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Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

I really hope this isn't true about Ukraine. This is one of the things that bothers me about Milei. He is falling under the same problem as the USA in spending money that they don't have. All financial resources and energy should be on first getting Argentina on firm economic condition and then worrying about Ukraine, Israel, etc. Argentina probably does need some jets but I am against a draft for military and also helping other countries until Argentina can help itself.
Does anyone know if this is true or not? I am very shocked that Milei is spending precious financial resources on military jets. He is saying he is not against the draft for the military and now I read how he wants to help Ukraine when NO HAY PLATA! What is going on?

This is fake news. Or at least this is what Argentina is saying about it. Not saying that Milei said something to Zelensky pledging support but I agree with all of you that say Milei should focus on Argentina and forget about helping other countries. I also believe Milei should stop traveling so much except on the most vital of trips that are necessary.

I read that Milei is going to fly to Ukraine in a few weeks. He should NOT be wasting time flying there. Argentina has so many problems. Why does he need to go to the Ukraine? There is NO reason for him to go to Ukraine right now. Fix Argentina first.
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that Argentina is going more from neutral country to gearing up more on military?

Yes it is a mistake to take a country that is always neutral and get in the middle of disputes in Ukraine and Israel where we have no business to get in the middle of. I don't like the direction the country is going with the military but you know who is to blame for that.
Here is another source that says Milei is talking about this. Doesn't Argentina have enough issues?

Argentina has NO business at all worrying about other countries issues when this country has many issues. I hope all of you agree with this statement.
I think President Milei is doing a lot of things right but this ain't one of them. I saw this old article online. I'm not sure what they mean by "providing assistance" or "military aid". Argentina doesn't have any money to send to other countries. This seems ridiculous to me.

Milei went on to reveal in the interview that Argentina’s Defence Minister Luis Petri is in talks with the Ukrainian authorities over providing assistance. He did not rule out the chance of sending military aid to the war-torn country.

Very bad news it makes Argentina a target if things go nuclear. I was thinking we'd be safe down here at the bottom of the world then get to experience the post nuclear war apocalypse
Exactly. Argentina is a neutral country which makes it appealing and no one here seems like a war monger. I can't see any benefit at all about promising anything support to Ukraine. I know there are a lot of Jewish people in Buenos Aires but Milei's strong support for Israel also seems like not worth the possible consequences.
Very bad news it makes Argentina a target if things go nuclear. I was thinking we'd be safe down here at the bottom of the world then get to experience the post nuclear war apocalypse
What does Argentina have to gain? I don't understand the positioning of the government on Ukraine. Why would Argentines even the Pro-Milei supporters tolerate this sort of thing? I am not sure if this can be accurate otherwise I would think I would hear more in the news about it. Bad move making enemies around the world right now.
Does anyone know if this is true or not? I am very shocked that Milei is spending precious financial resources on military jets. He is saying he is not against the draft for the military and now I read how he wants to help Ukraine when NO HAY PLATA! What is going on?

Don't feel bad Avocado. My government in the United States is broke too but they stole $60 billion dollars of taxpayer money to give to Ukraine. Bigger amount for Israel. Not fun!
Is Milei going to meet with Zelensky or not? Every day I hear something different. This article says he IS meeting with him.

Just when I thought Milei was wising up and making good decisions not to meet with Zelensky I read this. He just can't help himself! He is a media whore. He will do anything for international publicity. His Omnibus bill hangs in the balance and he is jet setting on non-priority matters.
Very bad news it makes Argentina a target if things go nuclear. I was thinking we'd be safe down here at the bottom of the world then get to experience the post nuclear war apocalypse
@BikeEnthusiast totally agree with you. It was one of the things I like the most about Argentina.

Just when I thought Milei was wising up and making good decisions not to meet with Zelensky I read this. He just can't help himself! He is a media whore. He will do anything for international publicity. His Omnibus bill hangs in the balance and he is jet setting on non-priority matters.
This is sad news. I was thrilled when I heard Milei cancelled his visit to Switzerland to meet up with Zelensky. I don't see this as anything Argentina should get involved with. It doesn't have any money to pledge anyway.
My goodness, Larry! You seem to be suffering from a terrible case of envy. Perhaps a nice long explorative vacation in Peru is in order for you.

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Do you think his time is prodcutive going off and meeting with Zelensky? Or working on Argentina's economic woes? Do you agree with his support of the Ukraine? Do you believe Argentina should be offering funds, weapons or troops?

Argentina signs Bürgenstock Declaration; Brazil does not​

Does anyone think that eventually Argentina will ban Russian tourists from entering Argentina to live there to support Ukraine's side? I see so many Russians immigrants here. I wonder if Milei will do anything to restrict this due to his loyalty to the Ukraine?