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Trip Reports Argentina Versus Colombia to Retire


New member
I know there are a lot of subjective factors here, but I'm trying to research what would be a better fit for me to retire early to. Also, I'm not aware of a resource like this webpage for Colombia. Does anyone know one?

I want to live in a large city with cultural things to do and a variety of restaurant, etc.

I plan to spend around 3k USD per month for one person, but with dating and the possibility of meeting someone there. This would be funded from investments.

I've been to both countries and several others in SA. These two were my favorite along with Brazil.

Are there any advantages/disadvantages that really stand out to people?
How old are you?

Getting residency in Colombia is a mess now. You can get SOME info here.... https://www.expatexchange.com/colombia/liveincolombia.html. And you can use FACEBOOK for info on Colombia. Both countries are changing...and changing fast. Colombia is a country of many cities.....some would say Argentina is a country of one city. Colombia has beaches....and a big city. And...for dating.....forget Argentina unless you speak really really good Spanish. And the women in Colombia will be MUCH more interested in you than in Argentina. I could go on and on since I have one foot in each country. Your $3000 will cover you very well, perhaps better in Argentina but it is a lot for one person in both countries. And, YOUTUBE covers Colombia very well. Start with Medellin.
How old are you?

Getting residency in Colombia is a mess now. You can get SOME info here.... https://www.expatexchange.com/colombia/liveincolombia.html. And you can use FACEBOOK for info on Colombia. Both countries are changing...and changing fast. Colombia is a country of many cities.....some would say Argentina is a country of one city. Colombia has beaches....and a big city. And...for dating.....forget Argentina unless you speak really really good Spanish. And the women in Colombia will be MUCH more interested in you than in Argentina. I could go on and on since I have one foot in each country. Your $3000 will cover you very well, perhaps better in Argentina but it is a lot for one person in both countries. And, YOUTUBE covers Colombia very well. Start with Medellin.
Early 40s
As CC says, Colombia is a country of many (very different) cities.

About Bogota, I lived there for 2 years, and found it to be fairly unpleasant - terrible weather (cold, wet, windy), too high for comfort, and even being situated on an altiplano where logically all the rainwater must flow away, they manage to have knee-high flooding in the streets. Traffic is awful (no metro system), and there's relatively little to see. Colombians from other cities simply refer to Bogota as "the fridge" or "la nevera" - cold damp and dark.

At least living there motivated me to see other parts of Colombia, it was almost a mental-health necessity to get out of there:

I've been to Medellin many times, I was impressed with it at first, but as time went on and Colombia became more affluent, it started to have major air contamination and traffic problems. Nice enough weather, too far from any beaches, I didn't like the expat vibe, centered on El Poblado and Parque Lleras, all gringos chasing paisas. It is a major business centre, though, and has a decent municipal railway.

Cali is nice for a weekend, but there's nothing much to keep you there.

I much preferred the coast, especially Cartagena, the walled city, and the island archipelagos off the coast. It's extremely touristed, both internal and international. It's also got a very hard-sell vibe on the beaches, but that's avoided by going to more remote beaches or the islands. There are lots of property investment opportunities there, now mostly outside Bocagrande, which is full, and tourism is year-round. Some of the smaller cities are also quite nice, like Santa Marta, but much quieter. Barranquilla is just too hot and humid to consider living in.
Ive owned businesses and lived in both Buenos Aires and Medellin (and been to all major Colombian cities). Bogota is a cold, ugly, high altitude dump. Medellin is an attractive place and Cali has potential. However Colombian cities are inherently much more dangerous than Buenos Aires and as a white American (if that is what you are) you will stick out like a sore thumb and will always be a target and you will really only be able to date a subset of woman who are of a lower socioeconomic strata. The default assumption among Colombians is that any white male foreigner is automatically a sex tourist.
In Buenos Aires that is not the case at all, as you can blend in visually and there is no such assumption whatsoever about foreign origin males presence in the country.
In either country you need to speak Spanish otherwise you are totally missing out on what would otherwise be available to you.
Locational comparisons are always an enjoyable read. Perspectives can vary quite wildly! Overall, I have preferred Buenos Aires to my time in Colombia, though both have their charms and pitfalls.

Weather: Buenos Aires weather is remarkably pleasant. I do enjoy a cool climate as well, though I found the constant overcast conditions in Bogota to be a bit off putting after awhile.

Food: While I agree that Argentine cuisine in general is more varied than Colombian cuisine, I call this one a draw. Fine dining options in Bogota are excellent and roughly equivalent to what can be found here. Bogota beats BA in terms of East Asian cuisine, particularly sushi (Sushi in Argentina is kind of like Taco Bell: same 6 ingredients in a different package!). I found the variety of reasonably authentic international cuisine to be greater in Bogota.

