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Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

Quality and selection are two different things. This country produces excellent milk and cheese, it always has (I lived here in the '70s and '80s, believe me, I know Argie dairy well 😀). Now, when it comes to variety, the US has the best selection bar none. But, for example, then you go to The Netherlands and, even the best supermarkets there, only offer a limited selection of great tasting cheese.

Imported cheese should become available here, based on what the government is doing. We'll see what quality we get.
I'm scared of the prices of anything imported now. Please see below:

A friend of mine was coming from Rome so I asked him to buy me some Lavazza coffee. This pack of 5 costs 11.90 euro which is roughly the same as USD now. So one of them costs let's round it up to $2.5.

This is the price of the same thing I found in barrio chino. It's 10 times more expensive. Yikes!!!!
I'm scared of the prices of anything imported now. Please see below:

View attachment 5509
A friend of mine was coming from Rome so I asked him to buy me some Lavazza coffee. This pack of 5 costs 11.90 euro which is roughly the same as USD now. So one of them costs let's round it up to $2.5.

View attachment 5510
This is the price of the same thing I found in barrio chino. It's 10 times more expensive. Yikes!!!!
That is the same brand of coffee that I like @Jakoval! It's the only one I find high quality in the cafes here. It is super good. I find all the other brands including Starbucks to be horrible. I also load up on those once I am home. I noticed the same crazy prices on those at the chinos. I hear they will open imports but I'm not convinced it will be at reasonable prices.
I'm scared of the prices of anything imported now. Please see below:

View attachment 5509
A friend of mine was coming from Rome so I asked him to buy me some Lavazza coffee. This pack of 5 costs 11.90 euro which is roughly the same as USD now. So one of them costs let's round it up to $2.5.

View attachment 5510
This is the price of the same thing I found in barrio chino. It's 10 times more expensive. Yikes!!!!

Yes, I've seen several imported items, which were supposed to be cheaper than their Argentine counterparts, at ridiculous prices. Should the government succeed, I don't think that prices will stabilize until next year, maybe even until 2026. There's so much going on now, not only here but around the world.
Yes, I've seen several imported items, which were supposed to be cheaper than their Argentine counterparts, at ridiculous prices. Should the government succeed, I don't think that prices will stabilize until next year, maybe even until 2026. There's so much going on now, not only here but around the world.
My friend there says anything imported is crazy expensive there. Crazy import and VAT taxes she said. Plus it sounds like there are all sorts of protectionist things going on to protect the local companies. I would think if the government allowed importing of good quality stuff at good prices all the local companies would go bankrupt.
I'm scared of the prices of anything imported now. Please see below:

View attachment 5509
A friend of mine was coming from Rome so I asked him to buy me some Lavazza coffee. This pack of 5 costs 11.90 euro which is roughly the same as USD now. So one of them costs let's round it up to $2.5.

View attachment 5510
This is the price of the same thing I found in barrio chino. It's 10 times more expensive. Yikes!!!!
You have some good taste in coffee @Jakoval! That is some good stuff but pricey.
I'm scared of the prices of anything imported now. Please see below:

View attachment 5509
A friend of mine was coming from Rome so I asked him to buy me some Lavazza coffee. This pack of 5 costs 11.90 euro which is roughly the same as USD now. So one of them costs let's round it up to $2.5.

View attachment 5510
This is the price of the same thing I found in barrio chino. It's 10 times more expensive. Yikes!!!!
Just to be clear @Jakoval is that a 5 pack for 21,770 pesos? That wouldn't be 10 X more if the per unit price was $2.50 USD in Italy. Isn't that 21,770 pesos for 5 units or $4.40 USD each? less than double the price of what you paid? Still very expensive so don't get me wrong. But not as expensive as you wrote.
Not necessarily. It depends on whether Argentine factories can get imported prime materials at decent prices, which for the longest time they have not been able to.
Imported food prices won't be cheap in Argentina for the near future.
All the food is so expense here now. Thanks to Milei. Argentina has some of the highest rice prices in the world!

Add to the fact that other types of fine rice like Basmati are impossible to get or priced very high on Mercado Libre.

