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Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?

@StatusNomadicus wow you show how crazy you are for guns. Enough already. You call everyone crazy on forum for not changing to your opinion on guns. Everyone say you crazy for love guns so much. You don't have even one person that agree with you. I don't think you find people in Argentina that agree with more guns. Please wait until you go back home to buy more guns.
This crazy guy want more guns in Argentina like the USA. There are almost 400 million guns in the USA! About 46% of worldwide total of civilian firearms only in USA! I read 121 guns for every 100 American residents! Now this crazy guy want the same for Argentina. Crazy.
how crazy you are for guns
pero, nunca lees mis palabras; solamente esperas de repetir tus frases practicadas! las armas son ultima proteccion contra un gobierno que quiere matar a su poblacion. y la derecha de rebelion solamente es posible con...armas! o vas a ser Piquetero cuando hay un gobierno violento?

no he llamado gente "loco" para ser contra de mis opiniones; realmente estoy conversando sobre las temas importantes en la vida. cuando estoy agresivo, es porque tu y pocas personas aqui usan "ad-hominem" frases, y evitar la discursa. es posible que soy incorrecto; pero, es posible que TU tienes miedo de armas, y por eso piensas que son cosas malditas que matan a gente inocente. pero no has escuchado a mis razones de convincirte sobre la realidad: lo policia tiene pistolas y rifles porque el 0.01% de hombres asesinos/violentos/malos que viven, solamente responderan a violencia para parar sus violencia. pero, nunca vas a confesar esta cosa.

lo mas importante es que OTRAS personas aqui, que no tiene la rabia de Peronismo, pueden leer la informacion sobre armas en civilizacion. una cosa verdad es que:

"Last year, Ohio begin citizens to carry concealed firearms without a permit. In a matter of months, gun crime rates decreased in 6 of the 8 largest cities in Ohio, according to a study."
I go to Spain for 15 days and I come back and this guy still crazy for get guns in Argentina. Only person I ever meet that want guns in Argentina and think it good idea. Even here on this forum no one want guns except he.
Ha ha. Yes this guy crazy for guns! He only talk to himself to convince people more guns in Argentina better for society. Not one person agrees with him. People that know Argentina well.
pero, nunca lees mis palabras; solamente esperas de repetir tus frases practicadas! las armas son ultima proteccion contra un gobierno que quiere matar a su poblacion. y la derecha de rebelion solamente es posible con...armas! o vas a ser Piquetero cuando hay un gobierno violento?

no he llamado gente "loco" para ser contra de mis opiniones; realmente estoy conversando sobre las temas importantes en la vida. cuando estoy agresivo, es porque tu y pocas personas aqui usan "ad-hominem" frases, y evitar la discursa. es posible que soy incorrecto; pero, es posible que TU tienes miedo de armas, y por eso piensas que son cosas malditas que matan a gente inocente. pero no has escuchado a mis razones de convincirte sobre la realidad: lo policia tiene pistolas y rifles porque el 0.01% de hombres asesinos/violentos/malos que viven, solamente responderan a violencia para parar sus violencia. pero, nunca vas a confesar esta cosa.

lo mas importante es que OTRAS personas aqui, que no tiene la rabia de Peronismo, pueden leer la informacion sobre armas en civilizacion. una cosa verdad es que:

"Last year, Ohio begin citizens to carry concealed firearms without a permit. In a matter of months, gun crime rates decreased in 6 of the 8 largest cities in Ohio, according to a study."
I agree with many of your posts but guns are not good for Argentina. I vote with all the others. No more guns here.
what if it could be proven that less violent crime occurs when there are honorable citizens concealed-carrying? would you still trust your feelings, instead of evidence?

You still have NO takers for more guns in Argentina. Only YOU want more guns. No one think it a good idea for Argentina.
did you take a photo of his license plate and call 9-1-1? he likely was illegally possessing that. law-abiding gun owners who take classes, train, and advocate for gun safety would never threaten someone. the first thing you learn at a CCW/concealed-carry class is that if you flash your gun, you will be criminally and civilly charged with assault w/ a deadly weapon.

i've been held at gunpoint in Tucson AZ and Oceanside CA and both times the perpetrators were illegally possessing the pistols. restrictive gun laws keep the law-abiding populace disarmed, so the criminals can have an easy time. see: Chicago and Detroit.
How are you held at gunpoint so often??? I have never talked to anyone that got held at gunpoint and it happened to you 2 times? I would say with your bad luck you shouldn't want more guns in Argentina. Just say NO to more guns in Argentina. I have enough to worry about stepping in dog poop and now I have to worry about guns? No thanks!
To be honest I have never met anyone living here that thinks we should have more guns here. To each his own. Just stating facts.
I have been coming to Argentina for 10 years and I have never heard for someone rooting for more guns here in this country. I definitely wouldn't want to see more guns in Argentina. The reason why it's so safe is barely any guns here for a country so big.
No guns here - dont understand the mentality, to be honest.

