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Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your wife @fool in love! I can't even imagine what you are going through. I have to agree with the others that say this won't work out. I am trying to imagine the reverse but I would have so many doubts. It sounds like your new friend hasn't been doing this long. But I have to wonder how you know for sure? A relationship is tough enough.

You mentioned you told your daughter you met. How did you say you met her??? And she is ok with her visiting you so soon after you met her? She doesn't think this is all happening too quickly? I would caution to just protect your heart.
@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
It's crazy as I came on this forum to find out about gyms for my upcoming vacation to Buenos Aires but now I am caught in the drama about escorts and strippers! I would also be curious to read this if you are willing to share.
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
I would very much appreciate if you would share this Chapter with us. This website is the best cheap/free entertainment I have seen on Argentina in my life! I love it. I am addicted to it. I always come to see new stuff!
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
I would VERY much appreciate to read this chapter of your book. It sounds like there may be some advice for me! I am dying to read it now. I'm very curious. I sent you a PM but it sounds like others want to read it too. I'm not sure if you can post it.
I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your wife @fool in love! I can't even imagine what you are going through. I have to agree with the others that say this won't work out. I am trying to imagine the reverse but I would have so many doubts. It sounds like your new friend hasn't been doing this long. But I have to wonder how you know for sure? A relationship is tough enough.

You mentioned you told your daughter you met. How did you say you met her??? And she is ok with her visiting you so soon after you met her? She doesn't think this is all happening too quickly? I would caution to just protect your heart.

It's crazy as I came on this forum to find out about gyms for my upcoming vacation to Buenos Aires but now I am caught in the drama about escorts and strippers! I would also be curious to read this if you are willing to share.
Thank you for your condolences. It was a very rough past few years. To be honest, I have already told myself I'm ok with what she had to do to survive. I can't control her past. It doesn't sound like that was fun work from what she described to me. She was disgusted with it. It was about survival. It's easy for people to judge but I doubt people have dealt with what some of the locals are facing right now.

I told my daughter I met her through an attorney friend in Buenos Aires. That was a white lie, I admit. My daughter is going to study to be an attorney as well. And I see my new friend as a strong role model for my daughter. An intelligent girl. I pray that my daughter will never have to face the challenges of my new girlfriend. I told my daughter that my new girlfriend is going to a legal seminar in town. Initially we planned on my friend to stay in a hotel near our house but I have a very large house and my daughter suggested that we invite my friend to stay in our house. That was her idea. It was a relief that it was my daughter's idea. I pretended to reluctantly agree to it.

My daughter is just happy to see me happy. My daughter joked with me before my trip to Buenos Aires she hoped I would meet someone on the trip. It couldn't have turned out any better!
WOW! Thanks everyone. I continue to be be amazed with the level of interest in my autobiography. I posted a few Chapters on Twitter and I have so much interest from it. I am already in talks with Netflix to buy the streaming rights to my autobiography but I have very little time to write as I'm working so much. I have already Trademarked the Book name "3 Years to Live" as well as the media Streaming for the same name. @fool in love, I sent you a DM. This girl doesn't have to be the love of your life. Maybe she will be like Bianca and just have fun like I did for whatever time it lasts. Or maybe she will be the love of your life. You don't have to figure it out now.

I posted a few chapters on Twitter already. Here is a Chapter as I mentioned called, "Bianca Drugged Me". My story is the true story of my incredible life. Thanks for reading and following the journey.

Here are a few other Chapters that I wrote of my Book:

"How I met Your Mother" (Story how I met my wife) -
"I'm an Asshole" - (Story of the First Girl that I fell in love with) -

Bianca Drugged Me

My best friend in life, Mitch LOVED strip clubs. He was a strip club guy by nature. He loved them. Mitch was in sales and he always had business clients flying in to Dallas to look at his product lines. He was busy during the day, but he had to entertain these clients at night. And most of these guys wanted to go to a high end strip club. Many of his clients were from small towns that were very boring with nothing to do. When these guys came into town, they asked Mitch to take them to Dallas’ finest strip clubs.

Dallas was known for its strong and vibrant economy so the city was full of high end strip clubs everywhere. Mitch’s company purchased a VIP membership for him at one of the highest end strip clubs in Dallas in the mid 1990’s, the Lodge. The VIP membership card allowed you to access a special room that was quiet, didn’t have as much smoke in it, had more space and was just a nice area with more privacy.

I’m not a strip club guy. I never was and I probably never will be. I never understood the principle of paying a girl to make you horny and then not even being able to touch her. I’m a value proposition guy and that always seemed like a bad value proposition to me. But I loved Mitch and hanging out with him. We had so many amazing times together.

I will explain how we met in another chapter as that is a story all in itself. Mitch’s VIP access many times allowed him to bring 2 guests, for lunch or dinner and it would be comped. They had a beautiful buffet spread of food and THAT was a tough value proposition to pass up. Free food. Who doesn’t love free food!? Let’s just say we went to those buffets quite a bit. Although it wasn’t close to my office, Me, Mitch and Matt, our other friend, would go have lunch in a strip club for the free buffet and then go back to our offices to work.

We were like the 3 Musketeers. We talked just about every day on the phone. Text messages back in the 1990’s weren’t as common vs. just calling. Matt was a lawyer in a big law firm trying to make partner so he worked a lot. Mitch and I had more flexibility and could kind of come and go when we wanted. So we spent a lot of time together. Mitch liked the model type. I liked the model type. So we instantly hit it off. We are both very easy going guys with a big heart and always wanting to help people.

Mitch was older than I was. I was still in my mid 20’s when I met Mitch. Mitch was about 10 years older than I was. Our ages didn’t matter. We still were dating girls around the same age. Mostly younger girls in their early to mid 20’s. We did a lot of double dates and had a lot of fun. We both had shiny Black BMW’s at the time.

Neither Mitch nor I wanted to settle down. We just wanted to be young, have fun and not have a care in the world. It was one of the funnest times of my life. Mitch was one of the nicest, kindest, gentlest people I’ve met in my life. I had a horrible childhood getting beat all the time so I didn’t have stability in my life. Mitch and Matt gave me the stability and friendship that I needed.
I considered Mitch like my brother. We were like two silly school boys talking on the phone all the time. We would literally come back from lunch together then go to our offices and call one another planning out where we would go for happy hour or dinner. That’s how connected we were. It was crazy that two hetrosexual guys would talk to one another on the phone so often.

One day, Mitch asked me if I wanted to go have the free buffett lunch at the Lodge Stripclub. He had to be there in order for me to get the free buffett. Who doesn’t love a free buffett? I said I’d meet him there in 22 minutes. His office was near the strip club but I was clear over near Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Luckily I could take the back road on Walnut Hill Lane and avoid most traffic. It always took me about 22 minutes when I’d meet him there.

We were eating our lunch when I saw this stripper that I hadn’t seen before. Keep in mind Mitch and I went there many, many times to eat the free buffet lunch. I never got any dances. I couldn’t justify spending $20 a dance for a girl to make me horny and then leave. And by that time I was making a lot of money. It wasn’t the money but the principle of wasting money and not getting anything for it. A very bad value proposition for me.

Naturally being in there all the time, we saw a lot of the old regular strippers. Mitch WAS a strip club person so he got dances from the girls all the time. Mitch had his type. A spinner with a perfect ass. I was very picky and I still am. 95% of the girls in a strip club I just never found attractive. I was not attracted to black girls. I was not attracted to Asian girls either. Or Indian girls. That still left blondes, brunettes and Latinas. I found them the most attractive.

I noticed this girl that looked totally out of place in a strip club. She was a Latina but she couldn’t really dance well at all. It was funny thinking back to it. Most Latin girls are great dancers. This girl looked scared and awkward up on stage with her Prada high heel shoes.

When I was a bachelor I was obsessed with all things Prada and mostly only wore Prada clothes and shoes. So I immediately noticed her shoes. 99% of guys probably would have NEVER noticed what shoes a girl is wearing when they are stripping off their clothes. I didn’t notice her chest. I noticed her shoes! I’m not sure what that says about me.

Mitch calls her over after we ate lunch. We asked her if she wanted something to drink and she just ordered a glass of champagne. I don’t drink alcohol much and I almost never drank alcohol in strip clubs. Mitch saw a girl that he knew so he went to go talk to her. I was left alone with Bianca to talk.

I immediately asked her what she was doing here. I joked that she was a really bad dancer. We both laughed. I told her that she didn’t belong in the strip club with her Prada shoes and her Tiffany diamond bracelet.
She told me it was her first day. Her father cut her off financially. It turns out she was from a very wealthy family. But her family cut her off. I asked her why they cut her off. She said that she got caught on her last visit to them with a bunch of marijuana. She recounted the tale how her family were adamant about no drugs in their house because her brother was high and he crashed his car into someone and injured someone. So they had a NO tolerance policy in their house for drugs.

Bianca was studying at SMU in Dallas but she dropped out as her family wouldn't pay for tuition after they found more pot in her room when she went to visit them. It seemed she got 3 or 4 warnings and then they finally put their foot down. This was their last attempt and felt “tough love” was the only solution.

In speaking to her and asking her a lot of questions, it seems her original goal was to finish her degree in Business and then go work for her father’s conglomerate of restaurant chains. I don’t want to name the city where she originally lives as I want to respect her privacy. Bianca is not her real name and I changed it for the story. Her family owned a large chain of restaurants and she was supposed to finish college and someday go run them all.

I had to go back to my office so I told Bianca it was nice meeting her and I told her, “we should go out to eat sometime”. Not one to miss up a great opportunity, Bianca picked up my phone and put her phone number in it. She said, “ how about tonight at 7 PM”. I was a little taken off guard. I never had a girl so forward like that in my life. I thought maybe our paths would cross again here in the strip club. But I never expected she would put her # in my cell phone and we would have a date that night.

I asked her where she wanted to eat. She said she was a foodie since her family owned more than 20+ restaurants in a variety of food types and styles. She turned the table on me and asked me if I wanted fancy or just good food even if it’s a hole in the wall. I told her good food trumps anything. She smiled and said ,”I think I’m going to like you”. She told me to text her and then she would send me her address to pick her up.

Mitch came back from a few lap dances. And I told him I had to go back to work. I told him that I’m going on a date with Bianca. He was floored that I’d get a date so soon. I laughed and told him I was as well.
Shortly before I was going to leave the office, I told Bianca I’d just come from my office. I asked her to text her address. I knew Dallas extremely well because I was offering flu shots on-site for most office buildings, so I knew just about every street in Dallas. She told me the address, and I thought it was a mistake at first. They had just built a luxury tower at that address. She told me to just park with the valet and ask for her apartment. I was a little puzzled but I followed her instructions.

I got to the luxury tower and I gave her name. Bianca Lopez. The valet driver attendant told me it’s on the Penthouse floor. I was a bit shocked. How rich was her father? I got to the penthouse floor and the view was incredible. You could see all of Dallas. Her place probably was worth as much as my 5 bedroom / 6 bathroom house I owned. It was almost breathtaking.

I told her she lived in a nicer place than I was living. My initial thought was, how was she going to make rent? She was NOT a good stripper/dancer. She told me she needed a few minutes. I asked her if I could use the restroom to wash my hands. I walked into her bedroom and saw her huge closets full of Prada, Gucci, Christian Louboutin and other designer shoes. She had outfits and shirts all color coded down the long line of the closet. It was clear to me this girl’s family had a lot of money.

I went to go and wash my hands and came out and she asked me to zip up the back of a shirt. I will never forget it. I could see the label and it said Anne Fortaine Paris. I didn’t know anything about that brand and still don’t but I remember thinking to myself, this isn’t your ordinary stripper! I know a funny thought to think but that was where I met her just 7 hours earlier. It was a bit surreal to me like much of my life always has been.