Culture/Activities: BA wins hands down. Bogota nightlife is fantastic, though I am no longer capable/interested in this aspect. Museums, parks, and architecture are more plentiful and accessible in BA.

Outdoors: As someone who loves hiking and other outdoor pursuits, this is the toughest part about living in BA for me. While there are certainly outdoor recreation options outside the city, it’s ultimately a flat city on a brown river nearish to cold, underwhelming beaches. Bogota had many more adventurous outdoor opportunities nearby, though these can be difficult to access.

Cost: BA wins though this may change at any time. I, personally, wouldn’t put too much weight into current prices as Argentina’s economy is wildly unstable. Expenses in Bogota are more predictable for long term planning considerations.

Dating: Can only speak to the LGBT community, but BA is heaven on earth in this regard. Bogota was fine. While not applicable in your case, BA wins if broad acceptance of others is a factor.

Safety: BA feels very safe and I have managed 5 years without any memorable safety issue. Bogota “feels” less safe, though I also encountered no issues there.

Residency: Colombia was a pain. Argentina was a pain. Taxation issues are similar, though neither country is particularly successful at actually enforcing their taxation policies.

Buenos Aires is a MUCH better city than ANY of the cities in Colombia. MUCH cheaper. Cost of living is much lower, With $3,000 US you will like like a king in Buenos Aires. I was just in Colombia and it's not that cheap. Dining out there can add up. I was surprised at the cost of food in nice restaurants. In BA it's cheap with the exchange rate.

But if you're looking to date then nothing beats Colombian girls. They are the most attractive out of all the Latin American countries (Brazil as well has beautiful girls).

Argentina for the most part, the girls are a pain in the ass and more difficult. I'm not saying there aren't attractive girls but nothing like Colombia. Colombians are warmer and friendlier. Portenas are colder and more difficult. I'd say a majority of them end up not getting married until well into their 30's if at all. So many of my Argentine friends never married. They chalk it up to not being enough good guys but realistically it's because they are set in their ways and a royal pain in the ass. So it depends on your priorities. But you won't find better in the looks department and dating department than Colombia. But I'd never want to live there.

Overall quality of life, Buenos Aires is going to be much better. These days there are a LOT of Venezuelans in Buenos Aires. For as shitty as the economy is in Argentina, these Venezuelans think Buenos Aires is paradise compared to the shitty situation in Venezuela. Many of the Uber drivers you will get will probably be from Venezuela (at least that is my experience).

And in general although I like the people in Argentina. Overall compared to other countries in South America. The locals aren't that friendly compared to other countries. Colombians are some of the warmest, gentile and kind people in South America. Because the economy is always shitty in Argentina, it seems like Argentines are always complaining and in a bad mood.

A good bet is to visit both before signing long term contracts and see how you like each before you decide.

Cali is a dump. Bogota the traffic is horrendous. Medellin is probably the only city I'd consider there. JMHO.
Buenos Aires is a MUCH better city than ANY of the cities in Colombia. MUCH cheaper. Cost of living is much lower, With $3,000 US you will like like a king in Buenos Aires. I was just in Colombia and it's not that cheap. Dining out there can add up. I was surprised at the cost of food in nice restaurants. In BA it's cheap with the exchange rate.

But if you're looking to date then nothing beats Colombian girls. They are the most attractive out of all the Latin American countries (Brazil as well has beautiful girls).

Argentina for the most part, the girls are a pain in the ass and more difficult. I'm not saying there aren't attractive girls but nothing like Colombia. Colombians are warmer and friendlier. Portenas are colder and more difficult. I'd say a majority of them end up not getting married until well into their 30's if at all. So many of my Argentine friends never married. They chalk it up to not being enough good guys but realistically it's because they are set in their ways and a royal pain in the ass. So it depends on your priorities. But you won't find better in the looks department and dating department than Colombia. But I'd never want to live there.

Overall quality of life, Buenos Aires is going to be much better. These days there are a LOT of Venezuelans in Buenos Aires. For as shitty as the economy is in Argentina, these Venezuelans think Buenos Aires is paradise compared to the shitty situation in Venezuela. Many of the Uber drivers you will get will probably be from Venezuela (at least that is my experience).

And in general although I like the people in Argentina. Overall compared to other countries in South America. The locals aren't that friendly compared to other countries. Colombians are some of the warmest, gentile and kind people in South America. Because the economy is always shitty in Argentina, it seems like Argentines are always complaining and in a bad mood.

A good bet is to visit both before signing long term contracts and see how you like each before you decide.

Cali is a dump. Bogota the traffic is horrendous. Medellin is probably the only city I'd consider there. JMHO.
Y Barranquilla no?
Buenos Aires is a MUCH better city than ANY of the cities in Colombia. MUCH cheaper. Cost of living is much lower, With $3,000 US you will like like a king in Buenos Aires. I was just in Colombia and it's not that cheap. Dining out there can add up. I was surprised at the cost of food in nice restaurants. In BA it's cheap with the exchange rate.

