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Yes, while registering their app asks for a DNI with a warning that say no passports/precarias etc. As they are an online bank, I don't think there's a way to bypass this unfortunately.
Yes I think at most of the financial institutions in Argentina they will really push to have customers have DNI's. There are maybe some exceptions but I think that is where it's all headed. Even some clients that opened bank accounts with just a CDI # years ago have told me they got notices saying their accounts will be closed soon if they don't get a DNI.
This matches my experiences too. Those newer white machines always work for me. Please post updates @Oatmeal how good the Starlink works. I am thinking about some rural properties but the downside is no Internet out there but this would solve it. I just want to see how fast you get.
Starlink has been good so far. I get about 190Mb download to the router and 20Mb upload. However from my devices to the router has been less. I have adjusted my placement of the router a few times. Since I live in a 2 store the signal doesn't travel through the walls or floor that well. I have been researching so I think I will get the ethernet adapter and add my own router or some network extender where there is an access point on each floor. For now I don't have any complaints.
Starlink has been good so far. I get about 190Mb download to the router and 20Mb upload. However from my devices to the router has been less. I have adjusted my placement of the router a few times. Since I live in a 2 store the signal doesn't travel through the walls or floor that well. I have been researching so I think I will get the ethernet adapter and add my own router or some network extender where there is an access point on each floor. For now I don't have any complaints.
This very good speed. How much you pay each month for service? How much was device?
Starlink has been good so far. I get about 190Mb download to the router and 20Mb upload. However from my devices to the router has been less. I have adjusted my placement of the router a few times. Since I live in a 2 store the signal doesn't travel through the walls or floor that well. I have been researching so I think I will get the ethernet adapter and add my own router or some network extender where there is an access point on each floor. For now I don't have any complaints.
Starlink is a game changer for many. There are still many parts of Argentina that have no high speed Internet access. Several of my friends down South are using Starlink and they are very happy. 190 MB/down and 20 MB /up is not bad at all. Those network extender should help out if you have a large property. That is what friends tell me they did.
This very good speed. How much you pay each month for service? How much was device?
$500.000 for the hardware and $62.500/month for the service. When I bought it the exchange rate was higher so the cost showed up as $443 on my card. I expected to pay $500 USD. It is Gen 2 antenna. On my US card, it posted $443 for the hardware and $54 for the first month of service.
$500.000 for the hardware and $62.500/month for the service. When I bought it the exchange rate was higher so the cost showed up as $443 on my card. I expected to pay $500 USD. It is Gen 2 antenna. On my US card, it posted $443 for the hardware and $54 for the first month of service.
That is not too bad at all if there is no other option. My regular Internet bill here has increased to about $38 USD per month or at least that is what is billed to my credit card. It was cheaper before. I will have to try to call in and negotiate a better price. I think I had a promotion for 12 months and then it went back up.
That is not too bad at all if there is no other option. My regular Internet bill here has increased to about $38 USD per month or at least that is what is billed to my credit card. It was cheaper before. I will have to try to call in and negotiate a better price. I think I had a promotion for 12 months and then it went back up.
Who do you have services with? what is your plan, DL/UL speed?
I need to ask my landlord/owner to see an invoice. She wouldn't show me. She always just has the I tried trust me on this attitude which is terrible. She told me it was with Personal which is always crashing or down too.
Many owners @Digital Nomad have that attitude. On Airbnb believe it or not but many owners have the absolute cheapest plan. Many don't know much about Internet speeds and will just opt for the cheapest plans.
$500.000 for the hardware and $62.500/month for the service. When I bought it the exchange rate was higher so the cost showed up as $443 on my card. I expected to pay $500 USD. It is Gen 2 antenna. On my US card, it posted $443 for the hardware and $54 for the first month of service.
That isn't bad at all @Oatmeal if I assume there is no other provider in the area. I am surprised that a residential area doesn't have an option. Seems strange. What were residents doing before Starlink was an option? That can't make sense. Were they just using their cellphone? How good/fast is cell coverage?
@Pink Panther , @Betsy Ross , @earlyretirement , @Digital Nomad , @Darksider415

You guys have commented that you shop at Coto and have no problems presenting either your US driver's license or your US Passport Card so I thought, well, we will try again. This morning we went to Coto and paid with our US cc and were asked for the passport, which we presented. We had to go back in the afternoon and I told my husband about this thread, we only took our phones and cc. Mind you, we shop at that Coto twice a week, the supervisors and some of the cashiers know us.

At the register, I say credit and show her the photo of the passport, the young boy says he has to ask the supervisor because he is not supposed to accept a photo of an ID. I tell him that's not necessary, we always shop there, just enter the passport number. He says no, and calls the supervisor. She recognizes us, but still recites to me the bloody script, blah, blah, blah, and I will make an exception just for today. And that's the part that f'ing irks me so I tell her that it is stupid, ridiculous, frigging moronic and ignorant that they would continue to inconvenience regular customers like that.

So guys, this has happened to us in our neighborhood Coto and in two other Coto supermarkets, including the Hiper Coto on French. How is it that you don't have to go through this nonsense?

I know that it really depends on the cashier because, on occasion, we forgot the passport and the cashier did not make any fuss when we showed him the driver's license. Actually, a couple of months ago, I was standing next to a couple who had just showed the cashier a driver's license and no problem at all, but that day I was paying cash.

Oh, well, I guess we'll have to wait until Coto's management finds out about the new law, if it ever does.
@Sunny I read this on X today and thought of your situation with ID at the supermarket. It seems shocking that AFIP would get a % extra salary based on how much they collect. It is no wonder all the locals want to pay with cash instead of card. But I don't see why this matters for foreign passport holders as there is no way they can collect any income/data for you is there? Or are they doing something with your Passport info?

@Sunny I read this on X today and thought of your situation with ID at the supermarket. It seems shocking that AFIP would get a % extra salary based on how much they collect. It is no wonder all the locals want to pay with cash instead of card. But I don't see why this matters for foreign passport holders as there is no way they can collect any income/data for you is there? Or are they doing something with your Passport info?

I have lots of local friends that ONLY pay in cash. I doubt they will ever change and now with the bigger bills it will be much easier.
I don't know and, in my case, they will have a hard time trying matching the number... ;) I pay cash about half the time, but for large purchases I'd rather use the cc because of the cash back.
Yes that's why I use my American credit cards. For the hassle factor and cost of cash but mostly because I get frequent flyer points for using my credit cards. It adds up!
I don't know and, in my case, they will have a hard time trying matching the number... ;) I pay cash about half the time, but for large purchases I'd rather use the cc because of the cash back.
That is also why I use my cash-back card. Sometimes we use our local cards when they have good promotions going on for certain days of the week.