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Newcomer A Large Percentage of Argentinians Want to Be Digital Nomads: A Growing Trend!

According to Ruckauf (vice-president during Menem's presidency) probably around January because Trump will be president and that should help releasing the loan from the MFI. To remove the cepo the government needs to have a good backup of US$ in the bank.
Yes no doubt it won't be this year. It will be next year at the earliest. Trump in the Whitehouse will be a big help. Then again, I thought Trump was friendly with Bukele from El Salvador and Trump has been blasting him over and over in speeches lately. Not sure what is going on there.
Not the whole income but whatever is transfered from abroad to a local bank account. E.g: you transfer from Wise to a local bank account then you need to invoice that otherwise you may be on AFIP's eyes. Declaring the whole income is virtually impossible unless you want to pay around 70% taxes... this should be fixed once the CEPO is removed.
Did you see this @enbits? A guy on Twitter asked Milei to raise it and a few days later Milei did. Amazing!

I mentioned a few months ago that my partner's police officer sister was robbed at gunpoint and her car was taken. Guess what? Last month, the same thing happened to my partner's brother in law while he was driving Didi. People don't rob your car like that where I come from. And here two people in my family got their cars robbed within the span of 3 months like it's normal. It's so true about what you mentioned about what happened in Miami during the ball game 🤣🤣🤣
Car thefts during the middle of the day seem to be more common. I heard it was never this bad before. Fortunately when people see it, they take action quickly. Saw this and thought of you @Jakoval.

@enbits I read this blog and thought of you in Bogota. Prices don't sound too bad at all. Very lucky you guys have a Pricesmart there. BA could sure use one of those!

@enbits I read this blog and thought of you in Bogota. Prices don't sound too bad at all. Very lucky you guys have a Pricesmart there. BA could sure use one of those!

I agree with all of what's described there...

Having a car in Bogota is silly:

Traffic is awful and there's a regulation for non-electric cars that forbids using them during certain days of the week according to the plate's number... they said it's to reduce the carbon footprint but the reality is that there are so many cars that it would impossible for everyone to use their cars at the same time. I'm using Uber for taxis, sometimes I just get a cab if it's there's one waiting on the street. There's Uber comfort as well if you want to get fancy. I don't mind status.

Compared to Argentina, Colombia is 'capitalist':

We have Pricesmart, Ikea, H&M, Papa Johns, etc. Supermarkets are top notch with lots of imported products and cheap and fresh vegies, 1 kilo of tomatoes is less than a dollar. But some things are very expensive, specially red meat.

The problem with Bogota is... Bogota:

The urban planning is awful, city is not walkable and except the historic area there's no beautiful architecture... mostly just buildings. In that aspect BA beats by far.
I agree with all of what's described there...

Having a car in Bogota is silly:

Traffic is awful and there's a regulation for non-electric cars that forbids using them during certain days of the week according to the plate's number... they said it's to reduce the carbon footprint but the reality is that there are so many cars that it would impossible for everyone to use their cars at the same time. I'm using Uber for taxis, sometimes I just get a cab if it's there's one waiting on the street. There's Uber comfort as well if you want to get fancy. I don't mind status.

Compared to Argentina, Colombia is 'capitalist':

We have Pricesmart, Ikea, H&M, Papa Johns, etc. Supermarkets are top notch with lots of imported products and cheap and fresh vegies, 1 kilo of tomatoes is less than a dollar. But some things are very expensive, specially red meat.

The problem with Bogota is... Bogota:

The urban planning is awful, city is not walkable and except the historic area there's no beautiful architecture... mostly just buildings. In that aspect BA beats by far.
I went to Bogota and couldn't believe how horrible the traffic is there! How do you guys manage there? My friend there told me he can only drive it part of the week and has to take public transport the rest of the week but it was very slow. I used Uber but traffic was so bad sometimes I had to get out and walk the rest.

I did like the supermarkets there. Your produce there is so fresh. In Argentina, vegetables are very expensive for what you get. I agree the city was not planned well. I barely saw any parks and very few areas were walkable. Buildings were ugly. At night I didn't feel safe walking around other than very touristy areas.

I heard Medellin was nicer but heard there are other issues there.
I went to Bogota and couldn't believe how horrible the traffic is there! How do you guys manage there? My friend there told me he can only drive it part of the week and has to take public transport the rest of the week but it was very slow. I used Uber but traffic was so bad sometimes I had to get out and walk the rest.

I did like the supermarkets there. Your produce there is so fresh. In Argentina, vegetables are very expensive for what you get. I agree the city was not planned well. I barely saw any parks and very few areas were walkable. Buildings were ugly. At night I didn't feel safe walking around other than very touristy areas.

