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Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

Avocado, I have muted you, not because I don't like you, but because of how often you use this forum to say exactly the same thing over and over. I got tired of that. You have the right to dislike, even hate, Milei and everybody should be respectful of people's points of view. We all know how you think about Milei. A few members agree with your POV, but most don't and that's what makes your constant berating so tiring and troll-like.

You know you are not going to convert people here so what gives? You are saying you like this forum a lot, then why do you insist in being the torn in the flesh? (rhetorical). As I've said before, you have plenty of other forums that share your POV, where the political comments you make would be greatly appreciated. Once you stated that you like to come here to learn from expats, well, I think that, as a local, the expat community would benefit from the time you spend on this forum if you'd use it to share useful information, tips, how-tos, recommendations of products/services/places, etc.

I appreciate your effort to communicate in a language other than your own. Actually, I used to enjoy your posts when I joined the forum, but after several weeks of your political berating I threw in the towel.

Well, anyway, take good care.
Very sad to read you block me. I think you are one of best posters on site. I am not trying to be a troll. I'm not trying to convert people opinion. I am just frustrated with situation here in Argentina. I will try for change. I don't want to offend anyone.
I never understood sites that only want to mold everyone to have the same point of view. What happens is eventually that ends up killing forums where people stop posting because everyone has the same point of view. I went on that old forum and it seems like it's mostly people arguing with one another over how cheap or how expensive Argentina is. It seems like many of those members chose to live in Argentina only because it was cheap which is a bad reason to move to a country. BA has so many great things about it. I really loved my trip and can't wait to come back.
The old forum has a lot of good information but also a lot of fighting between members. Many expats that seem to have come to Argentina only because it was dirt cheap and now that they can't afford it they are bitter and angry and blame it all on Milei. They didn't complain too much while past Presidents got us to where we are today. Also, they say nothing about the tens of millions of dollars that CFK stole or Alberto. But they complain, complain, complain about Milei who is trying to fix Argentina. That's my biggest gripe. I didn't read their post complaining all those years while the country was being robbed.
This is what irks me as well about my friends who are Peronistas. They act like everything was A-OK for decades when it wasn't. I don't understand this. Each day there are more scandals of government officials stealing from Argentina and contributed to all the issues we are dealing with today. Milei and his administration are uncovering all of these problems and they call him the devil. When I ask what their solution is they don't have an answer. When I ask them about the hyperinflation situation we would be dealing with they somehow never engage and only say things were better with the devils we know. That is always their answer.

A lot of denial going on.

As to deleting of posts I don't understand that. Why do stupid stuff like that. Are they trying to drive people away from the forum? It seems like the only people they want are old timers that love to fight and argue with one another. Wierd.
Yes, it's definitely ok to have different opinions, and I always try to debate in a civil manner.
After that post, I noticed days later that new posts are held for review for a long time, and then recently I started noticing some of my replies to other threads being deleted. Those are replies that would not that have broken any reasonable rules.
Wow this is horrible! Did they tell you they deleted posts? @TonyTigre how did you know the posts were deleted? Just happened to notice it on your own? Or do they email you telling you they deleted posts? This is really really creepy! What type of replies did you post? Anything questionable?
As a new member here and relatively new in Argentina, foreign to all past discussions, I think it's important to underline it's not just about some political disagreement. I was aware of this forum expatsba.com and I just thought it was created out of politics so I decided to "stick with the original".

Then I saw random posts are edited silently by the moderator. He might even be changing the conversations between members as he would've liked it to happen. I'm talking about topics like where people exchange information to help each other like Migraciones experiences and the like.

He removes a word there, a phrase here, it is so strange I don't even know how to explain or understand what's going on :) Can't be bothered either so the moment I realized this, I opened an account here.

Making this about "Milei" or something would be a disservice to people looking for genuine information. Maybe the mods here should even make a sticky post about this. If I knew I would have never opened an account there and would have never contributed. Such a strange place.
As a new member here and relatively new in Argentina, foreign to all past discussions, I think it's important to underline it's not just about some political disagreement. I was aware of this forum expatsba.com and I just thought it was created out of politics so I decided to "stick with the original".

Then I saw random posts are edited silently by the moderator. He might even be changing the conversations between members as he would've liked it to happen. I'm talking about topics like where people exchange information to help each other like Migraciones experiences and the like.