She put into my GPS an address and I was a bit nervous as it was in a VERY sketchy part of Dallas. I joked with her and asked if my tires would be there when we were done with dinner. She assured me they would or at least 3 of them. Ha. I loved her sense of humor. We arrived at this hole in the wall place. Everyone in there instantly knew her. She is greeting everyone in Spanish by their names as if they were her family. It was obvious to me she always came here.

She ordered for me. She asked what I liked and she ordered a mountain of food! It was the MOST delicious Mexican food I ever tasted. I had been to Mexico many times but mostly Cancun and this beat the food there. All the workers were all Mexican and all the customers were Mexicans too. I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb but no one cared. Everyone was happy and joyful and eating their delicious food. There was Ranchera music blasting in the background. It was the first time I ate an arrachera Mexican taco and it was delicious! The name of the restaurant was El Tapitio. I’m not sure if it’s still there or not.

I was so stuffed. Bianca was stuffed too. She said she had to go talk to the Manager about something. I thought maybe she was asking him for a job. She came back and we talked about life. I asked her what she wanted out of life and how she could NOT continue to be a stripper. She said that was just her temporary thing to earn a lot of money quickly. A means to an end or so she called it. I joked that her dancing was so bad, I don’t think she will make much money. We both laughed so much at dinner.

I told her to go home to her parents and plead one last time to forgive her. She asked me if I ever got high before. I told her I wasn’t into drugs. I grew up in the “Just say No to Drugs” era. My father always ingrained into my head that if I did drugs he would kill me. (He literally would tell me that on a weekly basis). During the Reagan Era you either believed you were going to die or go to jail if you did drugs. Or you would have to suffer and watch those, “this is your brain on drugs and watch the egg sizzling on the stove top.
To further complicate things, one of the things my healthcare company that I co-owned did was drug testing. So I explained I just wasn’t into drugs of any kind. I explained to her I was in a fraternity in college. A big party fraternity and I even lived in the frat for one year. I told her I didn’t care if other people did them. I wouldn’t hold it against them and I told her realistically a cigarette was more harmful than marijuana. But I just didn’t want to do it. I had made it all through college drug free and owning a healthcare company, I just didn’t think it was a good idea for me.

She just laughed and called me a “square”. I told her yes I am not scared of being a “square” and she could do her pot judgment free from me. Many of my college friends got high every single day. I was already high on life. I was dating a lot and having fun. I told her I don’t need drugs to make me feel really good.

I asked for the check but I was blown away when they told me it was on the house. I insisted on paying and said no. That’s when I found out from the manager that Bianca had already paid for the dinner! This girl was so sneaky. Bianca just laughed and said, the cheap date is on me but the next fancy one is on you. We both laughed so hard. It was all hilarious. She had already set up the next date. She was always thinking. I thought how intelligent this girl was but I warned myself that she was almost too sneaky as she just set two dates in the span of 24 hours.

I had to go take Bianca home and I was tired from a long day at work. I took her home and walked her to the front of the building and said I was leaving. She snapped at me, “You’re not going to walk a lady to her door?” I was really tired but I agreed to take her up. She told the valet to go park my car.

I got up to her penthouse apartment and the view was so majestic. You could see the Dallas skyline with all the lights. It was incredible. I loved amazing views like that when you can see the city skyline. We both were looking at the skyline and then we had our first kiss. It was almost magical looking at that skyline, with a beautiful girl that just set up the perfect evening. I thought to myself, just 11 hours ago I was sitting in a strip club watching this girl dance awkwardly and now I’m kissing her in her penthouse apartment. Life was good.

She asked me to go to her fridge and open a bottle of wine. She called it by Brand and year but I honestly don’t remember that detail as it was long ago. I don’t drink alcohol but I did have 2 glasses with her that night. We were kissing and holding one another until we finished the bottle of wine. And then we ended up in her bedroom where we made love. It was so intense and passionate. It was beyond how I expected my day to end. It was wild and crazy. I didn’t even have a condom with me. I never expected to be in this situation. Bianca either, or maybe she did! Bianca told me she was on birth control pills so as crazy as it seems, we were having unprotected sex on our first date with a stranger . Looking back, those were the 1990’s.

Bianca and I really hit it off. She was intellectually really smart. She was well spoken, well traveled, refined, and sophisticated. She knew good wines, she knew bad wines. Since her family has been in the restaurant business her whole life, she knew food very well. She might have been the one that made me a foodie. She always would teach me about good food.

It was a bit of an awkward situation because I didn’t want a serious girlfriend but I started to have feelings for Bianca. At the same time, there was NO way I was going to finance her lifestyle. I wasn’t some stupid sugar daddy. I myself was only in my mid 20’s at the time! Yes, I was making a lot of money but I wanted to put that into investments and savings. So I made clear with Bianca that she needed to have a short-term, mid-term and long-term plan to get out of stripping. Not for ME. But for HER.

I am not the jealous type. I never was and I’m not now. Why? Because I always reasoned to myself that no girl will find a better catch than I am. I’m an honest guy, a hard worker that treats people like I want to be treated. Maybe I was too arrogant of an opinion of myself, but that’s the way I’ve always looked at myself. If a girl wants to cheat and lose me, I’m better off without her. I had that attitude then and I have it now.

We dated for weeks which turned into months. She was still stripping and I knew in my heart I could never have a serious relationship with her if she didn’t stop stripping. She did try a few times and did retail stuff. She never finished her college degree but she was super smart. I told her she could go into sales or marketing or a hundred different jobs.
Bianca liked to get high. I didn’t care much but it was a little annoying to me. I HATED the smell of pot and her apartment even though she smoked outside on her terrace you could still smell that pungent smell of pot. She always begged me and pleaded with me to try it. She told me sex was so amazing while you are high. When she said that, it tempted me a bit. I can’t lie. But ultimately, I just didn’t want to do it.

It was her 21st birthday coming up and I wanted to do something special for her. So I planned a romantic trip to Cancun for her birthday at the Ritz Carlton. I went down to Cancun all the time to relax and just enjoy the vibe of Mexico. I loved Mexico. The ocean is amazing there and it’s easy to get to from Dallas. So I planned this elaborate trip to celebrate her big 21st birthday.
T-Minus 14 days leading up to that trip and strange stuff just kept happening. For example about 2 weeks before the trip, I ran into Dan, her gay neighbor. Many times after I came over to Bianca’s apartment after work, Dan would come over as he and Bianca were very good friends. Dan was a trust fund kid too. He lived in the apartment right across the hall from Bianca.
He was one of those flaming gay guys with all the expressions. I loved Dan. He was funny and a good guy. I don’t even think Dan had a real job. I asked him once and he said he did Marketing for his family’s business. Which usually means you don’t really do anything.

One night after Bianca and I made love. I was leaving while Bianca was showering. I left her apartment when Dan came out immediately asking me for a favor? Of course, what Dan? Well Dan loaned Bianca $4,000 to make rent and he said now he is going to miss rent if he didn’t get that back. I told him that I didn’t want to get in the middle of Bianca’s loan with him. But Dan started crying saying he doesn’t have the money and he did this as a good friend.

I told Dan I could do $2,000 and that was it and asked for his bank info. I remember he gave me a Bank of America account and I told him I had a big Bank of America office in the lobby of my office. And I’d do it in the morning.
I wasn’t in the mood to talk to Bianca again so I just went home. I called her that night and told her about the uncomfortable situation. She promised to pay me back. She was very apologetic but she said she just doesn’t like her job stripping. I yelled at her to find another job. I already knew the moment Dan approached me it was over. I told myself I will just break up with Bianca after Cancun. Remember I’m a value guy and I already paid for the trip to Cancun.

T minus 5 days to the Cancun trip. One day I was at Bianca's apartment. I came over and we made a mad dash for the bedroom. We had so much chemistry in bed. The sex was amazing! That’s probably what kept me in this dead end relationship as long as I did. We finished having sex and I went to shower and then find my clothes and shoes. The shoe was under the bed so I grabbed it. Then I see this Prada shoebox that looked out of place under the bed. Why wasn’t it in the closet with all the other shoe boxes she had? I reached for it and I opened it to find this big stash of pot.

Bianca was taking a shower but when she got out I immediately confronted her about it. This was more than for personal use only. I asked her if she was selling pot. I told her there is NO way I could continue to be with her if she was illegally selling drugs. I told her my healthcare company does drug testing and also I didn’t want to be with her if she got arrested with drugs on her. I spent all my life staying away from drugs and just didn’t want that stain on my reputation or any legal hassles.

That was the last straw. I told her I think the relationship is over. She convinced me to at least wait until a few days and let’s just enjoy the Cancun trip as it was already paid for. (Bianca was a value proposition person too...haha). I couldn't argue with her logic right?
T Minus 2 days and she said for her birthday she wanted to cook me dinner? Bianca loved cooking. She said we would celebrate her real birthday in Cancun but she was going to cook me her abuelas (grandmas) recipe of Shrimp with this zesty sauce full of spices and flavors. I thought that it was great that she would cook dinner for us for her USA celebration. It sure beats going to an expensive fancy restaurant!

So I came over to her house and I would stop at the gas station I always went to. The guy behind that counter knew me and I would always catch up and talk. I went to buy some gum and he suggested the new Orbit sugarfree gum. I had not tried this before, and I grabbed a pack and popped one in my mouth and I headed over to Bianca’s Penthouse apartment.
I drove over to Bianca’s apartment and there was an aroma of delicious food cooking in the area. Bicana was a fabulous cook. I took a long shower and then came out and the food was ready. We ate her grandma’s creation and I was so stuffed. I laid down in her bed. I could see the beautiful orange pink purple haze of the sunset. All of a sudden, the sky was dancing and the colors were dancing around the sky. It was so beautiful. I had never seen anything like that in my life.

Bianca undresses my shirt and she was already naked and we were looking out the window at the sky. I asked her if she had ever seen anything so beautiful. She confirmed it was the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. We go to her bed and we start to make love. It was so incredibly passionate and I was feeling things I had never seen before. My heart was racing. I could feel my blood pumping. Every part of my body was extremely sensitive. The pleasure of the sex was heightened and it was taking me to another level. I wanted to go higher and higher and higher. The pleasure threshold wouldn’t come down.

All of a sudden I look out at the sky and it’s already black. Where did the time go? At first it felt like time was going in slow motion. Then the sky was pitch black. How much time has gone by? I lost my sense of time. I started seeing 3 of Bianca and I was floating around. All of a sudden I stopped Bianca. I was not feeling right. I had never done drugs before so this was all new to me. Bianca just kept telling me that it would all be ok.

I stopped. I tried to get my brain to think rationally. Suddenly I blurted out that the new Orbit sugarfree gum that I had before I came over must have been poisoned and tainted somehow. It was the only thing that made sense to me. I always try to think logically. But then another thought entered my mind. What if it had been Bianca that drugged me. Yes, that was more reasonable and I quickly shouted at her to confront her.

I told her that I know she put something in the food. I told her I would go take the food to the police if she didn’t confess! I was really angry. She did confess to putting marijuana in my food. I asked if she put anything else but she denied it. By that time I was very high and I could barely walk. I was floating around as if my body was elevated. I quickly took a warm shower to get all the sex off of me. Each drop of water felt like a million drops. It was soothing but I just wanted to change and leave.
As I got dressed, I realized there was no way I could drive home. I had to leave my BMW there and I called my friend Matt, who was a lawyer. I called him and said, “Bianca drugged me, I need a ride home. Can you pick me up in front of her building?”. Matt was a good friend and immediately came over. I was very angry at Bianca and immediately broke up with her. I told her the Cancun trip was off and I never wanted to see her again.

