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A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

Argentina Expat

Well-known member
Approved by @earlyretirement

Hey guys,

Just thought I'd share this.

If you're like me, you want to hear all about the events, news, and other interesting resources for expats.

But going to a dozen Instagram pages, forums, Facebook groups, and other sites can be a hassle.

That's why I started a newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires - Buenos Guide.

It's sent to your inbox on Mondays and Thursdays and covers news, events, interesting resources, job offers, real estate, and more.

If you want to check it out, here's the link: Buenos Guide

I'm happy to answer any questions - and if you have any recommendations on how to improve it, please let me know :)

Thanks for reading!
Hey @Wally , sure thing, this is the homepage: https://www.buenosguide.com/ you can check it out and see what it looks like before deciding if you want to subscribe :)
Thank you. The member profiles are interesting. My friend there said she met up with some expats and they are wierdos. She stopped meeting up. I saw on another forum they actually publish ahead of time where they will meet each week. Is that safe? What is stopping some smart thief from just following them after the meeting and following them home and robbing them and knowing where they live. It doesn't seem smart to me.
Thank you. The member profiles are interesting. My friend there said she met up with some expats and they are wierdos. She stopped meeting up. I saw on another forum they actually publish ahead of time where they will meet each week. Is that safe? What is stopping some smart thief from just following them after the meeting and following them home and robbing them and knowing where they live. It doesn't seem smart to me.
This is actually a valid point. I met an American several years ago that went to one of these meetups. I am not sure which website but it was the same type of thing where they openly published ahead of time the meeting time and location. His apartment was actually robbed later that night. He didn't know for sure but he thought it was not a coincidence. Gathering at a place published on the Internet at a specific date and time is just dumb. Thieves in BA are getting more sophisticated. All it takes is them showing up watching you all meet and then following you back to where you live. Not worth the risks in my opinion.
This is actually a valid point. I met an American several years ago that went to one of these meetups. I am not sure which website but it was the same type of thing where they openly published ahead of time the meeting time and location. His apartment was actually robbed later that night. He didn't know for sure but he thought it was not a coincidence. Gathering at a place published on the Internet at a specific date and time is just dumb. Thieves in BA are getting more sophisticated. All it takes is them showing up watching you all meet and then following you back to where you live. Not worth the risks in my opinion.
Are there really dumb people like this out there? Not a good idea doing this in South America. Buenos Aires is relatively safe but I actually don't meet with strangers that I don't know. Seems like a recipe for disaster in South America.
Are there really dumb people like this out there? Not a good idea doing this in South America. Buenos Aires is relatively safe but I actually don't meet with strangers that I don't know. Seems like a recipe for disaster in South America.
Actually yes there is an expat group that meets up I think weekly for coffee in Buenos Aires. I have never done it. I wouldn't worry about the expats but more so as you all mentioned, someone following after the meeting. Risk/reward doesn't seem worth it to me.
Thank you. The member profiles are interesting. My friend there said she met up with some expats and they are wierdos. She stopped meeting up. I saw on another forum they actually publish ahead of time where they will meet each week. Is that safe? What is stopping some smart thief from just following them after the meeting and following them home and robbing them and knowing where they live. It doesn't seem smart to me.
Lol how fresh Jenn calling people weirdos from the girl with a poop fetish :)

.... But before you get too upset, I concede and admit it was your friend who said that so we good 🤝
Lol how fresh Jenn calling people weirdos from the girl with a poop fetish :)

.... But before you get too upset, I concede and admit it was your friend who said that so we good 🤝
YES! I admit I have a fear of smells and stepping in dog poop or any poop for that matter. My friend said sometimes it could be human poop too. I read homeless situation is increasing so a girl never can be too careful.

I am weird. I admit.
So far no, the posts are just published versions of emails I send
I hope you write some articles about how expensive it is in Buenos Aires now and maybe comparing it to prices in USA and Europe. I keep posting how it is cheaper in Europe now. People criticized me and now the mainstream press is writing articles just like I said. BA isn't cheap!
YES! I admit I have a fear of smells and stepping in dog poop or any poop for that matter. My friend said sometimes it could be human poop too. I read homeless situation is increasing so a girl never can be too careful.

I am weird. I admit.
Interesting... you mention fear of smelling and stepping but (or should I say butt ;)) not of tasting poo.

Makes sense. I knew I've seen you before