Just to be clear @Jakoval is that a 5 pack for 21,770 pesos? That wouldn't be 10 X more if the per unit price was $2.50 USD in Italy. Isn't that 21,770 pesos for 5 units or $4.40 USD each? less than double the price of what you paid? Still very expensive so don't get me wrong. But not as expensive as you wrote.
No, 21,770 pesos you see in the photo is the price of 1 unit. That big pack of 5 units costs 11.90 euro in Italy which is roughly 13,300 pesos so one of them = 13,300/5 = 2,660 pesos in Italy. Clear?
No, 21,770 pesos you see in the photo is the price of 1 unit. That big pack of 5 units costs 11.90 euro in Italy which is roughly 13,300 pesos so one of them = 13,300/5 = 2,660 pesos in Italy. Clear?
Wow!! But who in their right mind would pay that much for 1 unit??? That is shocking. Is anyone paying those kind of prices?
No, 21,770 pesos you see in the photo is the price of 1 unit. That big pack of 5 units costs 11.90 euro in Italy which is roughly 13,300 pesos so one of them = 13,300/5 = 2,660 pesos in Italy. Clear?
Thank you for clarifying. This better be some darn good coffee! Frankly, there better be some sort of drugs in that coffee to justify that price. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Wow!! But who in their right mind would pay that much for 1 unit??? That is shocking. Is anyone paying those kind of prices?
Nope. If I don't get my supply directly from Italy, I buy Brazilian coffee at Neway Market near Callao station on la B. A vacuum pack of 500g normally ranges from 8,000-10,000 pesos depending on the brand. Pilao seems to be the most expensive one but I also like 3 Coracoes, Caboclo and a couple others. Check out their Instagram below. I also found these Brazilian coffee in barrio chino and it's not that much more expensive if you don't want to travel to Callao (Casa China, the Dietetica branch, not the grocery/produce branch, also carries them at around 10,000 pesos each).

Nope. If I don't get my supply directly from Italy, I buy Brazilian coffee at Neway Market near Callao station on la B. A vacuum pack of 500g normally ranges from 8,000-10,000 pesos depending on the brand. Pilao seems to be the most expensive one but I also like 3 Coracoes, Caboclo and a couple others. Check out their Instagram below. I also found these Brazilian coffee in barrio chino and it's not that much more expensive if you don't want to travel to Callao (Casa China, the Dietetica branch, not the grocery/produce branch, also carries them at around 10,000 pesos each).

Thank you. I will check it out. My wife is a coffee snob but I joke that I can't afford to be! I saw those prices you posted of that Italian coffee and I had a heart attack. It is funny as my friends back in the States always talk about how horrible Starbucks is back home but here it is some of the better stuff but I heard it's all from Brazil that they use in Argentina.

As long as it's not cafe torrado I am ok.
Thank you. I will check it out. My wife is a coffee snob but I joke that I can't afford to be! I saw those prices you posted of that Italian coffee and I had a heart attack. It is funny as my friends back in the States always talk about how horrible Starbucks is back home but here it is some of the better stuff but I heard it's all from Brazil that they use in Argentina.

As long as it's not cafe torrado I am ok.
Back in August last year I went to Las Cataratas de Iguazu and thought to myself that given the proximity between Missiones and Brazil, the town of Puerto Iguazu must be flooded with all things Brazilian. And I was hoping to get some coffee back to CABA with me among other things. It was a Sunday and I ventured out to town but guess what? Most 'normal' supermarkets were closed and I kept walking and guess what was open? A chino duh :ROFLMAO: So I entered that chino and found a few brands of Brazilian coffee but skeptical me still thought perhaps this was more expensive than other 'normal' supermarkets so let's wait till tomorrow when those were open and I could buy it there. Monday came I went to some bigger supermarkets and found no trace of anything Brazilian, nada, zilch, niente. Back I went to that chino and the price of one pack of Brazilian coffee was around 2,600 pesos. 9 months later one pack costs 10,000 pesos. Oh well, what can a coffee snob like me do, right? :ROFLMAO:
Back in August last year I went to Las Cataratas de Iguazu and thought to myself that given the proximity between Missiones and Brazil, the town of Puerto Iguazu must be flooded with all things Brazilian. And I was hoping to get some coffee back to CABA with me among other things. It was a Sunday and I ventured out to town but guess what? Most 'normal' supermarkets were closed and I kept walking and guess what was open? A chino duh :ROFLMAO: So I entered that chino and found a few brands of Brazilian coffee but skeptical me still thought perhaps this was more expensive than other 'normal' supermarkets so let's wait till tomorrow when those were open and I could buy it there. Monday came I went to some bigger supermarkets and found no trace of anything Brazilian, nada, zilch, niente. Back I went to that chino and the price of one pack of Brazilian coffee was around 2,600 pesos. 9 months later one pack costs 10,000 pesos. Oh well, what can a coffee snob like me do, right? :ROFLMAO:
Sounds about right! Ha.