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Argentina: Inflation Resumes Its Decline, But . . .


The race against time. I'm amazed how much patience Argentines have had during this recession. Just like this article says, lately some of my friends that voted for Milei are losing hope that things will improve any time soon. They aren't blaming one side or another but just frustrated at their situation and he is the one in office. I explained there is no other alternative.

The race against time. I'm amazed how much patience Argentines have had during this recession. Just like this article says, lately some of my friends that voted for Milei are losing hope that things will improve any time soon. They aren't blaming one side or another but just frustrated at their situation and he is the one in office. I explained there is no other alternative.

People are still holding on and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. But I agree if things don't drastically improve by the end of this year that can change. If the economy doesn't get start moving lots of businesses will close down. Many businesses are in the position of this man on this article.

No doubt the next few months will be critical in how things turn out. Here is a recent survey on Argentine perceptions of the direction of the country.
