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Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?


Well-known member
I read one of @StatusNomadicus posts. He is an expat and I read how he wishes there were more guns in Argentina. I never heard or read anyone that expressed that interest. It got me thinking. Do any of you expats here or even locals own a firearm in your house? Do you expats wish you could get a gun and carry it for protection? Can you easily get a gun or import your gun?

I think guys are horrible for Argentina but it got me wondering.
No guns here - dont understand the mentality, to be honest.

No guns means no accidents. No accidental shootings

Why are there some many gun related deaths in the USA? Because there are too many guns floating about in the wrong hands, with the current legislation based on what happened in society 250 years ago.
Obtaining a gun license, let alone a "portación de arma de fuego" license, is a multifaceted process in this jurisdiction. The requirements include possession of a DNI or legal residency, proof of income, a thorough background check, a physical medical certificate, and a mental health certificate. Specifically, for a carry permit, a "Dictamen Jurídico Registral" is essential. Unlike gun licenses, this permit operates on a "may issue" basis, meaning individuals must justify to ANMaC why they should be allowed to carry a loaded firearm in public, unless they are a law enforcement officer, security service member, or military personnel.

It's important to note that the American concept of unrestricted gun ownership does not apply here. This discussion pertains to legal gun ownership. However, it is worth acknowledging that there is a significant presence of illegally held guns, as well as individuals engaging in unlawful activities, such as possessing a gun license but carrying their weapon loaded and unlocked in public for self-defense without the necessary "portación" license, which is illegal.
Guns = No bueno for Argentina. It's one of the things I HATE about the USA. I was in traffic a few weeks ago in Miami and the guy in front wasn't going at a red light. I gave him a gentle honk and he flipped me off and pulled out a gun! I was so scared. It was a Latino male.
It's not a good idea to carry a weapon in Buenos Aires. You just have to know where you are at and avoid bad neighborhoods at night. Just stay outside of areas that you don't know.

Waking around in Buenos Aires with a gun for personal protection as a gringo is just a genius move! NOT! You better have friends that work for the government if you get caught! I have several guns of various types back in the USA. I own a ranch in Montana. But no way I'd advocate guns for Argentina. Just not a good idea.
I read one of @StatusNomadicus posts. He is an expat and I read how he wishes there were more guns in Argentina. I never heard or read anyone that expressed that interest. It got me thinking. Do any of you expats here or even locals own a firearm in your house? Do you expats wish you could get a gun and carry it for protection? Can you easily get a gun or import your gun?

I think guys are horrible for Argentina but it got me wondering.
If someone wants to be around guns just go over to Paraguay! Plenty of guns there.
I just read an excellent book on firearms. I bought it on Mercado Libre. It is about carrying concealed weapons.


In the realm of firearms ownership and concealed carry, a comprehensive guide emerges in the Spanish language titled "La Portación Oculta: Sí o No?". This book, available for purchase on MercadoLibre, offers valuable insights into the intricacies of carrying concealed weapons, particularly within the context of Argentina's unique legal landscape.

While the book is available for sale, the author generously extends an offer to provide a complimentary PDF copy to those who express an interest. Within the pages of this guide, readers will delve into the nuanced regulations governing firearm ownership in Argentina, where possessing firearms or obtaining a CLU license is limited to three specific purposes: personal protection within one's residence (excluding businesses), hunting, and sport shooting within designated ranges.

Notably, Argentine law prohibits the loaded carriage of firearms in vehicles, as well as the purchase of certain items such as bullet-proof vests and hollow point bullets. The issuance of Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permits in Argentina is a rare occurrence, with approximately 70 permits granted, typically reserved for individuals such as judges and union members. This stands in stark contrast to the United States, where over 17 million CCW permits have been issued.

The legal repercussions for carrying a concealed weapon without proper authorization in Argentina are severe, including potential imprisonment of up to two years, the confiscation of all firearms, revocation of the CLU license, and other associated penalties. However, an intriguing exception exists—ownership of front-loaded, black powder guns does not require a CLU license.