No guns means no accidents. No accidental shootings

Why are there some many gun related deaths in the USA? Because there are too many guns floating about in the wrong hands, with the current legislation based on what happened in society 250 years ago.
Definitely agree with you @GlasgowJohn. Too many guns in the US. Way too many guys. I would hate the same fate for Argentina.
NO takers for more guns in Argentina
have you ever met/made a friend from someone in a rural area? or has all your life been in a Peronist/Kirchnerist echo-chamber? if you have a car, we can take a drive south or west and meet plenty of people who carry guns daily, for livestock protection, hunting, self-defense, ranching, etc. - are you unaware that firearms are used all over Argentina, by Argentine people?? you can't really be this dumb, right? most Expats are left-leaning traditionally, and most city-dwellers are left-leaning, so of course in a sample size of this forum, people might not be eager to admit they are okay with private possession of firearms (as the opposite option is that the State is the only entity that can have firearms...which is terrifying).

you may not understand USA history, but the first thing the federal government did to tribes like the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota/Sioux was take their firearms away.

google says Argentina has "around 1.5 million registered guns versus 1.7 million unregistered ones"

and how interesting here: https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/gun-ownership-by-country/
...it shows Argentina has 7.4 guns, but 3.6 gun violence...how can it be so violent, if there aren't that many guys compared to similar numbers like in Ireland and Spain?? perhaps the communist drivel you've been imbibing has nothing to do with reality or facts, eh?

I have enough to worry about stepping in dog poop and now I have to worry about guns? No thanks!
Jenn, i've tried being nice in case you have some sort of mental condition...but you're a moron. get over the dog poop thing. log-off, come back to this forum in a month, and go spend time in your nearest big city of over 100,000 population. report back. you're very sheltered and are NOT going to have a good time in another country, with such a strange obsession with dog poop, of all things. your Leftist and sheltered view on guns is as nuanced and worthwhile as your obsession with dog poop. it is likely that your fellow townspeople walk around with concealed pistols and you have no clue, all day every day. this is due to your naiveté and sheltered life. there are guns in Argentina already. more illegal ones than legal ones. you don't need to worry about law-abiding citizens carrying defensive pistols...you should worry about the criminal motochorros driving around car-jacking people and robbing them at gunpoint. the reason you are shocked by me, at around 40 years old, traveled to 50 countries and lived as an Expat since i was 19, is because you are a sheltered child, living at mommy's house. if you left your town more often, you would learn some basic facts about life. people pull guns on other people in big cities...usually the ones where guns are restricted (like in California for me, and on the edge of a college campus in Arizona). you think other people on this forum, above the age of 20 and not living with mom, haven't had a weapon of some kind pointed at them? real life is violent; that's why people have the right to protect their family. you're making it seem like having a pistol pointed at me every 20 years is some common event. it isn't. but it happens, especially when you are living outside your comfort zone. i imagine you haven't done very much at all, so no point in wasting more time giving some examples of things that are unusual, but not impossible.

The reason why it's so safe is barely any guns here for a country so big.
it's not that safe. what statistics are you citing?

there are 1.5 million firearms and almost 2 million illegal firearms in Argentina. just because you think they don't exist, doesn't mean anything. have you ever considered the other side to your argument, that gun possession by law-abiding citizens is a net-positive in society? there's a reason most cops think citizens should be able to protect themselves:

Too many guns in the US. Way too many guys.
based on what? you think more guns means more violence? ever heard an argument for why that's not based on reality, or common sense?

Guns don't help anyone. If more guns came to Argentina more violence, more crime, more accidents and more shootings.
according to who?