I heard Medellin was nicer but heard there are other issues there.
Yeah, looks like locals are just used to it and keep buying fancy cars... weird because on top of that driving outside of the city is hard because of the hilly terrain, much better to take a plane instead. People is really nice though and despite the traffic the drivers respect the peasants more than in Argentina.
Yeah, looks like locals are just used to it and keep buying fancy cars... weird because on top of that driving outside of the city is hard because of the hilly terrain, much better to take a plane instead. People is really nice though and despite the traffic the drivers respect the peasants more than in Argentina.
It is crazy how many people have cars in Bogota. It didn't seem to make sense to me but a friend of mine from there his family has like 4 cars! I wasn't sure if you can alternate between car license plates to drive them more each week. It sounded like there was some way they were able to drive every day by rotating cars.

People are very friendly in Colombia. I think over all everyday people are much kinder and happier in Colombia vs. Argentina.
It is crazy how many people have cars in Bogota. It didn't seem to make sense to me but a friend of mine from there his family has like 4 cars! I wasn't sure if you can alternate between car license plates to drive them more each week. It sounded like there was some way they were able to drive every day by rotating cars.
Yeah, it's acordding to the plate's ending number I believe so some people decide to have 2 cars so they can drive daily!. People can use electric cars every day of the week though. I've went back to BA a few months ago and I remember noticing how smooth the traffic was compared.

People are very friendly in Colombia. I think over all everyday people are much kinder and happier in Colombia vs. Argentina.
Definitely, despite all the things that the country has passed people looks really happy. Also when I walk through (fancy) streets or go to a shopping mall and it's filled with people, it feels like Argentina in the 90s during the 1-1 dollar rate.
Yeah, it's acordding to the plate's ending number I believe so some people decide to have 2 cars so they can drive daily!. People can use electric cars every day of the week though. I've went back to BA a few months ago and I remember noticing how smooth the traffic was compared.

Definitely, despite all the things that the country has passed people looks really happy. Also when I walk through (fancy) streets or go to a shopping mall and it's filled with people, it feels like Argentina in the 90s during the 1-1 dollar rate.
Interesting that Colombia has many electric cars. I had heard electricity prices were more expensive in Colombia. I am always surprised that with electricity prices so inexpensive in Argentina there weren't more of them but then I remind myself probably it would be 3X the cost to buy an electric car here with all the import taxes. I recently saw a post where a $200,000 Porsche was selling for over $650,000 here in Buenos Aires!

Traffic in Buenos Aires really flows well. There are some busy times at the beginning and end of the day but overall the avenues are wider and things move along.

My friend lives in Colombia and she is happy. She worries about the direction of things with the president in place now.
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Interesting that Colombia has many electric cars. I had heard electricity prices were more expensive in Colombia. I am always surprised that with electricity prices so inexpensive in Argentina there weren't more of them but then I remind myself probably it would be 3X the cost to buy an electric car here with all the import taxes. I recently saw a post where a $200,000 Porsche was selling for over $650,000 here in Buenos Aires!

Traffic in Buenos Aires really flows well. There are some busy times at the beginning and end of the day but overall the avenues are wider and things move along.

My friend lives in Colombia and she is happy. She worries about the direction of things with the president in place now.
I don't think Petro nor the left-wing will be re-elected, there's some inflation going on since he's in charge and people are feeling it. Colombians overall love what Milei is doing in Arg.
I agree with all of what's described there...

Having a car in Bogota is silly:

Traffic is awful and there's a regulation for non-electric cars that forbids using them during certain days of the week according to the plate's number... they said it's to reduce the carbon footprint but the reality is that there are so many cars that it would impossible for everyone to use their cars at the same time. I'm using Uber for taxis, sometimes I just get a cab if it's there's one waiting on the street. There's Uber comfort as well if you want to get fancy. I don't mind status.

Compared to Argentina, Colombia is 'capitalist':

We have Pricesmart, Ikea, H&M, Papa Johns, etc. Supermarkets are top notch with lots of imported products and cheap and fresh vegies, 1 kilo of tomatoes is less than a dollar. But some things are very expensive, specially red meat.

The problem with Bogota is... Bogota:

The urban planning is awful, city is not walkable and except the historic area there's no beautiful architecture... mostly just buildings. In that aspect BA beats by far.
I really wish that Argentina would get bigger international stores like Pricesmart or a Costco or better supermarkets. Ikea would also be popular here. Plus I think that many would shop there. I guess they need to get rid of a lot of the taxes before a chain like that would come here.

I don't think Petro nor the left-wing will be re-elected, there's some inflation going on since he's in charge and people are feeling it. Colombians overall love what Milei is doing in Arg.
Yes all my Colombian friends all are impressed with Milei. Really in much of South America you go people have a good impression of him. Especially with the younger generation.
Yes, this should NOT be happening at any bank in any country. Is it just one bank that is affected or all banks @enbits?
Just Bancolombia. A few months ago Bancolombia also had issues with its digital wallet called 'Nequi' where it was not possible to make transfers through the app for a couple of days.
Just Bancolombia. A few months ago Bancolombia also had issues with its digital wallet called 'Nequi' where it was not possible to make transfers through the app for a couple of days.
My friend there said it's just a bank glitch. He actually was showing double his normal balance. That would be better than $0.