It is worth noting that the legislative framework surrounding firearms in Argentina, including the restrictions on concealed carry, was established during the tenure of the last military junta government. "La Portación Oculta: Sí o No?" provides a thorough exploration of these laws and serves as an indispensable resource for anyone navigating the complexities of firearm ownership and concealed carry in Argentina.
some many gun related deaths in the USA?
i like your opinions, but this one shows your poisoned UK mind. most gun homicides are from gang stuff, who obtain weapons illegally and commit crimes with them (in the UK, islamists and gangs use knives when they can't get guns...which they CAN get even though they are illegal). here's a tragedy where an unarmed resident couldn't defend himself:
pulled out a gun!
did you take a photo of his license plate and call 9-1-1? he likely was illegally possessing that. law-abiding gun owners who take classes, train, and advocate for gun safety would never threaten someone. the first thing you learn at a CCW/concealed-carry class is that if you flash your gun, you will be criminally and civilly charged with assault w/ a deadly weapon.

i've been held at gunpoint in Tucson AZ and Oceanside CA and both times the perpetrators were illegally possessing the pistols. restrictive gun laws keep the law-abiding populace disarmed, so the criminals can have an easy time. see: Chicago and Detroit.
found of Youtube videos for Anti-vaxxers.
questioning an experimental gene-altering mRNA shot, with zero long-term research, which was Warp-Speed initiated by Trump, doesn't make me an anti-vaxxer. but this is the Communist way; refuse to discuss ideas, and just use ad-hominem attacks to "Other" the person into a group of 'Bad Guys' against you, on the Side of the Angels.

I feel safer here without them. I'm very happy they don't have them here or I think we'd be seeing more violence.
there is no evidence of this; on the contrary, Switzerland is much safer than LatAm and has tons of guns. it's a culture thing, and a psychiatric medication thing, and a celebrating-gang-violence-through-rap-music thing. your feelings aren't facts, sorry to say. the criminals already have guns. here's a thought experiment: you become an armed robber who uses an illegal firearm to commit robberies. where are you more likely to feel emboldened to commit crimes - rural Alaska, or gun-free Washington DC where there's a 99% chance your victims can't defend themselves?

this is a very elementary concept that a child could understand. it's only the most tyrannical of governments who want their population disarmed. i am likely the only one in this forum that has been a cop in the past decade; how many police officers recommend people be self-sufficient and be able to protect themselves? remember, we are only minutes away when seconds count. the ostrich-head-in-the-sand argument only works if you refuse to believe anything will happen to your family, and if you insist on what the TV Man told you about guns. i have never met an anti-gun person who has any clue how a pistol works, or anything else about firearms.

would you seize the Gaucho guns in the rural areas? do they have the ability to defend themselves against wild animals? can weapons be possessed for hunting, and kept at houses? the anti-gun-at-any-cost lobby you shill for doesn't have any actual answers. and crime tends to increase as civilians are restricted from legally owning weapons; wonder why?
go over to Paraguay! Plenty of guns there.
there are already lots of firearms in Argentina; your ignorance doesn't change that. there are already ways to legally possess them here, and criminals already have illegal ones. your solution is a non-solution. can i have a rifle for hunting wild game in the country?

does Paraguay have murder sprees 24/7 with all their legal guns?

it's okay for people to have different opinions than yours. i've lived with anti-gun people, and they almost always are terrified because they have no education whatsoever on the cycle of operations, components, and limitations of each firearm. why should i leave because i want to be able to defend myself if some rapist/murderer wants to kill my family? should i just use the cute wording on Avocado's silly youtube video and ask the psychopath for "love and understanding?" lol
the end result of Gun Control is always genocide, if you're a student of history. here's one of the most disgusting events in world history, 1965-onward Indonesia. highly recommend you watch the documentaries The Look of Silence and The Act of Killing for the full events. genocidal leaders were supported by the USA and have not been punished even through today.