But if you're looking to date then nothing beats Colombian girls. They are the most attractive out of all the Latin American countries (Brazil as well has beautiful girls).

Argentina for the most part, the girls are a pain in the ass and more difficult. I'm not saying there aren't attractive girls but nothing like Colombia. Colombians are warmer and friendlier. Portenas are colder and more difficult. I'd say a majority of them end up not getting married until well into their 30's if at all. So many of my Argentine friends never married. They chalk it up to not being enough good guys but realistically it's because they are set in their ways and a royal pain in the ass. So it depends on your priorities. But you won't find better in the looks department and dating department than Colombia. But I'd never want to live there.

Overall quality of life, Buenos Aires is going to be much better. These days there are a LOT of Venezuelans in Buenos Aires. For as shitty as the economy is in Argentina, these Venezuelans think Buenos Aires is paradise compared to the shitty situation in Venezuela. Many of the Uber drivers you will get will probably be from Venezuela (at least that is my experience).

And in general although I like the people in Argentina. Overall compared to other countries in South America. The locals aren't that friendly compared to other countries. Colombians are some of the warmest, gentile and kind people in South America. Because the economy is always shitty in Argentina, it seems like Argentines are always complaining and in a bad mood.

A good bet is to visit both before signing long term contracts and see how you like each before you decide.

Cali is a dump. Bogota the traffic is horrendous. Medellin is probably the only city I'd consider there. JMHO.
Nailed it! 100% in agreement.
Y Barranquilla no?
If you want to live in an outdoor sauna ,close, but still too far from the beach, then Barranquilla is absolutely for you :cool: Just remember, Shakira and Carlos Vives were only pulling your leg about cycling there, you'll be the colour of a fire engine before you've gone a block.

My vote is for Cartagena, despite the annoying vendors, despite all the tourism. It's Latin America's equivalent of Venice, for that you can cut it some slack. And it has beaches everywhere.
If you want to live in an outdoor sauna ,close, but still too far from the beach, then Barranquilla is absolutely for you :cool: Just remember, Shakira and Carlos Vives were only pulling your leg about cycling there, you'll be the colour of a fire engine before you've gone a block.

My vote is for Cartagena, despite the annoying vendors, despite all the tourism. It's Latin America's equivalent of Venice, for that you can cut it some slack. And it has beaches everywhere.
Too hot and humid in Barranquilla. Cartagena is by far the most beautiful city in Colombia but just too small and touristy. After a while I think it would get old. The beaches in town are dirty and suck (although they have nice beaches a short boat ride away but let's be honest it would be a pain to have to go that route vs. just walking). No doubt the old town is beautiful but I much prefer bigger cities.

I didn't think the food was anything special in Cartagena. The best places are mom and pop and not too expensive (try Narcobollo which is my favorite spot in Cartagena... where the locals go). Brazil and Colombia are the two best countries to find a beautiful, educated and intelligent girl.

Many of the hottest girls in Cartagena are prostitutes which I doubt you'd want to deal with if you want a meaningful relationship. And many of the others are dark skinned which isn't my personal taste. In Bogota, Cali and Medellin it's not difficult to find a meaningful, intelligent and beautiful non-puta. In fact, as a gringo you're a commodity there so you will get a lot of attention. Before getting married, I'd travel around much of South America so I know it well. Not all, so I don't want to generalize. But after living and working in Argentina for the past 20+ years I know it well.

I had lots and lots of employees and they were almost all single. Even today most of them are single in their 40's. The ones that WERE married are now divorced and likely won't get remarried. And the guys are no better. Many don't want to ever get married and would rather hang out with their bro's vs. hanging out with a girl. Weird culturally that society that way.

I mean on one hand it's cool if you're a guy and you meet a good group of guys because you will be a brotherhood and these guys would kill for you. They would do anything for you and I made some lifelong friends in Buenos Aires that I'm closer to than my real family. But sometimes I'd yell at them because they would rather hang out with the bros even when a beautiful girl would want to go out.

I thought the most beautiful girls were in Cali. 2nd was Medellin. The girls are so beautiful in Colombia I'd think your biggest issue/problem would be trying to stay faithful to your girlfriend. Because as a gringo, girls will always be attracted to you (at least that was my case when I visited). I'm not just talking about just prostitutes (who would be constantly giving me their number on paper and definitely will be attracted to you). But just walking around in the mall I'd get people that would chat me up while paying for something. Or in restaurants, or stores, or pretty much anywhere. I don't think I could remain faithful in Colombia. In Argentina you won't have that issue. Most of the females are a royal pain in the ass.