"Gun Effectiveness​

  • Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired, and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.
  • Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.
  • 60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed.
  • Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot." https://fee.org/articles/guns-prevent-thousands-of-crimes-every-day-research-show/
Years ago when we were younger.....:cool:
we all have our kinks :ROFLMAO:

in Brazil, an off-duty police officer (female) was about to be abducted/raped/killed/trafficked by some fat piece of sh*t guy, and she was able to use her concealed-carry pistol to stop the threat. she would have had no other way to stop a physically-larger and stronger male from putting her in his car with the childlocks on the door, or using chloroform on her. watch at your own risk, not safe for work, but it's a good video to combat the nonsense that petite females shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves:

here's the problem with the anti-gun media: "Despite hundreds of thousands of times per year when Americans use firearms defensively, none of those incidents is likely to be reported in the mainstream media, even when lives are saved as a result. But one accidental firearm death in a home will be broadcast and rebroadcast from coast to coast." and continuing on, "Virtually all empirical studies in the United States show that tightening gun control laws has not reduced crime rates in general or murder rates in particular. Is this because only people opposed to gun control do empirical studies? Or is it because the facts uncovered in empirical studies make the arguments of gun control zealots untenable? In both England and the United States, those people most zealous for tighter gun control laws tend also to be most lenient toward criminals and most restrictive on police. The net result is that law-abiding citizens become more vulnerable when they are disarmed and criminals disobey gun control laws, as they disobey other laws. The facts are too plain to be ignored. Moreover, the consequences are too dangerous to law-abiding citizens, whose lives are put in jeopardy on the basis of fact-free assumptions and unexamined dogmas. Such arguments are a farce, but not the least bit funny." -Thomas Sowell

more: "Many seize upon statistics which show that Britain has stronger gun-control laws than the United States and lower murder rates. Yet they ignore other countries with stronger gun-control laws than the United States, but which have much higher murder rates, such as Brazil, Russia and Mexico. Even in the case of Britain, London had a much lower murder rate than New York during the years after New York State’s 1911 Sullivan Law imposed very strict gun control, while anyone could buy a shotgun in London with no questions asked in the 1950s. Today, virtually the entire law-abiding population of Britain is disarmed — and gun crimes are vastly more common. Gun-control laws make crime a safer occupation when victims are unarmed." https://www.dispatch.com/story/opin.../thomas-sowell-commentary-in-gun/23558942007/

even more: "Another dogma among gun control supporters is that having a gun in the home for self-defense is futile and is only likely to increase the chances of your getting hurt or killed. Your best bet is to offer no resistance to an intruder, according to this dogma. Actual research tells just the opposite story. People who have not resisted have gotten hurt twice as often as people who resisted with a firearm. Those who resisted without a firearm of course got hurt the most often." https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8124743-another-dogma-among-gun-control-supporters-is-that-having-a

i highly recommend anyone who is actually interested in evidence, read Sowell's essay!

it's amazing. he might be the most intelligent human alive right now, at 90 years old and still writing books. he's an economist, studies history, provides social-science analysis, and overall is just a Ben-Franklin-style-renaissance-man-polymath rockstar. those who are scared of guns will never take the few minutes to study actual statistics and think about how common-sense it is that the only equalizer for an innocent victim is a defensive pistol.
have you ever met/made a friend from someone in a rural area? or has all your life been in a Peronist/Kirchnerist echo-chamber? if you have a car, we can take a drive south or west and meet plenty of people who carry guns daily, for livestock protection, hunting, self-defense, ranching, etc. - are you unaware that firearms are used all over Argentina, by Argentine people?? you can't really be this dumb, right? most Expats are left-leaning traditionally, and most city-dwellers are left-leaning, so of course in a sample size of this forum, people might not be eager to admit they are okay with private possession of firearms (as the opposite option is that the State is the only entity that can have firearms...which is terrifying).

you may not understand USA history, but the first thing the federal government did to tribes like the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota/Sioux was take their firearms away.

google says Argentina has "around 1.5 million registered guns versus 1.7 million unregistered ones"

and how interesting here: https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/gun-ownership-by-country/
...it shows Argentina has 7.4 guns, but 3.6 gun violence...how can it be so violent, if there aren't that many guys compared to similar numbers like in Ireland and Spain?? perhaps the communist drivel you've been imbibing has nothing to do with reality or facts, eh?

Jenn, i've tried being nice in case you have some sort of mental condition...but you're a moron. get over the dog poop thing. log-off, come back to this forum in a month, and go spend time in your nearest big city of over 100,000 population. report back. you're very sheltered and are NOT going to have a good time in another country, with such a strange obsession with dog poop, of all things. your Leftist and sheltered view on guns is as nuanced and worthwhile as your obsession with dog poop. it is likely that your fellow townspeople walk around with concealed pistols and you have no clue, all day every day. this is due to your naiveté and sheltered life. there are guns in Argentina already. more illegal ones than legal ones. you don't need to worry about law-abiding citizens carrying defensive pistols...you should worry about the criminal motochorros driving around car-jacking people and robbing them at gunpoint. the reason you are shocked by me, at around 40 years old, traveled to 50 countries and lived as an Expat since i was 19, is because you are a sheltered child, living at mommy's house. if you left your town more often, you would learn some basic facts about life. people pull guns on other people in big cities...usually the ones where guns are restricted (like in California for me, and on the edge of a college campus in Arizona). you think other people on this forum, above the age of 20 and not living with mom, haven't had a weapon of some kind pointed at them? real life is violent; that's why people have the right to protect their family. you're making it seem like having a pistol pointed at me every 20 years is some common event. it isn't. but it happens, especially when you are living outside your comfort zone. i imagine you haven't done very much at all, so no point in wasting more time giving some examples of things that are unusual, but not impossible.