Bianca was violently crying and apologizing but it was too late. I was already planning to break up with her after the Cancun trip. This just moved things up a week. I could never be with someone that would do something like this. It’s one thing if someone wants to do drugs but quite another to drug someone against their will.

The following day, Bianca came to my house banging on my door. She was crying and apologizing. I didn’t answer it but I did answer her phone call. I told her I would never forgive her and if she didn’t leave the premises, I would call the police to arrest her.
I went on that trip to Cancun alone. And I had a lot of fun. I met a few girls at the hotel that invited me to go to dinner with them that night. I ended up meeting a girl out that night and I spent the rest of the week with her. I had a smile on my face that entire week thinking that everything happens for a reason.

When I got home I was really tired. And that night again I heard Bianca banging on my door and wouldn’t leave. So I simply called the police and told them there was a stranger that kept coming to my door after asking them to leave. The police did come and escorted her off my property. I never heard from or saw Bianca again.
WOW! Thanks everyone. I continue to be be amazed with the level of interest in my autobiography. I posted a few Chapters on Twitter and I have so much interest from it. I am already in talks with Netflix to buy the streaming rights to my autobiography but I have very little time to write as I'm working so much. I have already Trademarked the Book name "3 Years to Live" as well as the media Streaming for the same name. @fool in love, I sent you a DM. This girl doesn't have to be the love of your life. Maybe she will be like Bianca and just have fun like I did for whatever time it lasts. Or maybe she will be the love of your life. You don't have to figure it out now.

I posted a few chapters on Twitter already. Here is a Chapter as I mentioned called, "Bianca Drugged Me". My story is the true story of my incredible life. Thanks for reading and following the journey.

Here are a few other Chapters that I wrote of my Book:

"How I met Your Mother" (Story how I met my wife) -
"I'm an Asshole" - (Story of the First Girl that I fell in love with) -

Bianca Drugged Me

My best friend in life, Mitch LOVED strip clubs. He was a strip club guy by nature. He loved them. Mitch was in sales and he always had business clients flying in to Dallas to look at his product lines. He was busy during the day, but he had to entertain these clients at night. And most of these guys wanted to go to a high end strip club. Many of his clients were from small towns that were very boring with nothing to do. When these guys came into town, they asked Mitch to take them to Dallas’ finest strip clubs.

Dallas was known for its strong and vibrant economy so the city was full of high end strip clubs everywhere. Mitch’s company purchased a VIP membership for him at one of the highest end strip clubs in Dallas in the mid 1990’s, the Lodge. The VIP membership card allowed you to access a special room that was quiet, didn’t have as much smoke in it, had more space and was just a nice area with more privacy.

I’m not a strip club guy. I never was and I probably never will be. I never understood the principle of paying a girl to make you horny and then not even being able to touch her. I’m a value proposition guy and that always seemed like a bad value proposition to me. But I loved Mitch and hanging out with him. We had so many amazing times together.

I will explain how we met in another chapter as that is a story all in itself. Mitch’s VIP access many times allowed him to bring 2 guests, for lunch or dinner and it would be comped. They had a beautiful buffet spread of food and THAT was a tough value proposition to pass up. Free food. Who doesn’t love free food!? Let’s just say we went to those buffets quite a bit. Although it wasn’t close to my office, Me, Mitch and Matt, our other friend, would go have lunch in a strip club for the free buffet and then go back to our offices to work.

We were like the 3 Musketeers. We talked just about every day on the phone. Text messages back in the 1990’s weren’t as common vs. just calling. Matt was a lawyer in a big law firm trying to make partner so he worked a lot. Mitch and I had more flexibility and could kind of come and go when we wanted. So we spent a lot of time together. Mitch liked the model type. I liked the model type. So we instantly hit it off. We are both very easy going guys with a big heart and always wanting to help people.

Mitch was older than I was. I was still in my mid 20’s when I met Mitch. Mitch was about 10 years older than I was. Our ages didn’t matter. We still were dating girls around the same age. Mostly younger girls in their early to mid 20’s. We did a lot of double dates and had a lot of fun. We both had shiny Black BMW’s at the time.

Neither Mitch nor I wanted to settle down. We just wanted to be young, have fun and not have a care in the world. It was one of the funnest times of my life. Mitch was one of the nicest, kindest, gentlest people I’ve met in my life. I had a horrible childhood getting beat all the time so I didn’t have stability in my life. Mitch and Matt gave me the stability and friendship that I needed.
I considered Mitch like my brother. We were like two silly school boys talking on the phone all the time. We would literally come back from lunch together then go to our offices and call one another planning out where we would go for happy hour or dinner. That’s how connected we were. It was crazy that two hetrosexual guys would talk to one another on the phone so often.

One day, Mitch asked me if I wanted to go have the free buffett lunch at the Lodge Stripclub. He had to be there in order for me to get the free buffett. Who doesn’t love a free buffett? I said I’d meet him there in 22 minutes. His office was near the strip club but I was clear over near Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Luckily I could take the back road on Walnut Hill Lane and avoid most traffic. It always took me about 22 minutes when I’d meet him there.

We were eating our lunch when I saw this stripper that I hadn’t seen before. Keep in mind Mitch and I went there many, many times to eat the free buffet lunch. I never got any dances. I couldn’t justify spending $20 a dance for a girl to make me horny and then leave. And by that time I was making a lot of money. It wasn’t the money but the principle of wasting money and not getting anything for it. A very bad value proposition for me.

Naturally being in there all the time, we saw a lot of the old regular strippers. Mitch WAS a strip club person so he got dances from the girls all the time. Mitch had his type. A spinner with a perfect ass. I was very picky and I still am. 95% of the girls in a strip club I just never found attractive. I was not attracted to black girls. I was not attracted to Asian girls either. Or Indian girls. That still left blondes, brunettes and Latinas. I found them the most attractive.

I noticed this girl that looked totally out of place in a strip club. She was a Latina but she couldn’t really dance well at all. It was funny thinking back to it. Most Latin girls are great dancers. This girl looked scared and awkward up on stage with her Prada high heel shoes.

When I was a bachelor I was obsessed with all things Prada and mostly only wore Prada clothes and shoes. So I immediately noticed her shoes. 99% of guys probably would have NEVER noticed what shoes a girl is wearing when they are stripping off their clothes. I didn’t notice her chest. I noticed her shoes! I’m not sure what that says about me.

Mitch calls her over after we ate lunch. We asked her if she wanted something to drink and she just ordered a glass of champagne. I don’t drink alcohol much and I almost never drank alcohol in strip clubs. Mitch saw a girl that he knew so he went to go talk to her. I was left alone with Bianca to talk.

I immediately asked her what she was doing here. I joked that she was a really bad dancer. We both laughed. I told her that she didn’t belong in the strip club with her Prada shoes and her Tiffany diamond bracelet.
She told me it was her first day. Her father cut her off financially. It turns out she was from a very wealthy family. But her family cut her off. I asked her why they cut her off. She said that she got caught on her last visit to them with a bunch of marijuana. She recounted the tale how her family were adamant about no drugs in their house because her brother was high and he crashed his car into someone and injured someone. So they had a NO tolerance policy in their house for drugs.

Bianca was studying at SMU in Dallas but she dropped out as her family wouldn't pay for tuition after they found more pot in her room when she went to visit them. It seemed she got 3 or 4 warnings and then they finally put their foot down. This was their last attempt and felt “tough love” was the only solution.

In speaking to her and asking her a lot of questions, it seems her original goal was to finish her degree in Business and then go work for her father’s conglomerate of restaurant chains. I don’t want to name the city where she originally lives as I want to respect her privacy. Bianca is not her real name and I changed it for the story. Her family owned a large chain of restaurants and she was supposed to finish college and someday go run them all.

I had to go back to my office so I told Bianca it was nice meeting her and I told her, “we should go out to eat sometime”. Not one to miss up a great opportunity, Bianca picked up my phone and put her phone number in it. She said, “ how about tonight at 7 PM”. I was a little taken off guard. I never had a girl so forward like that in my life. I thought maybe our paths would cross again here in the strip club. But I never expected she would put her # in my cell phone and we would have a date that night.

I asked her where she wanted to eat. She said she was a foodie since her family owned more than 20+ restaurants in a variety of food types and styles. She turned the table on me and asked me if I wanted fancy or just good food even if it’s a hole in the wall. I told her good food trumps anything. She smiled and said ,”I think I’m going to like you”. She told me to text her and then she would send me her address to pick her up.

Mitch came back from a few lap dances. And I told him I had to go back to work. I told him that I’m going on a date with Bianca. He was floored that I’d get a date so soon. I laughed and told him I was as well.
Shortly before I was going to leave the office, I told Bianca I’d just come from my office. I asked her to text her address. I knew Dallas extremely well because I was offering flu shots on-site for most office buildings, so I knew just about every street in Dallas. She told me the address, and I thought it was a mistake at first. They had just built a luxury tower at that address. She told me to just park with the valet and ask for her apartment. I was a little puzzled but I followed her instructions.

I got to the luxury tower and I gave her name. Bianca Lopez. The valet driver attendant told me it’s on the Penthouse floor. I was a bit shocked. How rich was her father? I got to the penthouse floor and the view was incredible. You could see all of Dallas. Her place probably was worth as much as my 5 bedroom / 6 bathroom house I owned. It was almost breathtaking.

I told her she lived in a nicer place than I was living. My initial thought was, how was she going to make rent? She was NOT a good stripper/dancer. She told me she needed a few minutes. I asked her if I could use the restroom to wash my hands. I walked into her bedroom and saw her huge closets full of Prada, Gucci, Christian Louboutin and other designer shoes. She had outfits and shirts all color coded down the long line of the closet. It was clear to me this girl’s family had a lot of money.

I went to go and wash my hands and came out and she asked me to zip up the back of a shirt. I will never forget it. I could see the label and it said Anne Fortaine Paris. I didn’t know anything about that brand and still don’t but I remember thinking to myself, this isn’t your ordinary stripper! I know a funny thought to think but that was where I met her just 7 hours earlier. It was a bit surreal to me like much of my life always has been.

She put into my GPS an address and I was a bit nervous as it was in a VERY sketchy part of Dallas. I joked with her and asked if my tires would be there when we were done with dinner. She assured me they would or at least 3 of them. Ha. I loved her sense of humor. We arrived at this hole in the wall place. Everyone in there instantly knew her. She is greeting everyone in Spanish by their names as if they were her family. It was obvious to me she always came here.

She ordered for me. She asked what I liked and she ordered a mountain of food! It was the MOST delicious Mexican food I ever tasted. I had been to Mexico many times but mostly Cancun and this beat the food there. All the workers were all Mexican and all the customers were Mexicans too. I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb but no one cared. Everyone was happy and joyful and eating their delicious food. There was Ranchera music blasting in the background. It was the first time I ate an arrachera Mexican taco and it was delicious! The name of the restaurant was El Tapitio. I’m not sure if it’s still there or not.

I was so stuffed. Bianca was stuffed too. She said she had to go talk to the Manager about something. I thought maybe she was asking him for a job. She came back and we talked about life. I asked her what she wanted out of life and how she could NOT continue to be a stripper. She said that was just her temporary thing to earn a lot of money quickly. A means to an end or so she called it. I joked that her dancing was so bad, I don’t think she will make much money. We both laughed so much at dinner.

