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  1. Cheap Bastard

    Controlling a tablet in USA from Argentina?

    I have heard about some people living in Argentina for long periods of time without accessing from the USA and asked to verify their USA address. I'm not sure if using the VPN was the issue but sounds like some are cracking down on this. I haven't had any issues at all using VPN. I am using...
  2. Cheap Bastard

    Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

    This is strange behavior. I went back and read some of your posts @TonyTigre and all your posts are well written and respectful. Seems strange to antagonize members but it doesn't sound like this behavior is changing. Judging from posts this has been going on for years.
  3. Cheap Bastard

    What is the best Steak to order in Argentine restaurant?

    Try getting Asado del Centro. That is the absolute best to me.
  4. Cheap Bastard

    What place has the best medialunas in Buenos Aires?

    Easily the best bakery in BA. Although I am not happy if word gets out and it is even tougher to get my bread here.
  5. Cheap Bastard

    Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

    Not sure the last time you were here but over the last few months it has been extreme. I just left BA and in the US now visiting my kids and here in Florida it feels like prices are the same at the grocery store vs. BA. Many things are actually less expensive than BA. I haven't been here in a...
  6. Cheap Bastard

    Newcomer The medical emergency services in BA are overwhelmed

    My neighbor reported the same long lines. I think she went to a public hospital. She came down with dengue. Seems like reported infections is really creeping up.
  7. Cheap Bastard

    Has anyone replaced a lost or stolen passport at the USA Embassy in Buenos Aires?

    Thank you to everyone that took time to respond. I went to the US Embassy and applied for replacement. All very painless. Thank you.
  8. Cheap Bastard

    Has anyone replaced a lost or stolen passport at the USA Embassy in Buenos Aires?

    So I am a fool. I never walk around with my passport unless I am going to Western Union where they require it. I was walking around today and I had it in my front pocket and when I got to the WU I couldn't find it. I must have dropped it or someone stole it from my pocket somehow. I dont'...
  9. Cheap Bastard

    Comical reading BAexpats.org Threads!

    Agreed!! I read an actual post the other day where one of the forum members actually thought the old US $100 bills were more desirable than the newer big-head bills. I read that and laughed so hard! Talk about stupid gringos! Ha! https://baexpats.org/threads/big-head-bills.46780/
  10. Cheap Bastard

    Newcomer Inquiries regarding the general strike scheduled for January 24th

    Normally I would say the truth is usually somewhere in the middle but that's a big difference!!!
  11. Cheap Bastard

    Newcomer Tickets for the Independiente vs Racing match on February 25 or General Soccer Game Advice?

    I agree! It's good to see great info on soccer. I'm too cheap of a bastard to watch the popular teams. There are a lot of second-tier B and C league teams inside Buenos Aires that probably are just as fun to watch at a fraction of the prices. I'm too cheap of a bastard to watch those too! So...
  12. Cheap Bastard

    Newcomer Does anyone want to define the true meaning of Peronism?

    “What is Peronism?” Speech of 20 August 1948 by Peron: In Congress a few days ago, some of our legislators have asked what Perónism is. Perónism is humanism in action; Perónism is a new political doctrine, which rejects all the ills of the politics of previous times; in the social sphere it is...
  13. Cheap Bastard

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    I really like Mexico but I agree that it's gotten more expensive. But you can still live there on a budget if you avoid upscale neighborhoods. I've been to Chapala but it's a bit boring for me. Too many ugly Canadians and Americans that don't speak any Spanish even after living there for...
  14. Cheap Bastard

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    I'm getting really concerned about the rising prices. I just signed the escritura on my new apartment 10 days ago and had to grab some appliances this week. It's a bit nerve-wracking. I ended up getting the absolute minimum in used stuff for now. The thing is, with this new Milei thingy with...
  15. Cheap Bastard

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    Hey, can someone break down this Blanqueos y Cambios en Bienes Personales thing for me? It's part of the Omnibus law, and it sounds like they're asking all Argentina residents to spill the beans on every asset—local, foreign, cash, crypto, the whole shebang—and tax you on anything over 100k...
  16. Cheap Bastard

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    I first came to BA in mid 2017 when the peso was like, stable for a while at 15 pesos to $1 US dollars I'll never forget grabbing a cerveza at this cool spot in Palermo Soho – it was just $100 pesos, which was like $6.60 in US dollars. I also picked up a tin of tuna and a block of cheese for...
  17. Cheap Bastard

    Politics Protests erupt in Argentina against President Javier Milei’s economic shock decree - Argentina Reports

    I check out Perfil, iProfesional, and a bunch more, but I totally ignore the junk Victor Santa María and Cristóbal López spew. Not a fan, and I don't think much of people who fall for it. There's this one person on here who's all about that super biased stuff, and turns out, he's been living in...
  18. Cheap Bastard

    Politics Protests erupt in Argentina against President Javier Milei’s economic shock decree - Argentina Reports

    I did a quick 2-minute search, and here's what I found. If you're into it, these should kick things off. Just a heads-up on a couple of things:This law is like only three years old. If it was really about saving the environment, it took them forever to make it happen.They dropped this law smack...
  19. Cheap Bastard

    Politics Protests erupt in Argentina against President Javier Milei’s economic shock decree - Argentina Reports

    Dude, it's totally clear from what you just said that you haven't checked up on the topic. I'm not gonna bother replying here anymore. Later!