He removes a word there, a phrase here, it is so strange I don't even know how to explain or understand what's going on :) Can't be bothered either so the moment I realized this, I opened an account here.

Making this about "Milei" or something would be a disservice to people looking for genuine information. Maybe the mods here should even make a sticky post about this. If I knew I would have never opened an account there and would have never contributed. Such a strange place.
Several members on this forum have mentioned the same thing about editing posts and then not posting any notes about the edit. This is just wrong. People have posted that their post was changed and no edit notes were posted. Very strange!!

There are a lot of political posts on this forum but much information about what is going on in the city. People always sharing information which is helpful.
Wow this is horrible! Did they tell you they deleted posts? @TonyTigre how did you know the posts were deleted? Just happened to notice it on your own? Or do they email you telling you they deleted posts? This is really really creepy! What type of replies did you post? Anything questionable?
I have never received an email indicating any of my posts violated any rules and no emails letting me know that any of them were deleted. My posts used to become live immediately until I apparently ended up on a restricted list of some sort. None of my posts on any platform have ever been removed or censored do to a rule violation with the exception in certain cases where a site didn't like you including links to the source of the info I was quoting.

The posts that were deleted did not have attachments or links, and nothing that would have violated any reasonable rules.

A post like this for example was deleted:
"Better never means better for everyone... It always means worse, for some." -Margaret Atwood
That was the full text of my post. I made that post in a thread where people were debating what Milei would have to accomplish in order for them to think Milei have made Argentina better.
As a new member here and relatively new in Argentina, foreign to all past discussions, I think it's important to underline it's not just about some political disagreement. I was aware of this forum expatsba.com and I just thought it was created out of politics so I decided to "stick with the original".

Then I saw random posts are edited silently by the moderator. He might even be changing the conversations between members as he would've liked it to happen. I'm talking about topics like where people exchange information to help each other like Migraciones experiences and the like.

He removes a word there, a phrase here, it is so strange I don't even know how to explain or understand what's going on :) Can't be bothered either so the moment I realized this, I opened an account here.

Making this about "Milei" or something would be a disservice to people looking for genuine information. Maybe the mods here should even make a sticky post about this. If I knew I would have never opened an account there and would have never contributed. Such a strange place.
@dai wow. How do you know that posts are getting edited there? You mention this but are these your posts that are getting edited? Or are you just reading a post and then going back later and seeing they are changed? I don't read that forum but now I'm curious about this. Do you know what the motivation is for these edits?
I have never received an email indicating any of my posts violated any rules and no emails letting me know that any of them were deleted. My posts used to become live immediately until I apparently ended up on a restricted list of some sort. None of my posts on any platform have ever been removed or censored do to a rule violation with the exception in certain cases where a site didn't like you including links to the source of the info I was quoting.

The posts that were deleted did not have attachments or links, and nothing that would have violated any reasonable rules.

A post like this for example was deleted:
"Better never means better for everyone... It always means worse, for some." -Margaret Atwood
That was the full text of my post. I made that post in a thread where people were debating what Milei would have to accomplish in order for them to think Milei have made Argentina better.
That is crazy! There is NOTHING wrong with that post. Never heard of something so strange on a forum. IIRC @StatusNomadicus had the exact same kind of edits or strange issues on that forum. Maybe he can comment on this thread about his experiences.

Off topic, I agree with you about your quote. I think it's fine that people have different opinions on politics. Same thing in the States with some friends of mine. But here everyone that bashes Milei I ask them how they would approach solving all of Argentina's issues. They never answer and just say, "I don't know but NOT what Milei is doing".

I know the situation is very difficult and the austerity measures are painful. But you make a great point about what Milei would have to accomplish in order for them to think he made Argentina better. I'm going to go to the forum to read some of your posts. Do you use the same screen name here? Many from that other forum sid they changed their screen name here because the owner was blocking them after they signed up here
@dai wow. How do you know that posts are getting edited there? You mention this but are these your posts that are getting edited? Or are you just reading a post and then going back later and seeing they are changed? I don't read that forum but now I'm curious about this. Do you know what the motivation is for these edits?

I was reading something I just posted and was like "I have to sort out my dislexia, I must have deleted a whole a paragraph by mistake!"

Then I scrolled up to realize how the post I answered was slightly edited. Really funny detail I clearly remember, there was this guy asking for help and received an unfriendly response at some point. He complained about the negative members but moved on. So next day he starts his message with "Hello positive members..." - And that was edited to "Hello members" I mean, really lol??? Of course the past complaint was deleted too.

