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Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

Seems like the following thread I posted triggered too many people:
Title: Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

Milei got himself elected by offending a lot of people and then teaming up with some of the people he offended greatly.

Milei is achieving his objectives through a combination of threats, retribution, marketing, negotiations and compromises, while having the courage to make tough unpopular decisions.

Milei is respected by those who support his policies while feared and hated by those who oppose his plans. If he was a failure, his enemies wouldn't fear him. Some might even argue that before your enemies respect you, they first must first fear you.

It's normal and reasonable to criticize his policies, especially those who are negatively impacted by them. Whether he will ultimately succeed and get himself reelected remains to be seen. However, Milei seems to have proven to be well qualified for the job as president of Argentina and its best chance of turning the country around.
Yes, this was exactly why this forum was created. If you look at this old post below you can read about the issues the owner of this forum had with the owner of that old forum, Igor. I used to post on that forum but it got too ridiculous and moved here.

Seems like the following thread I posted triggered too many people:
Title: Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

Milei got himself elected by offending a lot of people and then teaming up with some of the people he offended greatly.

Milei is achieving his objectives through a combination of threats, retribution, marketing, negotiations and compromises, while having the courage to make tough unpopular decisions.

Milei is respected by those who support his policies while feared and hated by those who oppose his plans. If he was a failure, his enemies wouldn't fear him. Some might even argue that before your enemies respect you, they first must first fear you.

It's normal and reasonable to criticize his policies, especially those who are negatively impacted by them. Whether he will ultimately succeed and get himself reelected remains to be seen. However, Milei seems to have proven to be well qualified for the job as president of Argentina and its best chance of turning the country around.
Wow did that post get your post moderated? This is exactly why I left that forum. I didn't post much and was a lurker for years but too much fighting between members. It is ok to disagree but every single thread is people arguing.

I posted this thread as well about that forum. I think you will find that while people disagree on this forum, there is almost no moderation unless someone is breaking the rules. Welcome to this forum. There are several people that used to post on the old one.

I also switched over. I had my posts deleted. That forum became an echo chamber and if the Moderator/owner didn't agree with a political post they would edit/delete it. That is just wrong. There have been a lot of complaints over the years if you look on X people have been complaining for many years.
People on this forum don't like me because of my anti-Milei views but for the most part, expect just one member of this forum that always bullies me, everyone is mostly respectful here. I have rarely seen any posts deleted and only it seems if they have nothing to do with Buenos Aires or disrupting. I like this forum. Welcome aboard.
People on this forum don't like me because of my anti-Milei views but for the most part, expect just one member of this forum that always bullies me, everyone is mostly respectful here. I have rarely seen any posts deleted and only it seems if they have nothing to do with Buenos Aires or disrupting. I like this forum. Welcome aboard.

Don't worry I think Milei is fantastic but I still like you
I don't think it makes sense to moderate forums to what an owner's political believes are. If so, it makes no sense to have an open forum where everyone can post opinions. I learn quite a bit about what happens in Argentina each day on this forum. That is all that matters. The other forum has been around a long time but things change so drastically in Argentina year to year but it is important to include everyone's views.
Seems like the following thread I posted triggered too many people:
Title: Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

Milei got himself elected by offending a lot of people and then teaming up with some of the people he offended greatly.

Milei is achieving his objectives through a combination of threats, retribution, marketing, negotiations and compromises, while having the courage to make tough unpopular decisions.

Milei is respected by those who support his policies while feared and hated by those who oppose his plans. If he was a failure, his enemies wouldn't fear him. Some might even argue that before your enemies respect you, they first must first fear you.

