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    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    Milei received the gold medalist in BMX at the Casa Rosada.
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    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    Apparently, there is evidence supporting this claim. During the investigation into the insurance case, chats between the ex-wife and Alberto Fernández's secretary were found, which allegedly show the violence committed by the former president...
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    Newcomer "Yerba Mate" Argentina

    Mate isn’t just a drink; it’s a health boost! I’ve been drinking it for a while now, and I’ve noticed it really helps with my energy levels. Instead of crashing like I do with coffee, mate gives me a steady boost that lasts a good part of the day. Plus, it’s full of antioxidants, which I’ve...
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    Argentina ranked as the #1 most miserable country in the world.

    You're right; even though inflation is supposedly going down, it still significantly impacts people's wallets. Many people I know are adjusting their purchases by taking advantage of wholesale offers, switching to cheaper brands, or adapting their meals to more economical options. It's a tough...