I told her to go home to her parents and plead one last time to forgive her. She asked me if I ever got high before. I told her I wasn’t into drugs. I grew up in the “Just say No to Drugs” era. My father always ingrained into my head that if I did drugs he would kill me. (He literally would tell me that on a weekly basis). During the Reagan Era you either believed you were going to die or go to jail if you did drugs. Or you would have to suffer and watch those, “this is your brain on drugs and watch the egg sizzling on the stove top.
To further complicate things, one of the things my healthcare company that I co-owned did was drug testing. So I explained I just wasn’t into drugs of any kind. I explained to her I was in a fraternity in college. A big party fraternity and I even lived in the frat for one year. I told her I didn’t care if other people did them. I wouldn’t hold it against them and I told her realistically a cigarette was more harmful than marijuana. But I just didn’t want to do it. I had made it all through college drug free and owning a healthcare company, I just didn’t think it was a good idea for me.

She just laughed and called me a “square”. I told her yes I am not scared of being a “square” and she could do her pot judgment free from me. Many of my college friends got high every single day. I was already high on life. I was dating a lot and having fun. I told her I don’t need drugs to make me feel really good.

I asked for the check but I was blown away when they told me it was on the house. I insisted on paying and said no. That’s when I found out from the manager that Bianca had already paid for the dinner! This girl was so sneaky. Bianca just laughed and said, the cheap date is on me but the next fancy one is on you. We both laughed so hard. It was all hilarious. She had already set up the next date. She was always thinking. I thought how intelligent this girl was but I warned myself that she was almost too sneaky as she just set two dates in the span of 24 hours.

I had to go take Bianca home and I was tired from a long day at work. I took her home and walked her to the front of the building and said I was leaving. She snapped at me, “You’re not going to walk a lady to her door?” I was really tired but I agreed to take her up. She told the valet to go park my car.

I got up to her penthouse apartment and the view was so majestic. You could see the Dallas skyline with all the lights. It was incredible. I loved amazing views like that when you can see the city skyline. We both were looking at the skyline and then we had our first kiss. It was almost magical looking at that skyline, with a beautiful girl that just set up the perfect evening. I thought to myself, just 11 hours ago I was sitting in a strip club watching this girl dance awkwardly and now I’m kissing her in her penthouse apartment. Life was good.

She asked me to go to her fridge and open a bottle of wine. She called it by Brand and year but I honestly don’t remember that detail as it was long ago. I don’t drink alcohol but I did have 2 glasses with her that night. We were kissing and holding one another until we finished the bottle of wine. And then we ended up in her bedroom where we made love. It was so intense and passionate. It was beyond how I expected my day to end. It was wild and crazy. I didn’t even have a condom with me. I never expected to be in this situation. Bianca either, or maybe she did! Bianca told me she was on birth control pills so as crazy as it seems, we were having unprotected sex on our first date with a stranger . Looking back, those were the 1990’s.

Bianca and I really hit it off. She was intellectually really smart. She was well spoken, well traveled, refined, and sophisticated. She knew good wines, she knew bad wines. Since her family has been in the restaurant business her whole life, she knew food very well. She might have been the one that made me a foodie. She always would teach me about good food.

It was a bit of an awkward situation because I didn’t want a serious girlfriend but I started to have feelings for Bianca. At the same time, there was NO way I was going to finance her lifestyle. I wasn’t some stupid sugar daddy. I myself was only in my mid 20’s at the time! Yes, I was making a lot of money but I wanted to put that into investments and savings. So I made clear with Bianca that she needed to have a short-term, mid-term and long-term plan to get out of stripping. Not for ME. But for HER.

I am not the jealous type. I never was and I’m not now. Why? Because I always reasoned to myself that no girl will find a better catch than I am. I’m an honest guy, a hard worker that treats people like I want to be treated. Maybe I was too arrogant of an opinion of myself, but that’s the way I’ve always looked at myself. If a girl wants to cheat and lose me, I’m better off without her. I had that attitude then and I have it now.

We dated for weeks which turned into months. She was still stripping and I knew in my heart I could never have a serious relationship with her if she didn’t stop stripping. She did try a few times and did retail stuff. She never finished her college degree but she was super smart. I told her she could go into sales or marketing or a hundred different jobs.
Bianca liked to get high. I didn’t care much but it was a little annoying to me. I HATED the smell of pot and her apartment even though she smoked outside on her terrace you could still smell that pungent smell of pot. She always begged me and pleaded with me to try it. She told me sex was so amazing while you are high. When she said that, it tempted me a bit. I can’t lie. But ultimately, I just didn’t want to do it.

It was her 21st birthday coming up and I wanted to do something special for her. So I planned a romantic trip to Cancun for her birthday at the Ritz Carlton. I went down to Cancun all the time to relax and just enjoy the vibe of Mexico. I loved Mexico. The ocean is amazing there and it’s easy to get to from Dallas. So I planned this elaborate trip to celebrate her big 21st birthday.
T-Minus 14 days leading up to that trip and strange stuff just kept happening. For example about 2 weeks before the trip, I ran into Dan, her gay neighbor. Many times after I came over to Bianca’s apartment after work, Dan would come over as he and Bianca were very good friends. Dan was a trust fund kid too. He lived in the apartment right across the hall from Bianca.
He was one of those flaming gay guys with all the expressions. I loved Dan. He was funny and a good guy. I don’t even think Dan had a real job. I asked him once and he said he did Marketing for his family’s business. Which usually means you don’t really do anything.

One night after Bianca and I made love. I was leaving while Bianca was showering. I left her apartment when Dan came out immediately asking me for a favor? Of course, what Dan? Well Dan loaned Bianca $4,000 to make rent and he said now he is going to miss rent if he didn’t get that back. I told him that I didn’t want to get in the middle of Bianca’s loan with him. But Dan started crying saying he doesn’t have the money and he did this as a good friend.

I told Dan I could do $2,000 and that was it and asked for his bank info. I remember he gave me a Bank of America account and I told him I had a big Bank of America office in the lobby of my office. And I’d do it in the morning.
I wasn’t in the mood to talk to Bianca again so I just went home. I called her that night and told her about the uncomfortable situation. She promised to pay me back. She was very apologetic but she said she just doesn’t like her job stripping. I yelled at her to find another job. I already knew the moment Dan approached me it was over. I told myself I will just break up with Bianca after Cancun. Remember I’m a value guy and I already paid for the trip to Cancun.

T minus 5 days to the Cancun trip. One day I was at Bianca's apartment. I came over and we made a mad dash for the bedroom. We had so much chemistry in bed. The sex was amazing! That’s probably what kept me in this dead end relationship as long as I did. We finished having sex and I went to shower and then find my clothes and shoes. The shoe was under the bed so I grabbed it. Then I see this Prada shoebox that looked out of place under the bed. Why wasn’t it in the closet with all the other shoe boxes she had? I reached for it and I opened it to find this big stash of pot.

Bianca was taking a shower but when she got out I immediately confronted her about it. This was more than for personal use only. I asked her if she was selling pot. I told her there is NO way I could continue to be with her if she was illegally selling drugs. I told her my healthcare company does drug testing and also I didn’t want to be with her if she got arrested with drugs on her. I spent all my life staying away from drugs and just didn’t want that stain on my reputation or any legal hassles.

That was the last straw. I told her I think the relationship is over. She convinced me to at least wait until a few days and let’s just enjoy the Cancun trip as it was already paid for. (Bianca was a value proposition person too...haha). I couldn't argue with her logic right?
T Minus 2 days and she said for her birthday she wanted to cook me dinner? Bianca loved cooking. She said we would celebrate her real birthday in Cancun but she was going to cook me her abuelas (grandmas) recipe of Shrimp with this zesty sauce full of spices and flavors. I thought that it was great that she would cook dinner for us for her USA celebration. It sure beats going to an expensive fancy restaurant!

So I came over to her house and I would stop at the gas station I always went to. The guy behind that counter knew me and I would always catch up and talk. I went to buy some gum and he suggested the new Orbit sugarfree gum. I had not tried this before, and I grabbed a pack and popped one in my mouth and I headed over to Bianca’s Penthouse apartment.
I drove over to Bianca’s apartment and there was an aroma of delicious food cooking in the area. Bicana was a fabulous cook. I took a long shower and then came out and the food was ready. We ate her grandma’s creation and I was so stuffed. I laid down in her bed. I could see the beautiful orange pink purple haze of the sunset. All of a sudden, the sky was dancing and the colors were dancing around the sky. It was so beautiful. I had never seen anything like that in my life.

Bianca undresses my shirt and she was already naked and we were looking out the window at the sky. I asked her if she had ever seen anything so beautiful. She confirmed it was the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. We go to her bed and we start to make love. It was so incredibly passionate and I was feeling things I had never seen before. My heart was racing. I could feel my blood pumping. Every part of my body was extremely sensitive. The pleasure of the sex was heightened and it was taking me to another level. I wanted to go higher and higher and higher. The pleasure threshold wouldn’t come down.

All of a sudden I look out at the sky and it’s already black. Where did the time go? At first it felt like time was going in slow motion. Then the sky was pitch black. How much time has gone by? I lost my sense of time. I started seeing 3 of Bianca and I was floating around. All of a sudden I stopped Bianca. I was not feeling right. I had never done drugs before so this was all new to me. Bianca just kept telling me that it would all be ok.

I stopped. I tried to get my brain to think rationally. Suddenly I blurted out that the new Orbit sugarfree gum that I had before I came over must have been poisoned and tainted somehow. It was the only thing that made sense to me. I always try to think logically. But then another thought entered my mind. What if it had been Bianca that drugged me. Yes, that was more reasonable and I quickly shouted at her to confront her.

I told her that I know she put something in the food. I told her I would go take the food to the police if she didn’t confess! I was really angry. She did confess to putting marijuana in my food. I asked if she put anything else but she denied it. By that time I was very high and I could barely walk. I was floating around as if my body was elevated. I quickly took a warm shower to get all the sex off of me. Each drop of water felt like a million drops. It was soothing but I just wanted to change and leave.
As I got dressed, I realized there was no way I could drive home. I had to leave my BMW there and I called my friend Matt, who was a lawyer. I called him and said, “Bianca drugged me, I need a ride home. Can you pick me up in front of her building?”. Matt was a good friend and immediately came over. I was very angry at Bianca and immediately broke up with her. I told her the Cancun trip was off and I never wanted to see her again.

Bianca was violently crying and apologizing but it was too late. I was already planning to break up with her after the Cancun trip. This just moved things up a week. I could never be with someone that would do something like this. It’s one thing if someone wants to do drugs but quite another to drug someone against their will.

The following day, Bianca came to my house banging on my door. She was crying and apologizing. I didn’t answer it but I did answer her phone call. I told her I would never forgive her and if she didn’t leave the premises, I would call the police to arrest her.
I went on that trip to Cancun alone. And I had a lot of fun. I met a few girls at the hotel that invited me to go to dinner with them that night. I ended up meeting a girl out that night and I spent the rest of the week with her. I had a smile on my face that entire week thinking that everything happens for a reason.

When I got home I was really tired. And that night again I heard Bianca banging on my door and wouldn’t leave. So I simply called the police and told them there was a stranger that kept coming to my door after asking them to leave. The police did come and escorted her off my property. I never heard from or saw Bianca again.
Wow! That was much better than I imagined! Thank you so much for sharing that with me. Thanks also for your PM. I feed giddy after reading your story. So many things to take from your story. The important thing I will take is to just enjoy the time with my friend. Thank you!
WOW! Thanks everyone. I continue to be be amazed with the level of interest in my autobiography. I posted a few Chapters on Twitter and I have so much interest from it. I am already in talks with Netflix to buy the streaming rights to my autobiography but I have very little time to write as I'm working so much. I have already Trademarked the Book name "3 Years to Live" as well as the media Streaming for the same name. @fool in love, I sent you a DM. This girl doesn't have to be the love of your life. Maybe she will be like Bianca and just have fun like I did for whatever time it lasts. Or maybe she will be the love of your life. You don't have to figure it out now.

