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  1. N

    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    This athlete didn't go viral for his skill but because his anatomy caused him to lose the competition by knocking the bar with his groin during the Olympic event.😂 However, things haven't turned out so badly for him. A porn site offered the pole vaulter $250,000 to film a one-hour video.
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    Newcomer How late do buses and the subway run? When do they start in the morning?

    Here are the schedules for all subway lines. The buses operate 24/7.
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    Newcomer More Provinces Charge Foreigners for Public Hospital Care

    The Ministry of Health is considering charging foreigners for care at public hospitals in Buenos Aires. https://www.infobae.com/salud/2024/08/07/el-ministerio-de-salud-evalua-cobrar-la-atencion-a-extranjeros-en-hospitales-publicos/
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    Newcomer How to Obtain a Driver’s License in Argentina with a Japanese Permit

    I recently obtained my driver’s license here in Argentina. Although I have a US license, I was informed that Argentina doesn't have agreements with many countries to transfer licenses. I had to secure residency to get my DNI. I then had to sign up for a class, pass a written test, and complete a...
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    Newcomer "Yerba Mate" Argentina

    It’s very popular and, in fact, it’s sold in many countries. https://www.cbse.com.ar/?page_id=19
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    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    It's terrible that they didn't consider the inequality of conditions. In fact, there is already a precedent, she was disqualified from the 2023 Women's Boxing World Championship for failing the eligibility tests (excess testosterone). I think the authorities should intervene.
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    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    As the porteños say, "what can you expect from a mule but a kick"... Pablo Moyano supporting Maduro's government. The CGT tried to distance itself from him and issued a statement calling for the publication of the election tally reports...
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    Under President Milei, the worst economic crisis in decades puts Argentine ingenuity to the test - OnlyFans

    I’ve never used OnlyFans before, but now I’m curious. I’d like to know which country is the top content creator on the platform.:unsure:
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    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    Several trains between Paris and London, as well as Paris and Brussels, have been canceled. Repairs are expected to take more than a week. It’s really a mess. https://www.infobae.com/espana/2024/07/26/ataque-masivo-en-paris-a-la-red-ferroviaria-el-mismo-dia-en-el-comienzan-los-juegos-olimpicos/
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    Under President Milei, the worst economic crisis in decades puts Argentine ingenuity to the test - OnlyFans

    In Argentina, there are many "OnlyFans Academies" :D I found out about it from a friend here. Being on that platform has become very popular, especially during this crisis. The girls are finding creative ways to earn some dollars.
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    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    We've seen on social media the complaints from competitors about the cardboard beds. Some athletes, like the Australian BMX team and a few Argentine footballers, have been victims of theft. The Australians had it the worst, with their bags containing competition gear stolen. Adding to the...
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    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    Unbelievable and disgraceful what happened with the Argentine football team at the Olympics. Two hours after the match ended, they annulled Argentina's last goal, which had secured the tie against Morocco. Unbelievable! Something never seen before...
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    Politics Garbage Accumulation in Buenos Aires

    The conflict seems more about economic interests than really defending the workers. Even though the government had managed to keep trash collection at a high level, the strike caused a huge drop in service. Things got worse when new companies were announced for the job and the bidding was...
  14. N

    Milei wants the retirement age of Argentines to be raised

    I think if strict regulations are put in place and there's greater transparency in fees and investment management, many of the issues from the previous system could be avoided. Plus, with today’s technology and better financial practices, a new private system could offer more flexibility and...
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    Newcomer Bolivia denied medical treatment to a 4-year-old Argentine girl with 80% of her body burned

    It's unbelievable that Bolivia denied medical treatment to a 4-year-old Argentine girl with 80% of her body burned. This should be reciprocal. Bolivians receive free medical care in Argentina without any problems or restrictions. Why did this happen? The girl could have died because of this...
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    Politics Roadblocks in the Fight Against Human Trafficking: The Rejection of a Crucial Article

    With the popularity of this case and everything that has come to light, they are now targeting this highly popular lawyer in Argentina "Burlando" and linking him to pedophilia... we no longer know how much of this is actually true.
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    Newcomer Global Outage Affects Microsoft Systems

    It's incredible how much impact this problem has had worldwide... It's crazy that we can no longer fully trust technology.
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    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    The tricks of the Kirchnerists keep coming to light.
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    Economy The Blue Dollar Guru Declared the Death of the Dollar - What to Invest in Now?

    Everything is unstable; no one has the absolute truth because, as we've seen, the economy in this country is a box of surprises. With bank fixed-term deposits, you can no longer rely on low-interest rates. Investing depends on how much you want to earn or how much you're willing to lose if you...
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    Politics Roadblocks in the Fight Against Human Trafficking: The Rejection of a Crucial Article

    And now they found the lawyer of the child's mother dead; everything is very murky in this case... politics involved, threats, lies, and the child still missing.