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  1. No Pesos

    The Best & Worst Countries for Living Abroad (Expat survey)

    Quality of life is ok if you have USD. City is still safe but it's too expensive relative to local wages.
  2. No Pesos

    Real Estate Sales Another micro-neighborhood of Buenos Aires' Palermo - Palermo Freud

    @Johnny what do you mean you get $500 USD per month until the building is done? You bought new construction and they pay you USD? How? I never heard of this before. Can you explain what you mean?
  3. No Pesos

    Who is responsible for the monthly (expensas) on a rental? Landlord or Tenant?

    Don't go by only website. Sometimes it says they will and then when you actually try you get shut down. Never assume in Argentina. Almost nothing works here. All I know that tried that had no income in Argentina couldn't get the insurance.
  4. No Pesos

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    I have to admit. You were right Larry. Everything is double of what it was than a few months ago.Argentina always has had inflation but not that fast.
  5. No Pesos

    Real Estate Sales Another micro-neighborhood of Buenos Aires' Palermo - Palermo Freud

    I actually don't think prices are affordable for apartments here. Maybe compared to the US or some places in Europe. I'm not sure how locals can afford a place here with no mortgages.
  6. No Pesos

    New banking restrictions for expats living in Buenos Aires? Did anyone else get an email from their bank? (UIF Resolution 14/2023)

    I also got the email today from Santander Rio. I got worried at first but after reading this post it seems like they are sending it to everyone. I don't use my account too much at all. Are all of you following up or filling out paperwork? I would rather avoid that. Is any action needed on...
  7. No Pesos

    Economy IMF to Visit Argentina (January 4, 2024) Amid Expectation of New Agreement - Bloomberg News

    Milei gets $4.7 Billion dispursement from IMF. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/milei-wins-imf-approval-4-201945837.html
  8. No Pesos

    Banking Help! My bank account in Argentina suddenly stopped working for online billpay or transfers to locals.

    FYI I was able to open up a bank account with just my CDI number at Banco Ciudad this week. It was a relief as my other account was closed. https://www.bancociudad.com.ar
  9. No Pesos

    Worst things about Buenos Aires besides dog poop?

    Lots of noise pollution. It's a very loud city.
  10. No Pesos

    Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

    I love it! I just read your Twitter and Bianca Drugged Me! I just signed up on your website. Is there any way I can pay you ahead of time for the book and get the Chapters as you write them? I would do that. It's very good your life.
  11. No Pesos

    Do you know what MUNDO LINGO is?

    This is amazing to know about. Thanks! Where are the people you met from? What countries?
  12. No Pesos

    Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

    I would very much appreciate if you would share this Chapter with us. This website is the best cheap/free entertainment I have seen on Argentina in my life! I love it. I am addicted to it. I always come to see new stuff!
  13. No Pesos

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    During the last elections, I kinda felt like maybe Macri should keep going, even though he hadn't exactly aced the job (the full extent of his not-so-great job only hit us later), because Argentina needed some stability back then. Then Alberto Fernández got elected, had to handle the pandemic...
  14. No Pesos

    Economy Omnibus law: imported products may be entered for personal use without paying taxes - infobae

    I bring in many electronics all the time. I basically sell the iPhones here. Same with MacBooks. They get a high premium here. I have a guy that sells iPhones and I can make about $300 US dollars for each iPhone I bring in. Last time I brought in `12 iPhones and I had them all around my...
  15. No Pesos

    Banking Help! My bank account in Argentina suddenly stopped working for online billpay or transfers to locals.

    If anyone can please help me! I opened a bank account many years ago and I have been a perma-tourist in Argentina for many years. I opened a bank account a long time ago with Banco de la Nacion. I recently wasn't able to pay some bills for an apartment that I have here. I thought it was just...