My post questioning this was almost instantly removed, meaning, confirmed.

Exactly like @Larry says, most of the times he doesn't even put "edited by moderator" and that itself is a different level of wrong.

I'm sure you would find tons of weird stuff if you could compare somehow :) I don't know how it works but maybe people with email notifications on could have an idea.
I have never received an email indicating any of my posts violated any rules and no emails letting me know that any of them were deleted. My posts used to become live immediately until I apparently ended up on a restricted list of some sort. None of my posts on any platform have ever been removed or censored do to a rule violation with the exception in certain cases where a site didn't like you including links to the source of the info I was quoting.

The posts that were deleted did not have attachments or links, and nothing that would have violated any reasonable rules.

A post like this for example was deleted:
"Better never means better for everyone... It always means worse, for some." -Margaret Atwood
That was the full text of my post. I made that post in a thread where people were debating what Milei would have to accomplish in order for them to think Milei have made Argentina better.
@TonyTigre I went and read some of your posts and they come across as super informative, level headed and factual. Many of us here have made similar points about Milei. I liked your example of when a doctor prescribes amputation. I browed over several of your posts and they all seem straight forward and helpful. It's difficult to fathom someone editing or deleting your posts.

I did not realize it got that bad on the old forum. I hope you will share some of your knowledge here on this forum. I have never had any of my posts edited or removed here. Some great posters here always willing to share information.
I was reading something I just posted and was like "I have to sort out my dislexia, I must have deleted a whole a paragraph by mistake!"

Then I scrolled up to realize how the post I answered was slightly edited. Really funny detail I clearly remember, there was this guy asking for help and received an unfriendly response at some point. He complained about the negative members but moved on. So next day he starts his message with "Hello positive members..." - And that was edited to "Hello members" I mean, really lol??? Of course the past complaint was deleted too.

My post questioning this was almost instantly removed, meaning, confirmed.

Exactly like @Larry says, most of the times he doesn't even put "edited by moderator" and that itself is a different level of wrong.

I'm sure you would find tons of weird stuff if you could compare somehow :) I don't know how it works but maybe people with email notifications on could have an idea.
When people were complaining about posts being edited I mistakenly assumed they were being rude or something like that. It is whacko what they are doing. Seriously that sounds like some mental illness or something. Just wow! Thanks for sharing about this. I assume if it's happening to you then it's happening to many people. I read @StatusNomadicus's post a while back but I wasn't sure if he was exaggerating but now I know it's true.

There are always two sides to every story and I never automatically believe one side. But with your example and @TonyTigre this is wierd.
I have never received an email indicating any of my posts violated any rules and no emails letting me know that any of them were deleted. My posts used to become live immediately until I apparently ended up on a restricted list of some sort. None of my posts on any platform have ever been removed or censored do to a rule violation with the exception in certain cases where a site didn't like you including links to the source of the info I was quoting.

The posts that were deleted did not have attachments or links, and nothing that would have violated any reasonable rules.

A post like this for example was deleted:
"Better never means better for everyone... It always means worse, for some." -Margaret Atwood
That was the full text of my post. I made that post in a thread where people were debating what Milei would have to accomplish in order for them to think Milei have made Argentina better.
I was reading something I just posted and was like "I have to sort out my dislexia, I must have deleted a whole a paragraph by mistake!"

Then I scrolled up to realize how the post I answered was slightly edited. Really funny detail I clearly remember, there was this guy asking for help and received an unfriendly response at some point. He complained about the negative members but moved on. So next day he starts his message with "Hello positive members..." - And that was edited to "Hello members" I mean, really lol??? Of course the past complaint was deleted too.

My post questioning this was almost instantly removed, meaning, confirmed.

Exactly like @Larry says, most of the times he doesn't even put "edited by moderator" and that itself is a different level of wrong.