I posted a few chapters on Twitter already. Here is a Chapter as I mentioned called, "Bianca Drugged Me". My story is the true story of my incredible life. Thanks for reading and following the journey.

Here are a few other Chapters that I wrote of my Book:

"How I met Your Mother" (Story how I met my wife) -
"I'm an Asshole" - (Story of the First Girl that I fell in love with) -

Bianca Drugged Me

My best friend in life, Mitch LOVED strip clubs. He was a strip club guy by nature. He loved them. Mitch was in sales and he always had business clients flying in to Dallas to look at his product lines. He was busy during the day, but he had to entertain these clients at night. And most of these guys wanted to go to a high end strip club. Many of his clients were from small towns that were very boring with nothing to do. When these guys came into town, they asked Mitch to take them to Dallas’ finest strip clubs.

Dallas was known for its strong and vibrant economy so the city was full of high end strip clubs everywhere. Mitch’s company purchased a VIP membership for him at one of the highest end strip clubs in Dallas in the mid 1990’s, the Lodge. The VIP membership card allowed you to access a special room that was quiet, didn’t have as much smoke in it, had more space and was just a nice area with more privacy.

I’m not a strip club guy. I never was and I probably never will be. I never understood the principle of paying a girl to make you horny and then not even being able to touch her. I’m a value proposition guy and that always seemed like a bad value proposition to me. But I loved Mitch and hanging out with him. We had so many amazing times together.

I will explain how we met in another chapter as that is a story all in itself. Mitch’s VIP access many times allowed him to bring 2 guests, for lunch or dinner and it would be comped. They had a beautiful buffet spread of food and THAT was a tough value proposition to pass up. Free food. Who doesn’t love free food!? Let’s just say we went to those buffets quite a bit. Although it wasn’t close to my office, Me, Mitch and Matt, our other friend, would go have lunch in a strip club for the free buffet and then go back to our offices to work.

We were like the 3 Musketeers. We talked just about every day on the phone. Text messages back in the 1990’s weren’t as common vs. just calling. Matt was a lawyer in a big law firm trying to make partner so he worked a lot. Mitch and I had more flexibility and could kind of come and go when we wanted. So we spent a lot of time together. Mitch liked the model type. I liked the model type. So we instantly hit it off. We are both very easy going guys with a big heart and always wanting to help people.

Mitch was older than I was. I was still in my mid 20’s when I met Mitch. Mitch was about 10 years older than I was. Our ages didn’t matter. We still were dating girls around the same age. Mostly younger girls in their early to mid 20’s. We did a lot of double dates and had a lot of fun. We both had shiny Black BMW’s at the time.

Neither Mitch nor I wanted to settle down. We just wanted to be young, have fun and not have a care in the world. It was one of the funnest times of my life. Mitch was one of the nicest, kindest, gentlest people I’ve met in my life. I had a horrible childhood getting beat all the time so I didn’t have stability in my life. Mitch and Matt gave me the stability and friendship that I needed.
I considered Mitch like my brother. We were like two silly school boys talking on the phone all the time. We would literally come back from lunch together then go to our offices and call one another planning out where we would go for happy hour or dinner. That’s how connected we were. It was crazy that two hetrosexual guys would talk to one another on the phone so often.

One day, Mitch asked me if I wanted to go have the free buffett lunch at the Lodge Stripclub. He had to be there in order for me to get the free buffett. Who doesn’t love a free buffett? I said I’d meet him there in 22 minutes. His office was near the strip club but I was clear over near Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Luckily I could take the back road on Walnut Hill Lane and avoid most traffic. It always took me about 22 minutes when I’d meet him there.

We were eating our lunch when I saw this stripper that I hadn’t seen before. Keep in mind Mitch and I went there many, many times to eat the free buffet lunch. I never got any dances. I couldn’t justify spending $20 a dance for a girl to make me horny and then leave. And by that time I was making a lot of money. It wasn’t the money but the principle of wasting money and not getting anything for it. A very bad value proposition for me.

Naturally being in there all the time, we saw a lot of the old regular strippers. Mitch WAS a strip club person so he got dances from the girls all the time. Mitch had his type. A spinner with a perfect ass. I was very picky and I still am. 95% of the girls in a strip club I just never found attractive. I was not attracted to black girls. I was not attracted to Asian girls either. Or Indian girls. That still left blondes, brunettes and Latinas. I found them the most attractive.

I noticed this girl that looked totally out of place in a strip club. She was a Latina but she couldn’t really dance well at all. It was funny thinking back to it. Most Latin girls are great dancers. This girl looked scared and awkward up on stage with her Prada high heel shoes.

When I was a bachelor I was obsessed with all things Prada and mostly only wore Prada clothes and shoes. So I immediately noticed her shoes. 99% of guys probably would have NEVER noticed what shoes a girl is wearing when they are stripping off their clothes. I didn’t notice her chest. I noticed her shoes! I’m not sure what that says about me.

Mitch calls her over after we ate lunch. We asked her if she wanted something to drink and she just ordered a glass of champagne. I don’t drink alcohol much and I almost never drank alcohol in strip clubs. Mitch saw a girl that he knew so he went to go talk to her. I was left alone with Bianca to talk.

I immediately asked her what she was doing here. I joked that she was a really bad dancer. We both laughed. I told her that she didn’t belong in the strip club with her Prada shoes and her Tiffany diamond bracelet.
She told me it was her first day. Her father cut her off financially. It turns out she was from a very wealthy family. But her family cut her off. I asked her why they cut her off. She said that she got caught on her last visit to them with a bunch of marijuana. She recounted the tale how her family were adamant about no drugs in their house because her brother was high and he crashed his car into someone and injured someone. So they had a NO tolerance policy in their house for drugs.

Bianca was studying at SMU in Dallas but she dropped out as her family wouldn't pay for tuition after they found more pot in her room when she went to visit them. It seemed she got 3 or 4 warnings and then they finally put their foot down. This was their last attempt and felt “tough love” was the only solution.

In speaking to her and asking her a lot of questions, it seems her original goal was to finish her degree in Business and then go work for her father’s conglomerate of restaurant chains. I don’t want to name the city where she originally lives as I want to respect her privacy. Bianca is not her real name and I changed it for the story. Her family owned a large chain of restaurants and she was supposed to finish college and someday go run them all.

I had to go back to my office so I told Bianca it was nice meeting her and I told her, “we should go out to eat sometime”. Not one to miss up a great opportunity, Bianca picked up my phone and put her phone number in it. She said, “ how about tonight at 7 PM”. I was a little taken off guard. I never had a girl so forward like that in my life. I thought maybe our paths would cross again here in the strip club. But I never expected she would put her # in my cell phone and we would have a date that night.

I asked her where she wanted to eat. She said she was a foodie since her family owned more than 20+ restaurants in a variety of food types and styles. She turned the table on me and asked me if I wanted fancy or just good food even if it’s a hole in the wall. I told her good food trumps anything. She smiled and said ,”I think I’m going to like you”. She told me to text her and then she would send me her address to pick her up.

Mitch came back from a few lap dances. And I told him I had to go back to work. I told him that I’m going on a date with Bianca. He was floored that I’d get a date so soon. I laughed and told him I was as well.
Shortly before I was going to leave the office, I told Bianca I’d just come from my office. I asked her to text her address. I knew Dallas extremely well because I was offering flu shots on-site for most office buildings, so I knew just about every street in Dallas. She told me the address, and I thought it was a mistake at first. They had just built a luxury tower at that address. She told me to just park with the valet and ask for her apartment. I was a little puzzled but I followed her instructions.

I got to the luxury tower and I gave her name. Bianca Lopez. The valet driver attendant told me it’s on the Penthouse floor. I was a bit shocked. How rich was her father? I got to the penthouse floor and the view was incredible. You could see all of Dallas. Her place probably was worth as much as my 5 bedroom / 6 bathroom house I owned. It was almost breathtaking.

I told her she lived in a nicer place than I was living. My initial thought was, how was she going to make rent? She was NOT a good stripper/dancer. She told me she needed a few minutes. I asked her if I could use the restroom to wash my hands. I walked into her bedroom and saw her huge closets full of Prada, Gucci, Christian Louboutin and other designer shoes. She had outfits and shirts all color coded down the long line of the closet. It was clear to me this girl’s family had a lot of money.

I went to go and wash my hands and came out and she asked me to zip up the back of a shirt. I will never forget it. I could see the label and it said Anne Fortaine Paris. I didn’t know anything about that brand and still don’t but I remember thinking to myself, this isn’t your ordinary stripper! I know a funny thought to think but that was where I met her just 7 hours earlier. It was a bit surreal to me like much of my life always has been.

She put into my GPS an address and I was a bit nervous as it was in a VERY sketchy part of Dallas. I joked with her and asked if my tires would be there when we were done with dinner. She assured me they would or at least 3 of them. Ha. I loved her sense of humor. We arrived at this hole in the wall place. Everyone in there instantly knew her. She is greeting everyone in Spanish by their names as if they were her family. It was obvious to me she always came here.

She ordered for me. She asked what I liked and she ordered a mountain of food! It was the MOST delicious Mexican food I ever tasted. I had been to Mexico many times but mostly Cancun and this beat the food there. All the workers were all Mexican and all the customers were Mexicans too. I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb but no one cared. Everyone was happy and joyful and eating their delicious food. There was Ranchera music blasting in the background. It was the first time I ate an arrachera Mexican taco and it was delicious! The name of the restaurant was El Tapitio. I’m not sure if it’s still there or not.

I was so stuffed. Bianca was stuffed too. She said she had to go talk to the Manager about something. I thought maybe she was asking him for a job. She came back and we talked about life. I asked her what she wanted out of life and how she could NOT continue to be a stripper. She said that was just her temporary thing to earn a lot of money quickly. A means to an end or so she called it. I joked that her dancing was so bad, I don’t think she will make much money. We both laughed so much at dinner.

I told her to go home to her parents and plead one last time to forgive her. She asked me if I ever got high before. I told her I wasn’t into drugs. I grew up in the “Just say No to Drugs” era. My father always ingrained into my head that if I did drugs he would kill me. (He literally would tell me that on a weekly basis). During the Reagan Era you either believed you were going to die or go to jail if you did drugs. Or you would have to suffer and watch those, “this is your brain on drugs and watch the egg sizzling on the stove top.
To further complicate things, one of the things my healthcare company that I co-owned did was drug testing. So I explained I just wasn’t into drugs of any kind. I explained to her I was in a fraternity in college. A big party fraternity and I even lived in the frat for one year. I told her I didn’t care if other people did them. I wouldn’t hold it against them and I told her realistically a cigarette was more harmful than marijuana. But I just didn’t want to do it. I had made it all through college drug free and owning a healthcare company, I just didn’t think it was a good idea for me.

She just laughed and called me a “square”. I told her yes I am not scared of being a “square” and she could do her pot judgment free from me. Many of my college friends got high every single day. I was already high on life. I was dating a lot and having fun. I told her I don’t need drugs to make me feel really good.

I asked for the check but I was blown away when they told me it was on the house. I insisted on paying and said no. That’s when I found out from the manager that Bianca had already paid for the dinner! This girl was so sneaky. Bianca just laughed and said, the cheap date is on me but the next fancy one is on you. We both laughed so hard. It was all hilarious. She had already set up the next date. She was always thinking. I thought how intelligent this girl was but I warned myself that she was almost too sneaky as she just set two dates in the span of 24 hours.

