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  1. L

    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    Finally, the federal government and the City of Buenos Aires have reached an agreement, and the subsidy cuts won’t affect passengers. This is great news for those who commute every day. So, for now, there won’t be any increase in transportation fares...
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    More and more locals are fighting back against crime

    Self-defense cases are on the rise; every day we see a new incident. If there's one thing that needs strengthening in this country, it's security...
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    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    No, Argentina doesn't have the death penalty. It was abolished for ordinary crimes in 1984 and is banned by the Constitution. Plus, the country follows international treaties that oppose capital punishment.
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    Education Bilingual City: New English Learning Program in BA

    I still see this as a positive step since many people can't afford paid apps, courses, or private institutes. Providing a free option helps make learning English accessible to everyone. Besides, they didn't even give it a day before saying it's a bad idea, haha. We'll see how it turns out!
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    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Finally, after 6 days on the run, the pedophile congressman was found in Corrientes. Maximum punishment for him... https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/policiales/2024/08/29/detuvieron-en-corrientes-a-german-kiczka-el-diputado-de-misiones-acusado-de-pedofilia/
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    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    In theory, we should see a drop in prices in September due to the reduction of the PAIS tax. We'll see if this boosts consumption.🙏 https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/08/28/caputo-yo-creo-que-vamos-a-ver-una-baja-de-precios-en-septiembre-por-la-reduccion-del-impuesto-pais/
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    Education Bilingual City: New English Learning Program in BA

    What a great initiative! Jorge Macri announced "Bilingual City," a new program to promote English learning. https://www.ambito.com/politica/ciudad-bilingue-el-gobierno-porteno-lanzo-una-app-gratuita-aprender-ingles-n6053557
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    Education Private Universities in Buenos Aires Offering Business or Marketing Degrees in English?

    The official language of education in Argentina is Spanish. While some courses might be offered in English or other foreign languages, there isn’t a full curriculum available in English.
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    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    At least he admits that there was verbal abuse. Being there for so long, he can't claim to be unaware of the situation, even if he is a friend of the former president. He also confirmed there were rumors about a relationship between Alberto and Sofía Pacchi, Fabiola's image consultant at the...
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    Newcomer Men, Be Careful!

    Honestly, I’m not surprised at all that people are using dating apps less. At first, they seemed like a fun and easy way to meet people, but now it feels like everyone’s just burnt out. It’s not just about swiping anymore; people are emotionally drained from all the meaningless conversations and...
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    More and more locals are fighting back against crime

    It's something normal here, too much violence. This lady just wanted to travel with her dog, but it seems that annoyed another passenger who was yelling at her to get off the bus.
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    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    More evidence incriminating Alberto is piling up, and he's in deeper trouble every day. Not even the best lawyer will be able to get him out of this conviction...
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    Newcomer Men, Be Careful!

    The U.S. Embassy in Argentina is warning men to be careful when meeting women on dating apps. There's been an increase in robberies where victims are targeted through these apps and drugged with spiked drinks. This is known as a "black widow" attack here in Argentina. The method usually involves...
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    Economy AFIP increased the amount from which banks and virtual wallets must report the movements of their clients

    Starting in September, AFIP will investigate transfers over $400,000, whether sent or received to another account. https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/08/22/afip-pone-la-lupa-sobre-billeteras-digitales-investigara-las-transferencias-que-superen-este-monto-en-septiembre/
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    Argentine Senators give themselves yet another raise

    They did it again...🤦‍♂️ https://noticias.perfil.com/noticias/politica/quienes-son-los-senadores-que-votaron-su-aumento-de-sueldo.phtml
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    Newcomer Buying Quality Running Shoes in Buenos Aires or Canada?

    My go-to brand for quality and durability is always Nike. I recently shopped at this site, and they have discounts right now with a variety of brands to choose from. https://www.digitalsport.com.ar/descuentos-mercadopago/prods/?category[1]=1
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    Newcomer Another Strike at Aeroparque

    Strike, delays, and cancellations affecting over 6,500 at Aeroparque who can't travel...how frustrating. Hopefully, they reach an agreement with the government soon...
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    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    The party's over: real oversight is finally happening. Manuel Adorni mentioned that after years of chaos under Kirchnerism, the Ministry of Health finally stepped up and fined health insurance providers for their irregularities. The Superintendence of Health Services adjusted the fines for...
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    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    What a way to make it to the New York Times... my god! I just hope justice isn't slow and this guy ends up behind bars. https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/08/16/la-denuncia-contra-alberto-fernandez-por-golpear-a-fabiola-yanez-llego-al-new-york-times/
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    Newcomer Why are imported products so expensive here?

    The era of affordable prices in Argentina seems to be over. Even though I appreciate Milei and his government, if they move forward with dollarization, we might see prices rise initially before they eventually drop.