It's normal and reasonable to criticize his policies, especially those who are negatively impacted by them. Whether he will ultimately succeed and get himself reelected remains to be seen. However, Milei seems to have proven to be well qualified for the job as president of Argentina and its best chance of turning the country around.
Did they moderate your post or delete something? Or just many posters disagreed with your post? If it's the latter I think that is ok for people to disagree. The problem many people seem to have is their post was edited or deleted without notifying the OP. I stopped reading the old forum as it comes across as many old expat males fighting with one another. That isn't productive.
The old forum has a lot of good information but also a lot of fighting between members. Many expats that seem to have come to Argentina only because it was dirt cheap and now that they can't afford it they are bitter and angry and blame it all on Milei. They didn't complain too much while past Presidents got us to where we are today. Also, they say nothing about the tens of millions of dollars that CFK stole or Alberto. But they complain, complain, complain about Milei who is trying to fix Argentina. That's my biggest gripe. I didn't read their post complaining all those years while the country was being robbed.
Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased and many posters are suffering from MDS (Milei Derangement Syndrome)?
There has been complains of excessive moderation on the old forum for a long time. I stopped going to that site. I suspect that many of those posters have moved out of Argentina or probably will move out soon. Mostly now it's members arguing with one another, people posting about free concerts, posts about how food prices are the highest in the world (not true), or silly people complaining about disputes with their property administrator which absolutely NO ONE cares about.
Did they moderate your post or delete something? Or just many posters disagreed with your post? If it's the latter I think that is ok for people to disagree. The problem many people seem to have is their post was edited or deleted without notifying the OP. I stopped reading the old forum as it comes across as many old expat males fighting with one another. That isn't productive.
Yes, it's definitely ok to have different opinions, and I always try to debate in a civil manner.
After that post, I noticed days later that new posts are held for review for a long time, and then recently I started noticing some of my replies to other threads being deleted. Those are replies that would not that have broken any reasonable rules.
People on this forum don't like me because of my anti-Milei views but for the most part, expect just one member of this forum that always bullies me, everyone is mostly respectful here. I have rarely seen any posts deleted and only it seems if they have nothing to do with Buenos Aires or disrupting. I like this forum. Welcome aboard.
I like you just fine @Avocado. You post a lot of good content. Even if I might disagree with some of your posts I am glad to read counter-arguments as well about Milei. I don't believe he is doing 100% right.
Yes, it's definitely ok to have different opinions, and I always try to debate in a civil manner.
After that post, I noticed days later that new posts are held for review for a long time, and then recently I started noticing some of my replies to other threads being deleted. Those are replies that would not that have broken any reasonable rules.
That is the sort of thing that people really really really don't like. Many people had that issue. If you read old posts here you will find many members had exactly the same thing happen to them. I think there is a way the owner/Moderator shadow bans you. Then people just have posts that are disagreed with deleted that break no rules other than the owner might not have the same political view and deletes them. There is no sense of having a forum if people can't post their opinions. Thanks for sharing your experience @TonyTigre. I noticed far fewer posts there lately and didn't know if this was still going on.
There has been complains of excessive moderation on the old forum for a long time. I stopped going to that site. I suspect that many of those posters have moved out of Argentina or probably will move out soon. Mostly now it's members arguing with one another, people posting about free concerts, posts about how food prices are the highest in the world (not true), or silly people complaining about disputes with their property administrator which absolutely NO ONE cares about.
Lol it's the minutia that they argue about too, one item 15 cents more expensive in BA than CA and now everything's too expensive. Another poster in the same thread photoshopped a post to make another poster appear to say something he didn't. It's a mess over there with too many people with too much time on their hands.

To be fair there are plenty of great posters too, but they are far and few between and most of them rarely post anymore.
Lol it's the minutia that they argue about too, one item 15 cents more expensive in BA than CA and now everything's too expensive. Another poster in the same thread photoshopped a post to make another poster appear to say something he didn't. It's a mess over there with too many people with too much time on their hands.

To be fair there are plenty of great posters too, but they are far and few between and most of them rarely post anymore.
Exactly. I still go back from time to time to read things but people are so petty. Sometimes I think they fight just to fight. Some people have been fighting for years with one another. A lot of personalities and automatically their first instinct is just to fight. That gets old fast. Photoshopped a post? I missed that. That is crazy strange behavior. I think all the craziness has made the good posters leave.

And now living in Argentina is stressful enough to not have to deal with that level of crazy on a message board. The goal of these forums should be to share information with one another and this forum does a great job of that. I learn something every day about Argentina on this board.
Yes, this was exactly why this forum was created. If you look at this old post below you can read about the issues the owner of this forum had with the owner of that old forum, Igor. I used to post on that forum but it got too ridiculous and moved here.

Seems like the following thread I posted triggered too many people:
Title: Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

Milei got himself elected by offending a lot of people and then teaming up with some of the people he offended greatly.

Milei is achieving his objectives through a combination of threats, retribution, marketing, negotiations and compromises, while having the courage to make tough unpopular decisions.

Milei is respected by those who support his policies while feared and hated by those who oppose his plans. If he was a failure, his enemies wouldn't fear him. Some might even argue that before your enemies respect you, they first must first fear you.

It's normal and reasonable to criticize his policies, especially those who are negatively impacted by them. Whether he will ultimately succeed and get himself reelected remains to be seen. However, Milei seems to have proven to be well qualified for the job as president of Argentina and its best chance of turning the country around.
Welcome to this forum @TonyTigre. Excessive moderation is an ongoing issue on that forum for years. I think most people are lurkers now. Very few posts but a lot of bickering and fighting there.
People on this forum don't like me because of my anti-Milei views but for the most part, expect just one member of this forum that always bullies me, everyone is mostly respectful here. I have rarely seen any posts deleted and only it seems if they have nothing to do with Buenos Aires or disrupting. I like this forum. Welcome aboard.

Avocado, I have muted you, not because I don't like you, but because of how often you use this forum to say exactly the same thing over and over. I got tired of that. You have the right to dislike, even hate, Milei and everybody should be respectful of people's points of view. We all know how you think about Milei. A few members agree with your POV, but most don't and that's what makes your constant berating so tiring and troll-like.

You know you are not going to convert people here so what gives? You are saying you like this forum a lot, then why do you insist in being the torn in the flesh? (rhetorical). As I've said before, you have plenty of other forums that share your POV, where the political comments you make would be greatly appreciated. Once you stated that you like to come here to learn from expats, well, I think that, as a local, the expat community would benefit from the time you spend on this forum if you'd use it to share useful information, tips, how-tos, recommendations of products/services/places, etc.

I appreciate your effort to communicate in a language other than your own. Actually, I used to enjoy your posts when I joined the forum, but after several weeks of your political berating I threw in the towel.

Well, anyway, take good care.