I had to go take Bianca home and I was tired from a long day at work. I took her home and walked her to the front of the building and said I was leaving. She snapped at me, “You’re not going to walk a lady to her door?” I was really tired but I agreed to take her up. She told the valet to go park my car.

I got up to her penthouse apartment and the view was so majestic. You could see the Dallas skyline with all the lights. It was incredible. I loved amazing views like that when you can see the city skyline. We both were looking at the skyline and then we had our first kiss. It was almost magical looking at that skyline, with a beautiful girl that just set up the perfect evening. I thought to myself, just 11 hours ago I was sitting in a strip club watching this girl dance awkwardly and now I’m kissing her in her penthouse apartment. Life was good.

She asked me to go to her fridge and open a bottle of wine. She called it by Brand and year but I honestly don’t remember that detail as it was long ago. I don’t drink alcohol but I did have 2 glasses with her that night. We were kissing and holding one another until we finished the bottle of wine. And then we ended up in her bedroom where we made love. It was so intense and passionate. It was beyond how I expected my day to end. It was wild and crazy. I didn’t even have a condom with me. I never expected to be in this situation. Bianca either, or maybe she did! Bianca told me she was on birth control pills so as crazy as it seems, we were having unprotected sex on our first date with a stranger . Looking back, those were the 1990’s.

Bianca and I really hit it off. She was intellectually really smart. She was well spoken, well traveled, refined, and sophisticated. She knew good wines, she knew bad wines. Since her family has been in the restaurant business her whole life, she knew food very well. She might have been the one that made me a foodie. She always would teach me about good food.

It was a bit of an awkward situation because I didn’t want a serious girlfriend but I started to have feelings for Bianca. At the same time, there was NO way I was going to finance her lifestyle. I wasn’t some stupid sugar daddy. I myself was only in my mid 20’s at the time! Yes, I was making a lot of money but I wanted to put that into investments and savings. So I made clear with Bianca that she needed to have a short-term, mid-term and long-term plan to get out of stripping. Not for ME. But for HER.

I am not the jealous type. I never was and I’m not now. Why? Because I always reasoned to myself that no girl will find a better catch than I am. I’m an honest guy, a hard worker that treats people like I want to be treated. Maybe I was too arrogant of an opinion of myself, but that’s the way I’ve always looked at myself. If a girl wants to cheat and lose me, I’m better off without her. I had that attitude then and I have it now.

We dated for weeks which turned into months. She was still stripping and I knew in my heart I could never have a serious relationship with her if she didn’t stop stripping. She did try a few times and did retail stuff. She never finished her college degree but she was super smart. I told her she could go into sales or marketing or a hundred different jobs.
Bianca liked to get high. I didn’t care much but it was a little annoying to me. I HATED the smell of pot and her apartment even though she smoked outside on her terrace you could still smell that pungent smell of pot. She always begged me and pleaded with me to try it. She told me sex was so amazing while you are high. When she said that, it tempted me a bit. I can’t lie. But ultimately, I just didn’t want to do it.

It was her 21st birthday coming up and I wanted to do something special for her. So I planned a romantic trip to Cancun for her birthday at the Ritz Carlton. I went down to Cancun all the time to relax and just enjoy the vibe of Mexico. I loved Mexico. The ocean is amazing there and it’s easy to get to from Dallas. So I planned this elaborate trip to celebrate her big 21st birthday.
T-Minus 14 days leading up to that trip and strange stuff just kept happening. For example about 2 weeks before the trip, I ran into Dan, her gay neighbor. Many times after I came over to Bianca’s apartment after work, Dan would come over as he and Bianca were very good friends. Dan was a trust fund kid too. He lived in the apartment right across the hall from Bianca.
He was one of those flaming gay guys with all the expressions. I loved Dan. He was funny and a good guy. I don’t even think Dan had a real job. I asked him once and he said he did Marketing for his family’s business. Which usually means you don’t really do anything.

One night after Bianca and I made love. I was leaving while Bianca was showering. I left her apartment when Dan came out immediately asking me for a favor? Of course, what Dan? Well Dan loaned Bianca $4,000 to make rent and he said now he is going to miss rent if he didn’t get that back. I told him that I didn’t want to get in the middle of Bianca’s loan with him. But Dan started crying saying he doesn’t have the money and he did this as a good friend.

I told Dan I could do $2,000 and that was it and asked for his bank info. I remember he gave me a Bank of America account and I told him I had a big Bank of America office in the lobby of my office. And I’d do it in the morning.
I wasn’t in the mood to talk to Bianca again so I just went home. I called her that night and told her about the uncomfortable situation. She promised to pay me back. She was very apologetic but she said she just doesn’t like her job stripping. I yelled at her to find another job. I already knew the moment Dan approached me it was over. I told myself I will just break up with Bianca after Cancun. Remember I’m a value guy and I already paid for the trip to Cancun.

T minus 5 days to the Cancun trip. One day I was at Bianca's apartment. I came over and we made a mad dash for the bedroom. We had so much chemistry in bed. The sex was amazing! That’s probably what kept me in this dead end relationship as long as I did. We finished having sex and I went to shower and then find my clothes and shoes. The shoe was under the bed so I grabbed it. Then I see this Prada shoebox that looked out of place under the bed. Why wasn’t it in the closet with all the other shoe boxes she had? I reached for it and I opened it to find this big stash of pot.

Bianca was taking a shower but when she got out I immediately confronted her about it. This was more than for personal use only. I asked her if she was selling pot. I told her there is NO way I could continue to be with her if she was illegally selling drugs. I told her my healthcare company does drug testing and also I didn’t want to be with her if she got arrested with drugs on her. I spent all my life staying away from drugs and just didn’t want that stain on my reputation or any legal hassles.

That was the last straw. I told her I think the relationship is over. She convinced me to at least wait until a few days and let’s just enjoy the Cancun trip as it was already paid for. (Bianca was a value proposition person too...haha). I couldn't argue with her logic right?
T Minus 2 days and she said for her birthday she wanted to cook me dinner? Bianca loved cooking. She said we would celebrate her real birthday in Cancun but she was going to cook me her abuelas (grandmas) recipe of Shrimp with this zesty sauce full of spices and flavors. I thought that it was great that she would cook dinner for us for her USA celebration. It sure beats going to an expensive fancy restaurant!

So I came over to her house and I would stop at the gas station I always went to. The guy behind that counter knew me and I would always catch up and talk. I went to buy some gum and he suggested the new Orbit sugarfree gum. I had not tried this before, and I grabbed a pack and popped one in my mouth and I headed over to Bianca’s Penthouse apartment.
I drove over to Bianca’s apartment and there was an aroma of delicious food cooking in the area. Bicana was a fabulous cook. I took a long shower and then came out and the food was ready. We ate her grandma’s creation and I was so stuffed. I laid down in her bed. I could see the beautiful orange pink purple haze of the sunset. All of a sudden, the sky was dancing and the colors were dancing around the sky. It was so beautiful. I had never seen anything like that in my life.

Bianca undresses my shirt and she was already naked and we were looking out the window at the sky. I asked her if she had ever seen anything so beautiful. She confirmed it was the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. We go to her bed and we start to make love. It was so incredibly passionate and I was feeling things I had never seen before. My heart was racing. I could feel my blood pumping. Every part of my body was extremely sensitive. The pleasure of the sex was heightened and it was taking me to another level. I wanted to go higher and higher and higher. The pleasure threshold wouldn’t come down.

All of a sudden I look out at the sky and it’s already black. Where did the time go? At first it felt like time was going in slow motion. Then the sky was pitch black. How much time has gone by? I lost my sense of time. I started seeing 3 of Bianca and I was floating around. All of a sudden I stopped Bianca. I was not feeling right. I had never done drugs before so this was all new to me. Bianca just kept telling me that it would all be ok.

I stopped. I tried to get my brain to think rationally. Suddenly I blurted out that the new Orbit sugarfree gum that I had before I came over must have been poisoned and tainted somehow. It was the only thing that made sense to me. I always try to think logically. But then another thought entered my mind. What if it had been Bianca that drugged me. Yes, that was more reasonable and I quickly shouted at her to confront her.

I told her that I know she put something in the food. I told her I would go take the food to the police if she didn’t confess! I was really angry. She did confess to putting marijuana in my food. I asked if she put anything else but she denied it. By that time I was very high and I could barely walk. I was floating around as if my body was elevated. I quickly took a warm shower to get all the sex off of me. Each drop of water felt like a million drops. It was soothing but I just wanted to change and leave.
As I got dressed, I realized there was no way I could drive home. I had to leave my BMW there and I called my friend Matt, who was a lawyer. I called him and said, “Bianca drugged me, I need a ride home. Can you pick me up in front of her building?”. Matt was a good friend and immediately came over. I was very angry at Bianca and immediately broke up with her. I told her the Cancun trip was off and I never wanted to see her again.

Bianca was violently crying and apologizing but it was too late. I was already planning to break up with her after the Cancun trip. This just moved things up a week. I could never be with someone that would do something like this. It’s one thing if someone wants to do drugs but quite another to drug someone against their will.

The following day, Bianca came to my house banging on my door. She was crying and apologizing. I didn’t answer it but I did answer her phone call. I told her I would never forgive her and if she didn’t leave the premises, I would call the police to arrest her.
I went on that trip to Cancun alone. And I had a lot of fun. I met a few girls at the hotel that invited me to go to dinner with them that night. I ended up meeting a girl out that night and I spent the rest of the week with her. I had a smile on my face that entire week thinking that everything happens for a reason.

When I got home I was really tired. And that night again I heard Bianca banging on my door and wouldn’t leave. So I simply called the police and told them there was a stranger that kept coming to my door after asking them to leave. The police did come and escorted her off my property. I never heard from or saw Bianca again.
This was terrific! I'm also going to sign up on X to read the others. Are you done with the book? Where can I buy it? I just signed up at your website www.3yearstolive.com but is the book almost done? I will pay to buy it now if it's done.
Same thing. This is why it can never work out. Are you men so stupid? You have to find a girl that respects herself and would not do this. I have a daughter in college and she would never do this because we brought her up with good values. Shame on all of you for encouraging this relationship.
@Avocado are you married? Is it to a male? If so, odds are your husband probably has visited one of Buenos Aires' fine establishments too. So just don't be so preachy.

@earlyretirement, I couldn't go to sleep last night. I was reading all your Chapters on Twitter. It was very interesting! I love how you met your wife. You sound like you had a very interesting life. I would love to read more.
Same thing. This is why it can never work out. Are you men so stupid? You have to find a girl that respects herself and would not do this. I have a daughter in college and she would never do this because we brought her up with good values. Shame on all of you for encouraging this relationship.
@Avocado please take this advice in the spirit it is intended. You can't assume your daughter would never do something like this. Maybe you provide for her financially but we did as well. Our daughter went to very good schools, and we helped her. We are not wealthy by any means. She never lacked for paying her rent, having food, and education and a good job. But this is one of those things that you really can't control in life.

Let me ask you something. If you found out your daughter was doing this? Would you love her any less? If your daughter came home and told you she fell in love with someone would you accept her and the relationship or wonder about it? This similar thing happened to my daughter. Yes, at first my husband and I were angry but then we accept her. We learn you can't judge people, especially your own kids. It is no reflection of you as a parent that she did this.

@earlyretirement - I love your Chapter. This Bianca was a very smart girl UNTIL she drugged you. You ever talk to her again?
WOW! Thanks everyone. I continue to be be amazed with the level of interest in my autobiography. I posted a few Chapters on Twitter and I have so much interest from it. I am already in talks with Netflix to buy the streaming rights to my autobiography but I have very little time to write as I'm working so much. I have already Trademarked the Book name "3 Years to Live" as well as the media Streaming for the same name. @fool in love, I sent you a DM. This girl doesn't have to be the love of your life. Maybe she will be like Bianca and just have fun like I did for whatever time it lasts. Or maybe she will be the love of your life. You don't have to figure it out now.

I posted a few chapters on Twitter already. Here is a Chapter as I mentioned called, "Bianca Drugged Me". My story is the true story of my incredible life. Thanks for reading and following the journey.

Here are a few other Chapters that I wrote of my Book:

"How I met Your Mother" (Story how I met my wife) -
"I'm an Asshole" - (Story of the First Girl that I fell in love with) -

Bianca Drugged Me

My best friend in life, Mitch LOVED strip clubs. He was a strip club guy by nature. He loved them. Mitch was in sales and he always had business clients flying in to Dallas to look at his product lines. He was busy during the day, but he had to entertain these clients at night. And most of these guys wanted to go to a high end strip club. Many of his clients were from small towns that were very boring with nothing to do. When these guys came into town, they asked Mitch to take them to Dallas’ finest strip clubs.

Dallas was known for its strong and vibrant economy so the city was full of high end strip clubs everywhere. Mitch’s company purchased a VIP membership for him at one of the highest end strip clubs in Dallas in the mid 1990’s, the Lodge. The VIP membership card allowed you to access a special room that was quiet, didn’t have as much smoke in it, had more space and was just a nice area with more privacy.

I’m not a strip club guy. I never was and I probably never will be. I never understood the principle of paying a girl to make you horny and then not even being able to touch her. I’m a value proposition guy and that always seemed like a bad value proposition to me. But I loved Mitch and hanging out with him. We had so many amazing times together.

I will explain how we met in another chapter as that is a story all in itself. Mitch’s VIP access many times allowed him to bring 2 guests, for lunch or dinner and it would be comped. They had a beautiful buffet spread of food and THAT was a tough value proposition to pass up. Free food. Who doesn’t love free food!? Let’s just say we went to those buffets quite a bit. Although it wasn’t close to my office, Me, Mitch and Matt, our other friend, would go have lunch in a strip club for the free buffet and then go back to our offices to work.

We were like the 3 Musketeers. We talked just about every day on the phone. Text messages back in the 1990’s weren’t as common vs. just calling. Matt was a lawyer in a big law firm trying to make partner so he worked a lot. Mitch and I had more flexibility and could kind of come and go when we wanted. So we spent a lot of time together. Mitch liked the model type. I liked the model type. So we instantly hit it off. We are both very easy going guys with a big heart and always wanting to help people.

Mitch was older than I was. I was still in my mid 20’s when I met Mitch. Mitch was about 10 years older than I was. Our ages didn’t matter. We still were dating girls around the same age. Mostly younger girls in their early to mid 20’s. We did a lot of double dates and had a lot of fun. We both had shiny Black BMW’s at the time.

Neither Mitch nor I wanted to settle down. We just wanted to be young, have fun and not have a care in the world. It was one of the funnest times of my life. Mitch was one of the nicest, kindest, gentlest people I’ve met in my life. I had a horrible childhood getting beat all the time so I didn’t have stability in my life. Mitch and Matt gave me the stability and friendship that I needed.
I considered Mitch like my brother. We were like two silly school boys talking on the phone all the time. We would literally come back from lunch together then go to our offices and call one another planning out where we would go for happy hour or dinner. That’s how connected we were. It was crazy that two hetrosexual guys would talk to one another on the phone so often.

One day, Mitch asked me if I wanted to go have the free buffett lunch at the Lodge Stripclub. He had to be there in order for me to get the free buffett. Who doesn’t love a free buffett? I said I’d meet him there in 22 minutes. His office was near the strip club but I was clear over near Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Luckily I could take the back road on Walnut Hill Lane and avoid most traffic. It always took me about 22 minutes when I’d meet him there.

We were eating our lunch when I saw this stripper that I hadn’t seen before. Keep in mind Mitch and I went there many, many times to eat the free buffet lunch. I never got any dances. I couldn’t justify spending $20 a dance for a girl to make me horny and then leave. And by that time I was making a lot of money. It wasn’t the money but the principle of wasting money and not getting anything for it. A very bad value proposition for me.

Naturally being in there all the time, we saw a lot of the old regular strippers. Mitch WAS a strip club person so he got dances from the girls all the time. Mitch had his type. A spinner with a perfect ass. I was very picky and I still am. 95% of the girls in a strip club I just never found attractive. I was not attracted to black girls. I was not attracted to Asian girls either. Or Indian girls. That still left blondes, brunettes and Latinas. I found them the most attractive.

I noticed this girl that looked totally out of place in a strip club. She was a Latina but she couldn’t really dance well at all. It was funny thinking back to it. Most Latin girls are great dancers. This girl looked scared and awkward up on stage with her Prada high heel shoes.

When I was a bachelor I was obsessed with all things Prada and mostly only wore Prada clothes and shoes. So I immediately noticed her shoes. 99% of guys probably would have NEVER noticed what shoes a girl is wearing when they are stripping off their clothes. I didn’t notice her chest. I noticed her shoes! I’m not sure what that says about me.

Mitch calls her over after we ate lunch. We asked her if she wanted something to drink and she just ordered a glass of champagne. I don’t drink alcohol much and I almost never drank alcohol in strip clubs. Mitch saw a girl that he knew so he went to go talk to her. I was left alone with Bianca to talk.

I immediately asked her what she was doing here. I joked that she was a really bad dancer. We both laughed. I told her that she didn’t belong in the strip club with her Prada shoes and her Tiffany diamond bracelet.
She told me it was her first day. Her father cut her off financially. It turns out she was from a very wealthy family. But her family cut her off. I asked her why they cut her off. She said that she got caught on her last visit to them with a bunch of marijuana. She recounted the tale how her family were adamant about no drugs in their house because her brother was high and he crashed his car into someone and injured someone. So they had a NO tolerance policy in their house for drugs.

Bianca was studying at SMU in Dallas but she dropped out as her family wouldn't pay for tuition after they found more pot in her room when she went to visit them. It seemed she got 3 or 4 warnings and then they finally put their foot down. This was their last attempt and felt “tough love” was the only solution.

In speaking to her and asking her a lot of questions, it seems her original goal was to finish her degree in Business and then go work for her father’s conglomerate of restaurant chains. I don’t want to name the city where she originally lives as I want to respect her privacy. Bianca is not her real name and I changed it for the story. Her family owned a large chain of restaurants and she was supposed to finish college and someday go run them all.

I had to go back to my office so I told Bianca it was nice meeting her and I told her, “we should go out to eat sometime”. Not one to miss up a great opportunity, Bianca picked up my phone and put her phone number in it. She said, “ how about tonight at 7 PM”. I was a little taken off guard. I never had a girl so forward like that in my life. I thought maybe our paths would cross again here in the strip club. But I never expected she would put her # in my cell phone and we would have a date that night.

I asked her where she wanted to eat. She said she was a foodie since her family owned more than 20+ restaurants in a variety of food types and styles. She turned the table on me and asked me if I wanted fancy or just good food even if it’s a hole in the wall. I told her good food trumps anything. She smiled and said ,”I think I’m going to like you”. She told me to text her and then she would send me her address to pick her up.

Mitch came back from a few lap dances. And I told him I had to go back to work. I told him that I’m going on a date with Bianca. He was floored that I’d get a date so soon. I laughed and told him I was as well.
Shortly before I was going to leave the office, I told Bianca I’d just come from my office. I asked her to text her address. I knew Dallas extremely well because I was offering flu shots on-site for most office buildings, so I knew just about every street in Dallas. She told me the address, and I thought it was a mistake at first. They had just built a luxury tower at that address. She told me to just park with the valet and ask for her apartment. I was a little puzzled but I followed her instructions.

I got to the luxury tower and I gave her name. Bianca Lopez. The valet driver attendant told me it’s on the Penthouse floor. I was a bit shocked. How rich was her father? I got to the penthouse floor and the view was incredible. You could see all of Dallas. Her place probably was worth as much as my 5 bedroom / 6 bathroom house I owned. It was almost breathtaking.

I told her she lived in a nicer place than I was living. My initial thought was, how was she going to make rent? She was NOT a good stripper/dancer. She told me she needed a few minutes. I asked her if I could use the restroom to wash my hands. I walked into her bedroom and saw her huge closets full of Prada, Gucci, Christian Louboutin and other designer shoes. She had outfits and shirts all color coded down the long line of the closet. It was clear to me this girl’s family had a lot of money.

I went to go and wash my hands and came out and she asked me to zip up the back of a shirt. I will never forget it. I could see the label and it said Anne Fortaine Paris. I didn’t know anything about that brand and still don’t but I remember thinking to myself, this isn’t your ordinary stripper! I know a funny thought to think but that was where I met her just 7 hours earlier. It was a bit surreal to me like much of my life always has been.

She put into my GPS an address and I was a bit nervous as it was in a VERY sketchy part of Dallas. I joked with her and asked if my tires would be there when we were done with dinner. She assured me they would or at least 3 of them. Ha. I loved her sense of humor. We arrived at this hole in the wall place. Everyone in there instantly knew her. She is greeting everyone in Spanish by their names as if they were her family. It was obvious to me she always came here.

She ordered for me. She asked what I liked and she ordered a mountain of food! It was the MOST delicious Mexican food I ever tasted. I had been to Mexico many times but mostly Cancun and this beat the food there. All the workers were all Mexican and all the customers were Mexicans too. I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb but no one cared. Everyone was happy and joyful and eating their delicious food. There was Ranchera music blasting in the background. It was the first time I ate an arrachera Mexican taco and it was delicious! The name of the restaurant was El Tapitio. I’m not sure if it’s still there or not.

I was so stuffed. Bianca was stuffed too. She said she had to go talk to the Manager about something. I thought maybe she was asking him for a job. She came back and we talked about life. I asked her what she wanted out of life and how she could NOT continue to be a stripper. She said that was just her temporary thing to earn a lot of money quickly. A means to an end or so she called it. I joked that her dancing was so bad, I don’t think she will make much money. We both laughed so much at dinner.

I told her to go home to her parents and plead one last time to forgive her. She asked me if I ever got high before. I told her I wasn’t into drugs. I grew up in the “Just say No to Drugs” era. My father always ingrained into my head that if I did drugs he would kill me. (He literally would tell me that on a weekly basis). During the Reagan Era you either believed you were going to die or go to jail if you did drugs. Or you would have to suffer and watch those, “this is your brain on drugs and watch the egg sizzling on the stove top.
To further complicate things, one of the things my healthcare company that I co-owned did was drug testing. So I explained I just wasn’t into drugs of any kind. I explained to her I was in a fraternity in college. A big party fraternity and I even lived in the frat for one year. I told her I didn’t care if other people did them. I wouldn’t hold it against them and I told her realistically a cigarette was more harmful than marijuana. But I just didn’t want to do it. I had made it all through college drug free and owning a healthcare company, I just didn’t think it was a good idea for me.

She just laughed and called me a “square”. I told her yes I am not scared of being a “square” and she could do her pot judgment free from me. Many of my college friends got high every single day. I was already high on life. I was dating a lot and having fun. I told her I don’t need drugs to make me feel really good.

I asked for the check but I was blown away when they told me it was on the house. I insisted on paying and said no. That’s when I found out from the manager that Bianca had already paid for the dinner! This girl was so sneaky. Bianca just laughed and said, the cheap date is on me but the next fancy one is on you. We both laughed so hard. It was all hilarious. She had already set up the next date. She was always thinking. I thought how intelligent this girl was but I warned myself that she was almost too sneaky as she just set two dates in the span of 24 hours.

I had to go take Bianca home and I was tired from a long day at work. I took her home and walked her to the front of the building and said I was leaving. She snapped at me, “You’re not going to walk a lady to her door?” I was really tired but I agreed to take her up. She told the valet to go park my car.

I got up to her penthouse apartment and the view was so majestic. You could see the Dallas skyline with all the lights. It was incredible. I loved amazing views like that when you can see the city skyline. We both were looking at the skyline and then we had our first kiss. It was almost magical looking at that skyline, with a beautiful girl that just set up the perfect evening. I thought to myself, just 11 hours ago I was sitting in a strip club watching this girl dance awkwardly and now I’m kissing her in her penthouse apartment. Life was good.

She asked me to go to her fridge and open a bottle of wine. She called it by Brand and year but I honestly don’t remember that detail as it was long ago. I don’t drink alcohol but I did have 2 glasses with her that night. We were kissing and holding one another until we finished the bottle of wine. And then we ended up in her bedroom where we made love. It was so intense and passionate. It was beyond how I expected my day to end. It was wild and crazy. I didn’t even have a condom with me. I never expected to be in this situation. Bianca either, or maybe she did! Bianca told me she was on birth control pills so as crazy as it seems, we were having unprotected sex on our first date with a stranger . Looking back, those were the 1990’s.

Bianca and I really hit it off. She was intellectually really smart. She was well spoken, well traveled, refined, and sophisticated. She knew good wines, she knew bad wines. Since her family has been in the restaurant business her whole life, she knew food very well. She might have been the one that made me a foodie. She always would teach me about good food.

It was a bit of an awkward situation because I didn’t want a serious girlfriend but I started to have feelings for Bianca. At the same time, there was NO way I was going to finance her lifestyle. I wasn’t some stupid sugar daddy. I myself was only in my mid 20’s at the time! Yes, I was making a lot of money but I wanted to put that into investments and savings. So I made clear with Bianca that she needed to have a short-term, mid-term and long-term plan to get out of stripping. Not for ME. But for HER.

I am not the jealous type. I never was and I’m not now. Why? Because I always reasoned to myself that no girl will find a better catch than I am. I’m an honest guy, a hard worker that treats people like I want to be treated. Maybe I was too arrogant of an opinion of myself, but that’s the way I’ve always looked at myself. If a girl wants to cheat and lose me, I’m better off without her. I had that attitude then and I have it now.

We dated for weeks which turned into months. She was still stripping and I knew in my heart I could never have a serious relationship with her if she didn’t stop stripping. She did try a few times and did retail stuff. She never finished her college degree but she was super smart. I told her she could go into sales or marketing or a hundred different jobs.
Bianca liked to get high. I didn’t care much but it was a little annoying to me. I HATED the smell of pot and her apartment even though she smoked outside on her terrace you could still smell that pungent smell of pot. She always begged me and pleaded with me to try it. She told me sex was so amazing while you are high. When she said that, it tempted me a bit. I can’t lie. But ultimately, I just didn’t want to do it.

It was her 21st birthday coming up and I wanted to do something special for her. So I planned a romantic trip to Cancun for her birthday at the Ritz Carlton. I went down to Cancun all the time to relax and just enjoy the vibe of Mexico. I loved Mexico. The ocean is amazing there and it’s easy to get to from Dallas. So I planned this elaborate trip to celebrate her big 21st birthday.
T-Minus 14 days leading up to that trip and strange stuff just kept happening. For example about 2 weeks before the trip, I ran into Dan, her gay neighbor. Many times after I came over to Bianca’s apartment after work, Dan would come over as he and Bianca were very good friends. Dan was a trust fund kid too. He lived in the apartment right across the hall from Bianca.
He was one of those flaming gay guys with all the expressions. I loved Dan. He was funny and a good guy. I don’t even think Dan had a real job. I asked him once and he said he did Marketing for his family’s business. Which usually means you don’t really do anything.

One night after Bianca and I made love. I was leaving while Bianca was showering. I left her apartment when Dan came out immediately asking me for a favor? Of course, what Dan? Well Dan loaned Bianca $4,000 to make rent and he said now he is going to miss rent if he didn’t get that back. I told him that I didn’t want to get in the middle of Bianca’s loan with him. But Dan started crying saying he doesn’t have the money and he did this as a good friend.

I told Dan I could do $2,000 and that was it and asked for his bank info. I remember he gave me a Bank of America account and I told him I had a big Bank of America office in the lobby of my office. And I’d do it in the morning.
I wasn’t in the mood to talk to Bianca again so I just went home. I called her that night and told her about the uncomfortable situation. She promised to pay me back. She was very apologetic but she said she just doesn’t like her job stripping. I yelled at her to find another job. I already knew the moment Dan approached me it was over. I told myself I will just break up with Bianca after Cancun. Remember I’m a value guy and I already paid for the trip to Cancun.

T minus 5 days to the Cancun trip. One day I was at Bianca's apartment. I came over and we made a mad dash for the bedroom. We had so much chemistry in bed. The sex was amazing! That’s probably what kept me in this dead end relationship as long as I did. We finished having sex and I went to shower and then find my clothes and shoes. The shoe was under the bed so I grabbed it. Then I see this Prada shoebox that looked out of place under the bed. Why wasn’t it in the closet with all the other shoe boxes she had? I reached for it and I opened it to find this big stash of pot.

Bianca was taking a shower but when she got out I immediately confronted her about it. This was more than for personal use only. I asked her if she was selling pot. I told her there is NO way I could continue to be with her if she was illegally selling drugs. I told her my healthcare company does drug testing and also I didn’t want to be with her if she got arrested with drugs on her. I spent all my life staying away from drugs and just didn’t want that stain on my reputation or any legal hassles.

That was the last straw. I told her I think the relationship is over. She convinced me to at least wait until a few days and let’s just enjoy the Cancun trip as it was already paid for. (Bianca was a value proposition person too...haha). I couldn't argue with her logic right?
T Minus 2 days and she said for her birthday she wanted to cook me dinner? Bianca loved cooking. She said we would celebrate her real birthday in Cancun but she was going to cook me her abuelas (grandmas) recipe of Shrimp with this zesty sauce full of spices and flavors. I thought that it was great that she would cook dinner for us for her USA celebration. It sure beats going to an expensive fancy restaurant!

So I came over to her house and I would stop at the gas station I always went to. The guy behind that counter knew me and I would always catch up and talk. I went to buy some gum and he suggested the new Orbit sugarfree gum. I had not tried this before, and I grabbed a pack and popped one in my mouth and I headed over to Bianca’s Penthouse apartment.
I drove over to Bianca’s apartment and there was an aroma of delicious food cooking in the area. Bicana was a fabulous cook. I took a long shower and then came out and the food was ready. We ate her grandma’s creation and I was so stuffed. I laid down in her bed. I could see the beautiful orange pink purple haze of the sunset. All of a sudden, the sky was dancing and the colors were dancing around the sky. It was so beautiful. I had never seen anything like that in my life.

Bianca undresses my shirt and she was already naked and we were looking out the window at the sky. I asked her if she had ever seen anything so beautiful. She confirmed it was the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. We go to her bed and we start to make love. It was so incredibly passionate and I was feeling things I had never seen before. My heart was racing. I could feel my blood pumping. Every part of my body was extremely sensitive. The pleasure of the sex was heightened and it was taking me to another level. I wanted to go higher and higher and higher. The pleasure threshold wouldn’t come down.

All of a sudden I look out at the sky and it’s already black. Where did the time go? At first it felt like time was going in slow motion. Then the sky was pitch black. How much time has gone by? I lost my sense of time. I started seeing 3 of Bianca and I was floating around. All of a sudden I stopped Bianca. I was not feeling right. I had never done drugs before so this was all new to me. Bianca just kept telling me that it would all be ok.

I stopped. I tried to get my brain to think rationally. Suddenly I blurted out that the new Orbit sugarfree gum that I had before I came over must have been poisoned and tainted somehow. It was the only thing that made sense to me. I always try to think logically. But then another thought entered my mind. What if it had been Bianca that drugged me. Yes, that was more reasonable and I quickly shouted at her to confront her.

I told her that I know she put something in the food. I told her I would go take the food to the police if she didn’t confess! I was really angry. She did confess to putting marijuana in my food. I asked if she put anything else but she denied it. By that time I was very high and I could barely walk. I was floating around as if my body was elevated. I quickly took a warm shower to get all the sex off of me. Each drop of water felt like a million drops. It was soothing but I just wanted to change and leave.
As I got dressed, I realized there was no way I could drive home. I had to leave my BMW there and I called my friend Matt, who was a lawyer. I called him and said, “Bianca drugged me, I need a ride home. Can you pick me up in front of her building?”. Matt was a good friend and immediately came over. I was very angry at Bianca and immediately broke up with her. I told her the Cancun trip was off and I never wanted to see her again.

Bianca was violently crying and apologizing but it was too late. I was already planning to break up with her after the Cancun trip. This just moved things up a week. I could never be with someone that would do something like this. It’s one thing if someone wants to do drugs but quite another to drug someone against their will.

The following day, Bianca came to my house banging on my door. She was crying and apologizing. I didn’t answer it but I did answer her phone call. I told her I would never forgive her and if she didn’t leave the premises, I would call the police to arrest her.
I went on that trip to Cancun alone. And I had a lot of fun. I met a few girls at the hotel that invited me to go to dinner with them that night. I ended up meeting a girl out that night and I spent the rest of the week with her. I had a smile on my face that entire week thinking that everything happens for a reason.

When I got home I was really tired. And that night again I heard Bianca banging on my door and wouldn’t leave. So I simply called the police and told them there was a stranger that kept coming to my door after asking them to leave. The police did come and escorted her off my property. I never heard from or saw Bianca again.
Earlyretirement, that was MUCH better than I was expecting!! I'm heading over to Twitter to read the other Chapters. What is the www.3yearstolive.com site for?
Same thing. This is why it can never work out. Are you men so stupid? You have to find a girl that respects herself and would not do this. I have a daughter in college and she would never do this because we brought her up with good values. Shame on all of you for encouraging this relationship.
@Avocado I am all for free speech but please if you can be respectful with all members. You can certainly disagree and I will defend your right to disagree with other's opinions as long as everyone is being respectful. I would agree with you that men can be stupid at times. Probably your husband as well isn't perfect 100% of the time. Really no one is in life.

You never know what circumstances would lead someone to make this difficult choice. I've been all around the world traveling for almost the past 30 years. I've seen quite a bit but I never judge someone by what they do for a living. Many people have very difficult lives. Not everyone comes from a good household with loving parents or someone to help them. It's very easy to judge but until you have walked a mile in their shoes I don't think you can judge anyone. I suspect if you found out your daughter was doing the same thing, you would still love her. If not, then it says a lot about you as a mother.
Earlyretirement, that was MUCH better than I was expecting!! I'm heading over to Twitter to read the other Chapters. What is the www.3yearstolive.com site for?
Thank you and everyone else for all the kind comments. My life has been a journey! I've been wanting to write this book for 30 years so I'm proud of myself that I finally started. Still lots of Chapters to write. But I have been getting a lot of encouragement from strangers like you all, my family and friends and my lawyer and Hollywood agent. I made the website for people to sign up to be notified when the book is out so they can purchase it. As a reward, I also send out random chapters of my book as I write it. So feel free to sign up. I just sent out 2 free chapters today as I stopped posting them on my Twitter.

@earlyretirement - I love your Chapter. This Bianca was a very smart girl UNTIL she drugged you. You ever talk to her again?
NO. I never talked to her again. Much like Andrea from my Chapter, "I'm an Asshole". I never talked to her again either to this day many years later.