lives. If he rushed them being so outnumbered he probably would have had to shoot them. I always tell my family that people here are more civilized than in the States. Many cities have everything locked up because people steal at the store in the US.

I often worry how things will be the day after the elections in November. It will be chaotic.
That's a big problem with porteros, I'm learning...
Yes @Sunny not just Porteros but in general. But Porteros have a very strong union. Most when you fire them you have to pay quite a big sum of money. Some buildings don't have the money to pay them. Buildings are supposed to have those funds in reserve but many administrations are just horribly corrupt and unorganized.
The organizations that Adorni mentioned, MST (Social Workers Movement), PTS (Worker's Socialist Party), Barrios de Pie and Movimiento Evita
will be forced to pay (they are not poor). I hope that the government will let the people know when that happens.
Thank you Sunny. Argentina is such an interesting country and how all of these things work. I hope they are charged for this. It seems like if they don't have any penalty then people will do it again. They need to set a precedent.