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Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

Seems like the following thread I posted triggered too many people:
Title: Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

Milei got himself elected by offending a lot of people and then teaming up with some of the people he offended greatly.

Milei is achieving his objectives through a combination of threats, retribution, marketing, negotiations and compromises, while having the courage to make tough unpopular decisions.

Milei is respected by those who support his policies while feared and hated by those who oppose his plans. If he was a failure, his enemies wouldn't fear him. Some might even argue that before your enemies respect you, they first must first fear you.

It's normal and reasonable to criticize his policies, especially those who are negatively impacted by them. Whether he will ultimately succeed and get himself reelected remains to be seen. However, Milei seems to have proven to be well qualified for the job as president of Argentina and its best chance of turning the country around.

Unfortunately, this sort of thing on that forum is normal. I posted on that forum for about 14 years and I don't think I had issues for many years but now in reading many people's posts maybe posts were edited. I just noticed it last year and it really annoyed me. It kept happening. I posted for over a decade for no other purpose than to share information.

But there was all sorts of bizarre and odd moderation. And really like you I was really puzzled. Then I spoke to many people that had the same exact thing happen to them. Then I spoke to people who personally know the owner/Admin of that site. I think it had a lot of intelligent posters but I don't see them posting anymore. Now, it is mostly people fighting and arguing with one another which is very sad to see.

It is the reason I created this forum. I truly love Argentina and I am very passionate about the country. These days I've been extremely busy with work but hope to participate more. I am happy to see the sharing of great information on Buenos Aires. I still hate hearing about people having this issue but I don't think it will stop as it has been going on for many years.
As a new member here and relatively new in Argentina, foreign to all past discussions, I think it's important to underline it's not just about some political disagreement. I was aware of this forum expatsba.com and I just thought it was created out of politics so I decided to "stick with the original".

Then I saw random posts are edited silently by the moderator. He might even be changing the conversations between members as he would've liked it to happen. I'm talking about topics like where people exchange information to help each other like Migraciones experiences and the like.

He removes a word there, a phrase here, it is so strange I don't even know how to explain or understand what's going on :) Can't be bothered either so the moment I realized this, I opened an account here.

Making this about "Milei" or something would be a disservice to people looking for genuine information. Maybe the mods here should even make a sticky post about this. If I knew I would have never opened an account there and would have never contributed. Such a strange place.

This is the same sort of thing that happened to me and many other people. It's a shame you have to deal with it. I'm not sure what the purpose of a forum is if one can't express themselves and share what they want. As long as it's not breaking any rules or causing a disruption, the sharing of thoughts and information is always applauded by me.

Welcome to the forum and I hope you both share some great posts.
I was reading something I just posted and was like "I have to sort out my dislexia, I must have deleted a whole a paragraph by mistake!"

Then I scrolled up to realize how the post I answered was slightly edited. Really funny detail I clearly remember, there was this guy asking for help and received an unfriendly response at some point. He complained about the negative members but moved on. So next day he starts his message with "Hello positive members..." - And that was edited to "Hello members" I mean, really lol??? Of course the past complaint was deleted too.

My post questioning this was almost instantly removed, meaning, confirmed.

Exactly like @Larry says, most of the times he doesn't even put "edited by moderator" and that itself is a different level of wrong.

I'm sure you would find tons of weird stuff if you could compare somehow :) I don't know how it works but maybe people with email notifications on could have an idea.
This is remarkable. But so good that you were able to catch that this was done. I'd imagine most people don't go back and check and that is what the Moderator of that site is counting on.
As a new member here and relatively new in Argentina, foreign to all past discussions, I think it's important to underline it's not just about some political disagreement. I was aware of this forum expatsba.com and I just thought it was created out of politics so I decided to "stick with the original".

Then I saw random posts are edited silently by the moderator. He might even be changing the conversations between members as he would've liked it to happen. I'm talking about topics like where people exchange information to help each other like Migraciones experiences and the like.

He removes a word there, a phrase here, it is so strange I don't even know how to explain or understand what's going on :) Can't be bothered either so the moment I realized this, I opened an account here.

Making this about "Milei" or something would be a disservice to people looking for genuine information. Maybe the mods here should even make a sticky post about this. If I knew I would have never opened an account there and would have never contributed. Such a strange place.
Seems like a strange thing to edit. It is a shame as it used to be a good source of information but too much fighting now and too much moderation. When you hear about this much moderation it makes you wonder what was changed and what was not. Not worth the effort. Sad because it was a good forum in the past.
I was reading something I just posted and was like "I have to sort out my dislexia, I must have deleted a whole a paragraph by mistake!"

Then I scrolled up to realize how the post I answered was slightly edited. Really funny detail I clearly remember, there was this guy asking for help and received an unfriendly response at some point. He complained about the negative members but moved on. So next day he starts his message with "Hello positive members..." - And that was edited to "Hello members" I mean, really lol??? Of course the past complaint was deleted too.

My post questioning this was almost instantly removed, meaning, confirmed.

Exactly like @Larry says, most of the times he doesn't even put "edited by moderator" and that itself is a different level of wrong.

I'm sure you would find tons of weird stuff if you could compare somehow :) I don't know how it works but maybe people with email notifications on could have an idea.
Crazy this is still happening. My friend, Walt said the same thing happened to him last year. Seems petty and strange. Oh well. The world is a strange place these days!
Yes, it's definitely ok to have different opinions, and I always try to debate in a civil manner.
After that post, I noticed days later that new posts are held for review for a long time, and then recently I started noticing some of my replies to other threads being deleted. Those are replies that would not that have broken any reasonable rules.
This is strange behavior. I went back and read some of your posts @TonyTigre and all your posts are well written and respectful. Seems strange to antagonize members but it doesn't sound like this behavior is changing. Judging from posts this has been going on for years.
Yeah here's the link

And the fresh part is the admin over there talking about post editing, when he himself has constantly been editing posts as well.

That is hilarious @FuturoBA! Good point about editing of posts and that comment.