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  1. M

    Real Estate Sales Who are buying houses?

    I am curious. Are there many foreigners or Americans out in the gated communities? I am just wondering why they would want to live all the way out there? As I understand it during COVID there was a big push towards big open spaces but is there still demand or interest out there?
  2. M

    Newcomer Negotiating and making an offer on apartment

    Thank you for that link. It is interesting the differences from neighborhood to neighborhood even though some are right next to one another. Very interesting!
  3. M

    Is "bolsa" honestly that hard of a word to understand? Native Argentine opinion?

    Madrid wasn't bad but in Malaga you are seeing the anti-gringo sentiment more. More and more expats here. I think Tik Tok makes it worse or at least locals see the videos and blame tourists.
  4. M

    Does it still make sense to retire in Buenos Aires on fixed income?

    Same for me. I can work remotely online. The only tough thing for me will be the time zone difference as my company is in Madrid but they will be flexible as long as I get work done. Buenos Aires prices are still good but I am mostly moving because I sold my flat in Madrid and want to buy in...
  5. M

    Real Estate Sales Who are buying houses?

    I just sold my flat in Madrid! Great price. Now I am looking to buy in Buenos Aires with the proceeds. Prices here in Buenos Aires are much cheaper than in Madrid! I remember looking at properties in Buenos Aires many years ago and they were more expensive vs. now. It looks like prices came...
  6. M

    Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

    Thanks! I love Chick-Fil-A. Is there a review of this in the Food section? I will look it up if so. Much much easier using credit cards since my last visit when there was white market and black market. Seems much easier now!
  7. M

    Real Estate Sales Great New Construction For Sale that is going to be Completed by August 2024 - Meet Palermo

    These look really nice. Property prices have come down the past several years! I last looked in 2019 and it was a hell of a lot more expensive then!
  8. M

    Real Estate News BuySellBA - FREE Real estate news articles updated Daily on Buenos Aires, Argentina - Translated to English and emailed to you free

    Wow! Great website! I am selling my apartment in Spain and looking to possibly move to BA. I will check out the website. There is a lot of information on buying on it.
  9. M

    The Central Bank approved the issuance of $10,000 and $20,000 bills for June

    I can't wait! With the way inflation is going they better plan a 100,000 note too. I heard they were working on 50,000 note too.
  10. M

    What are you favorite things about living in Buenos Aires as an Expat or living in Argentina if not living in BA?

    I used to come to Buenos Aires many times but then stopped over COVID but it sounds like things are back to normal now. I am selling my apartment in Madrid and thinking about moving to Buenos Aires. I have so many things I love about Buenos Aires. It was very affordable and looks much...
  11. M

    Newcomer Lisbon Vs Buenos Aires

    Lisbon is a great city;very polite population. I could not handle a third language and the hills. Madrid and Barcelona fine cities also, but the deal in Spain is Valencia. Third largest city in Spain and way cheaper than Madrid or Barcelona. Also on the water.