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Politics Argentina Primary Election Scenario Analysis

Good analysis of the system, poor on candidates. Larreta and Morales were key members od De la Rua government that crash Argentina on 2001 with the corralito. Bullrich was a subversive Terrorist on the 70’, you can easily find her picture on line. Massa comes from UCEDE that was the liberal party, a libertarian who was waiting for decades for enforcing his political ideas. Milei says is a libertarian but many of his proposals are about master’s right abolished with slavery. Remember the idea about sell your kidneys, to stop public education (if was forbidden to teach to read and write to slaves).
I was in and out today in 10 minutes. My voting "precinct" had a special room for expats voting. There was no line.
We voted in Campana, organization was Argentina-style: mesas were indicated in chalk on the ground in front of each queue (and so invisible for new arrivals...), voters were called 5 or 10 at a time into the school to queue a second time, here we showed our DNIs, said which "orden" we belonged to (mesa and orden are indicated on the voter roll which we had checked on the internet). The people manning the mesa had rolls with our DNI photos on them. Then everyone got to walk individually into a room where all the party lists were, spread out on tables, you took your list, folded it, put it in the envelope and left the room. Possibly you could split your vote among lists by tearing off individual candidate sections. Back at the mesa we signed the roll, got a receipt, and left.

It was quite slow, the queues outside were 20-30 people for each mesa with 6 mesas in operation, delays inside were because of people taking too much time in the voting room (5-10mins for some, quite annoying).I think it all took about 45 mins in total. At least it was all very calm, no shouting, queue-jumping, or anything like that, the police (2) were very relaxed. There was also a soldier who looked utterly bored.
Yep. Basically Wells Fargo and anyone else out there with any financial expertise is saying Dollarization would never happen. You have to go backwards and figure out how they would do it and it would never happen.

I would totally vote for Melei for the one fact that he wants to totally blow up the totally crazy employment laws. Whether people will want to admit it or not, I think a vast majority of Argentines are lazy. They are going to be in the shock of their lifetime if labor laws are changed. His pro-business outlook is refreshing and I think if the laws are changed, most of the people voting for him will come to reality on a lot of issues.

Most people have hit such rock bottom they figure and acknowledge that things have to change.