I'm sure you would find tons of weird stuff if you could compare somehow :) I don't know how it works but maybe people with email notifications on could have an idea.
This is creepy!
People on this forum don't like me because of my anti-Milei views but for the most part, expect just one member of this forum that always bullies me, everyone is mostly respectful here. I have rarely seen any posts deleted and only it seems if they have nothing to do with Buenos Aires or disrupting. I like this forum. Welcome aboard.
Political differences shouldn't lead to fights. They're simply different ways of expressing ourselves, and they shouldn't interfere with our personal relationships. Everyone has the right to express their opinions, and each person has their own reality and reasons for thinking a certain way. I have friends who don't agree with Milei, but that hasn't caused fights or arguments between us. As they say in Buenos Aires, in gatherings we don't talk about politics, religion, or football, haha! It's important to maintain respect and tolerance for divergent opinions. So, you don't displease me, we just think differently! 😊
Yes, it's definitely ok to have different opinions, and I always try to debate in a civil manner.
After that post, I noticed days later that new posts are held for review for a long time, and then recently I started noticing some of my replies to other threads being deleted. Those are replies that would not that have broken any reasonable rules.
I talked to several friends that post on that board and the same thing happened to them. If the owner doesn't like a post he will somehow add you to some list and posts get delayed they told me. Then some mentioned posts getting deleted.
I was reading something I just posted and was like "I have to sort out my dislexia, I must have deleted a whole a paragraph by mistake!"

Then I scrolled up to realize how the post I answered was slightly edited. Really funny detail I clearly remember, there was this guy asking for help and received an unfriendly response at some point. He complained about the negative members but moved on. So next day he starts his message with "Hello positive members..." - And that was edited to "Hello members" I mean, really lol??? Of course the past complaint was deleted too.

My post questioning this was almost instantly removed, meaning, confirmed.

Exactly like @Larry says, most of the times he doesn't even put "edited by moderator" and that itself is a different level of wrong.

I'm sure you would find tons of weird stuff if you could compare somehow :) I don't know how it works but maybe people with email notifications on could have an idea.
I heard that posts got deleted but editing like this is odd. This is a whole level of whacky!
This is a known ongoing issue for some time now. If you notice, most of the oldtimers have stopped posting. A shame too as there are some really smart people on that forum. But the amount of fighting and drivel and then having to deal with edited/deleted posts is too strange to deal with. Haven't visited that site for a long time. Just checked it out and read a few posts but the same fighting that usual goes on.
I was reading something I just posted and was like "I have to sort out my dislexia, I must have deleted a whole a paragraph by mistake!"

Then I scrolled up to realize how the post I answered was slightly edited. Really funny detail I clearly remember, there was this guy asking for help and received an unfriendly response at some point. He complained about the negative members but moved on. So next day he starts his message with "Hello positive members..." - And that was edited to "Hello members" I mean, really lol??? Of course the past complaint was deleted too.

My post questioning this was almost instantly removed, meaning, confirmed.

Exactly like @Larry says, most of the times he doesn't even put "edited by moderator" and that itself is a different level of wrong.

I'm sure you would find tons of weird stuff if you could compare somehow :) I don't know how it works but maybe people with email notifications on could have an idea.
Lol it's the minutia that they argue about too, one item 15 cents more expensive in BA than CA and now everything's too expensive. Another poster in the same thread photoshopped a post to make another poster appear to say something he didn't. It's a mess over there with too many people with too much time on their hands.

To be fair there are plenty of great posters too, but they are far and few between and most of them rarely post anymore.
Too funny @FuturoBA ! I read that post and was shaking my head. I think people take things to an extreme trying to rationalize their argument. At a certain point it becomes more about trying to be right and nothing to do with the reality of conditions on the ground in Buenos Aires. Photoshopping a post? That is a whole other level of crazy! :ROFLMAO:

The worst thing is there are some great posters but I think they read all of the fighting and silliness and just zone out.
Exactly. I still go back from time to time to read things but people are so petty. Sometimes I think they fight just to fight. Some people have been fighting for years with one another. A lot of personalities and automatically their first instinct is just to fight. That gets old fast. Photoshopped a post? I missed that. That is crazy strange behavior. I think all the craziness has made the good posters leave.

And now living in Argentina is stressful enough to not have to deal with that level of crazy on a message board. The goal of these forums should be to share information with one another and this forum does a great job of that. I learn something every day about Argentina on this board.
Yeah here's the link

And the fresh part is the admin over there talking about post editing, when he himself has constantly been editing posts as well.

Yeah here's the link

And the fresh part is the admin over there talking about post editing, when he himself has constantly been editing posts as well.

You read my mind @FuturoBA ! I was just thinking the same thing. I read the post about photoshopping and had to see it. I died laughing reading that! The nerve! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: