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I'm planning to spend three months in Buenos Aires from January to March 2019. My current job in the U.S. allows me to work remotely during this period, and I'm eager to make the most of my time in Argentina, even with a full-time work commitment. I'd appreciate advice on the following:

  • Affordable neighborhoods to consider for accommodation
  • Apartment options that cater to expats or are situated in expat-friendly communities
  • Areas known for having vibrant expat communities
  • Locations offering free or budget-friendly co-working spaces
  • Opportunities for practicing Spanish
Looking forward to engaging in more discussions with all of you!
Palermo Belgrano and Recoleta are nice areas but can be a little more expensive than usual. Villa Crespo and certain parts of Almagro are very similar yet lower in price

Try Craigslist and AirBNB for apartments

Palermo and San Telmo have tonnes of expats (San Telmo is shady after dark)

Not sure about number 4& for teaching, from personal experience I would check Craigslist
Palermo Belgrano and Recoleta are nice areas but can be a little more expensive than usual. Villa Crespo and certain parts of Almagro are very similar yet lower in price

Try Craigslist and AirBNB for apartments

Palermo and San Telmo have tonnes of expats (San Telmo is shady after dark)

Not sure about number 4& for teaching, from personal experience I would check Craigslist
I don't know why people say San Telmo is a little shady after dark. It is not. The streets are all well lit. There are policia on almost every block. I walk home late at night alone often. I would say La Boca after dark or even in the day, no. But San Telmo, that's just not true.
I agree with ALL the others. San Telmo can get really sketchy at night. Definitely the areas to stay in are either Palermo (Soho, Hollywood Viajo), Recoleta are all great options. Definitely Puerto Madero is super safe but too sterile and doesn't feel like Buenos Aires. Belgrano is very nice and residential but too far away for my tastes to everything.
what is your budget? in dollars or pesos?

palermo is a pretty popular area. i think this board does a meet up in that area.
I'm hoping to spend around $400 - $500 USD as the top of my budget.
Take advantage of the current exchange rate and get a place with a landlord that allows you to pay in pesos. 500 USD converts to 19,700 pesos at the moment which can get you a very nice apartment in a nice area.
Take advantage of the current exchange rate and get a place with a landlord that allows you to pay in pesos. 500 USD converts to 19,700 pesos at the moment which can get you a very nice apartment in a nice area.
What you say is TRUE for an unfurnished apt. with GARANTIA, on a 2 year contract payable in pesos.... For a furnished place on a Temporary rental basis $600 will get you a room in a shared appt. maybe shared Bathroom
What you say is TRUE for an unfurnished apt. with GARANTIA, on a 2 year contract payable in pesos.... For a furnished place on a Temporary rental basis $600 will get you a room in a shared appt. maybe shared Bathroom
Can you use the same homes as a garantia to rent more than one property?
I always found it funny you can't use your own personal property that you own or a property in your own name. You have to ask someone else. I've been a guarantor for several friends over the years. I haven't in a while but although I own several properties, I always just used the same property for the guarantia and no one ever said anything. I just had to provide a copy of the escritura.
Can you use the same homes as a garantia to rent more than one property?
a notary must study the escritura and reject it if used many times....
I always found it funny you can't use your own personal property that you own or a property in your own name. You have to ask someone else. I've been a guarantor for several friends over the years. I haven't in a while but although I own several properties, I always just used the same property for the guarantia and no one ever said anything. I just had to provide a copy of the escritura.
a notary must study the escritura and reject it if used many times....
Maybe things are more organized now. Rich One, do you know what the definition of "many times" is? I used one of my properties at least 3 times in one year before but that was a few years ago. Although I'm not sure how much more efficient things are now. You've been in Argentina long enough to know that probably in many cases, they just go through the motions to make sure you have someone that you ask to be the guarantor and sign and put up their property but I'm not sure how extensive they check or what systems are in place to make sure that you can't use the property over again. Nothing is too organized in Argentina in my experience.
I have lived 15 years in Buenos Aires.

I'd say for the last 5 years the Inmobiliarias require a search certified by a Notary Public to determine the quality of a Garantia If used many times (the liens are duly registered in the Properties Records) the Lessor can reject it , this search had a Cost of $700 pesos to be borne by the Lessee. Maybe during your times, Your XP was different ??
I have lived 15 years in Buenos Aires.

I'd say for the last 5 years the Inmobiliarias require a search certified by a Notary Public to determine the quality of a Garantia If used many times (the liens are duly registered in the Properties Records) the Lessor can reject it , this search had a Cost of $700 pesos to be borne by the Lessee. Maybe during your times, Your XP was different ??
The last time I did this was about 3 years ago. I guess it had been a little less than 2 year before that as I had another friend that still hadn't finished their two year lease but I didn't have any problem using the same Escritura.

Like you, I've been in Argentina 15+ years. But the past few years going back and forth in and out of Argentina.