it's not that safe. what statistics are you citing?

there are 1.5 million firearms and almost 2 million illegal firearms in Argentina. just because you think they don't exist, doesn't mean anything. have you ever considered the other side to your argument, that gun possession by law-abiding citizens is a net-positive in society? there's a reason most cops think citizens should be able to protect themselves:

based on what? you think more guns means more violence? ever heard an argument for why that's not based on reality, or common sense?

according to who?

"Gun Effectiveness​

  • Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired, and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.
  • Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.
  • 60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed.
  • Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot." https://fee.org/articles/guns-prevent-thousands-of-crimes-every-day-research-show/

we all have our kinks :ROFLMAO:

in Brazil, an off-duty police officer (female) was about to be abducted/raped/killed/trafficked by some fat piece of sh*t guy, and she was able to use her concealed-carry pistol to stop the threat. she would have had no other way to stop a physically-larger and stronger male from putting her in his car with the childlocks on the door, or using chloroform on her. watch at your own risk, not safe for work, but it's a good video to combat the nonsense that petite females shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves:

here's the problem with the anti-gun media: "Despite hundreds of thousands of times per year when Americans use firearms defensively, none of those incidents is likely to be reported in the mainstream media, even when lives are saved as a result. But one accidental firearm death in a home will be broadcast and rebroadcast from coast to coast." and continuing on, "Virtually all empirical studies in the United States show that tightening gun control laws has not reduced crime rates in general or murder rates in particular. Is this because only people opposed to gun control do empirical studies? Or is it because the facts uncovered in empirical studies make the arguments of gun control zealots untenable? In both England and the United States, those people most zealous for tighter gun control laws tend also to be most lenient toward criminals and most restrictive on police. The net result is that law-abiding citizens become more vulnerable when they are disarmed and criminals disobey gun control laws, as they disobey other laws. The facts are too plain to be ignored. Moreover, the consequences are too dangerous to law-abiding citizens, whose lives are put in jeopardy on the basis of fact-free assumptions and unexamined dogmas. Such arguments are a farce, but not the least bit funny." -Thomas Sowell

more: "Many seize upon statistics which show that Britain has stronger gun-control laws than the United States and lower murder rates. Yet they ignore other countries with stronger gun-control laws than the United States, but which have much higher murder rates, such as Brazil, Russia and Mexico. Even in the case of Britain, London had a much lower murder rate than New York during the years after New York State’s 1911 Sullivan Law imposed very strict gun control, while anyone could buy a shotgun in London with no questions asked in the 1950s. Today, virtually the entire law-abiding population of Britain is disarmed — and gun crimes are vastly more common. Gun-control laws make crime a safer occupation when victims are unarmed." https://www.dispatch.com/story/opin.../thomas-sowell-commentary-in-gun/23558942007/

even more: "Another dogma among gun control supporters is that having a gun in the home for self-defense is futile and is only likely to increase the chances of your getting hurt or killed. Your best bet is to offer no resistance to an intruder, according to this dogma. Actual research tells just the opposite story. People who have not resisted have gotten hurt twice as often as people who resisted with a firearm. Those who resisted without a firearm of course got hurt the most often." https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8124743-another-dogma-among-gun-control-supporters-is-that-having-a

i highly recommend anyone who is actually interested in evidence, read Sowell's essay!

it's amazing. he might be the most intelligent human alive right now, at 90 years old and still writing books. he's an economist, studies history, provides social-science analysis, and overall is just a Ben-Franklin-style-renaissance-man-polymath rockstar. those who are scared of guns will never take the few minutes to study actual statistics and think about how common-sense it is that the only equalizer for an innocent victim is a defensive pistol.
I will take some time to go through these links. I don't think people are opposed to people living out in rural areas owning guns. From the sound of things, people are talking about CABA. I don't like the idea of guns in BA and I suspect no one will change your mind on the matter and you won't change anyone's mind that is opposed to guns even with all your links. Many people just don't think more guns are a good idea.