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Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

All the food is so expense here now. Thanks to Milei. Argentina has some of the highest rice prices in the world!

No one discounts inflation but a lot of what you're seeing in the Press is fake news or they are trying to make things very political. This was funny. The press was trying to compare supermarket prices in Argentina and Spain and one of the people on there pulled up true prices and they were 100% lower than what the news was trying to say. We see the same thing happening online and also on this forum.

No one discounts inflation but a lot of what you're seeing in the Press is fake news or they are trying to make things very political. This was funny. The press was trying to compare supermarket prices in Argentina and Spain and one of the people on there pulled up true prices and they were 100% lower than what the news was trying to say. We see the same thing happening online and also on this forum.

I saw that as it was happening. It is impressive what this administration has done. If you only look at food and beverages the inflation last month was only 6%. I can't imagine what kind of inflation we would be facing if Massa won.
This is fake news about the "highest rice price in the world". You have to be careful with online posts. If someone posts a link to a link to Mercado Libre or another store with a very high price yet there exists stores with much lower prices, you can't say overall that item is the most expensive in the world. Yes, food prices relative to income are high here but that is the same in many other places around the world as well.

I travel extensively around the world on an almost non-stop basis and food prices have increased all over the world. Hopefully prices keep coming down.
Wow!! But who in their right mind would pay that much for 1 unit??? That is shocking. Is anyone paying those kind of prices?

Who knows? Some people might, but not as many for that store to be able to keep those prices up.

Last year in Mexico City we discovered some really good Mexican coffee, we found it at Costco and decided to give it a try. Wow! It was so good. I knew that Argentine coffee was not going to be that good, but never imagined that it would be so bad and that café torrado is still consumed here.

We decided to only buy the coffee that was available at a reasonable price (I forget the brand, it was tostado, not torrado, and rather bad compared to what we were used to). Then in late November, ground coffee disappeared, suddenly you could only find a brand or two of torrado and instant coffee. We had bought several packages in mid-November, but by late December all we could find was torrado. Ugh! Now more brands are available and the prices are coming down, but Coto still wants 10K for the tostado coffee we used to buy; we won't buy it until the price goes way down.
Who knows? Some people might, but not as many for that store to be able to keep those prices up.

Last year in Mexico City we discovered some really good Mexican coffee, we found it at Costco and decided to give it a try. Wow! It was so good. I knew that Argentine coffee was not going to be that good, but never imagined that it would be so bad and that café torrado is still consumed here.

We decided to only buy the coffee that was available at a reasonable price (I forget the brand, it was tostado, not torrado, and rather bad compared to what we were used to). Then in late November, ground coffee disappeared, suddenly you could only find a brand or two of torrado and instant coffee. We had bought several packages in mid-November, but by late December all we could find was torrado. Ugh! Now more brands are available and the prices are coming down, but Coto still wants 10K for the tostado coffee we used to buy; we won't buy it until the price goes way down.
Coffee has never been good here and it is disgusting that generations seem to get used to that bitter torrado blend and then actually acquire a taste for it. In many countries it is illegal but here they seem to love it. It did get really bad last year with availability and prices spiked and they are still are very high and it seems like all the expats or normal people that like decent coffee are all buying it so many times Coto or others sell out fast. I have mostly given up coffee now which maybe a good thing.

But prices are crazy on coffee in the States too. There is a boycott at Starbucks as prices have blown up there. My sister tells me many people are boycotting Starbucks in the US.
This is fake news about the "highest rice price in the world". You have to be careful with online posts. If someone posts a link to a link to Mercado Libre or another store with a very high price yet there exists stores with much lower prices, you can't say overall that item is the most expensive in the world. Yes, food prices relative to income are high here but that is the same in many other places around the world as well.

I travel extensively around the world on an almost non-stop basis and food prices have increased all over the world. Hopefully prices keep coming down.
It's one of many reasons anybody should do their own research when deciding to come here or anywhere else. Loads of misinformation and bad information out there. See the context in which claims are made.
No, 21,770 pesos you see in the photo is the price of 1 unit. That big pack of 5 units costs 11.90 euro in Italy which is roughly 13,300 pesos so one of them = 13,300/5 = 2,660 pesos in Italy. Clear?
Crazy crazy I tell you! I am also a sucker for good Italian coffee. I load up on Lavazza products when I go to Europe or the USA. The coffee is so awful here. I actually agree with those that say groceries here are expensive. They are on par with US prices on most items. The few great deals is decent wine or high quality wine that is much cheaper than the States. Beef is also cheap but I find those are the outliers.
Crazy crazy I tell you! I am also a sucker for good Italian coffee. I load up on Lavazza products when I go to Europe or the USA. The coffee is so awful here. I actually agree with those that say groceries here are expensive. They are on par with US prices on most items. The few great deals is decent wine or high quality wine that is much cheaper than the States. Beef is also cheap but I find those are the outliers.
One thing I do NOT miss in BA is the lousy coffee. I am here in Spain now and wonderful coffee. Spain is actually quite affordable. Supermarkets are less than in BA for the most part.
No, 21,770 pesos you see in the photo is the price of 1 unit. That big pack of 5 units costs 11.90 euro in Italy which is roughly 13,300 pesos so one of them = 13,300/5 = 2,660 pesos in Italy. Clear?
Wow! We saw some expensive coffee prices while in BA last Fall but this has to take the record for most expensive coffee.
And groceries in Portugal are cheaper than in Spain. That type of comparison does not help at all. Well, it helps him get likes, I guess, but that's all.
I have an Argentine friend living there and we always talk about this issue. She was here in BA on vacation from December to February and was surprised. There's no doubt that it's something that didn't happen before... no one is looking for culprits, just comparing...
Food prices are outrageous! I got a Double cheese burger combo yesterday at McDonalds and I was shocked. 12,700 pesos!
Food prices are outrageous! I got a Double cheese burger combo yesterday at McDonalds and I was shocked. 12,700 pesos!
Why would you be shocked?? Did you not see the price before you ordered and ate it?? Pls don't be one of those people that complain about their food with an emptied plate.
Food prices here have nothing to do with Milei. You can see all the various taxes that are priced on items here making them very pricey! From what I understand they are trying to reduce the import taxes.

To be fair that is an imported pasta from Italy and not too many locals buy that brand. It's very expensive.

I have children living in the USA and I'm shocked how much food prices are there. You can still get food here for fraction of costs elsewhere. Especially beef.