Your priorities might be difficult. If you're looking for an amazing wife, then Colombia is a good option. If you do it right you can find a really intelligent girl. Colombians are the best wives and best mothers. I should know. I've been married to one for the past 17 years.
Too hot and humid in Barranquilla. Cartagena is by far the most beautiful city in Colombia but just too small and touristy. After a while I think it would get old. The beaches in town are dirty and suck (although they have nice beaches a short boat ride away but let's be honest it would be a pain to have to go that route vs. just walking). No doubt the old town is beautiful but I much prefer bigger cities.

I didn't think the food was anything special in Cartagena. The best places are mom and pop and not too expensive (try Narcobollo which is my favorite spot in Cartagena... where the locals go). Brazil and Colombia are the two best countries to find a beautiful, educated and intelligent girl.

Many of the hottest girls in Cartagena are prostitutes which I doubt you'd want to deal with if you want a meaningful relationship. And many of the others are dark skinned which isn't my personal taste. In Bogota, Cali and Medellin it's not difficult to find a meaningful, intelligent and beautiful non-puta. In fact, as a gringo you're a commodity there so you will get a lot of attention. Before getting married, I'd travel around much of South America so I know it well. Not all, so I don't want to generalize. But after living and working in Argentina for the past 20+ years I know it well.

I had lots and lots of employees and they were almost all single. Even today most of them are single in their 40's. The ones that WERE married are now divorced and likely won't get remarried. And the guys are no better. Many don't want to ever get married and would rather hang out with their bro's vs. hanging out with a girl. Weird culturally that society that way.

I mean on one hand it's cool if you're a guy and you meet a good group of guys because you will be a brotherhood and these guys would kill for you. They would do anything for you and I made some lifelong friends in Buenos Aires that I'm closer to than my real family. But sometimes I'd yell at them because they would rather hang out with the bros even when a beautiful girl would want to go out.

I thought the most beautiful girls were in Cali. 2nd was Medellin. The girls are so beautiful in Colombia I'd think your biggest issue/problem would be trying to stay faithful to your girlfriend. Because as a gringo, girls will always be attracted to you (at least that was my case when I visited). I'm not just talking about just prostitutes (who would be constantly giving me their number on paper and definitely will be attracted to you). But just walking around in the mall I'd get people that would chat me up while paying for something. Or in restaurants, or stores, or pretty much anywhere. I don't think I could remain faithful in Colombia. In Argentina you won't have that issue. Most of the females are a royal pain in the ass.

Your priorities might be difficult. If you're looking for an amazing wife, then Colombia is a good option. If you do it right you can find a really intelligent girl. Colombians are the best wives and best mothers. I should know. I've been married to one for the past 17 years.
I won't comment on the relationship aspects, given that I have my very own "cuaimita" and I'm less aware of the background scenery now (more nice girls in short dresses, meh...), but I'd sort of agree with most of the rest of what you said. The best beaches to go to in Cartagena are always a boat-ride away, it's normally not a big deal, and worth it to escape the vendors. Food is generally beach fare, fried fish, tostones / patacones, coleslaw, and I could eat that every day. There are some surprises
I forgot to mention. Ideally if you really play your cards right it would be better to find a girlfriend or wife in Colombia THEN you high tail it and you move and live in Buenos Aires. That's that best case scenario where you can have your cake and eat it too.
I won't comment on the relationship aspects, given that I have my very own "cuaimita" and I'm less aware of the background scenery now (more nice girls in short dresses, meh...), but I'd sort of agree with most of the rest of what you said. The best beaches to go to in Cartagena are always a boat-ride away, it's normally not a big deal, and worth it to escape the vendors. Food is generally beach fare, fried fish, tostones / patacones, coleslaw, and I could eat that every day. There are some surprises
Thanks for that tip. I will check it out. My last trip to Cartagena a few months ago I chartered a boat to take some friends and family to one of those islands. Really beautiful and easily the best food of the trip. So fresh. I assumed it would be cheap as they were practically catching the fish right there. But man I was blown away how expensive food is there. Here are some photos.

I do enjoy Colombian food but after a few days it just is too heavy. Everything is fried (which is why it's so delicious) but there isn't too much variety with food in Colombia.
I forgot to mention. Ideally if you really play your cards right it would be better to find a girlfriend or wife in Colombia THEN you high tail it and you move and live in Buenos Aires. That's that best case scenario where you can have your cake and eat it too.
This sounds like a good idea. as long as you are willing to transfer twice as much UDS per month from the USA (and deal with the tax consequences) so your Colombian wife will also qualify for temporary residency in Argentina.
This sounds like a good idea. as long as you are willing to transfer twice as much UDS per month from the USA (and deal with the tax consequences) so your Colombian wife will also qualify for temporary residency in Argentina.
Semi-automatic 2-year Mercosur residency for Colombians in Argentina, there are hundreds studying for free at university here.
Too hot and humid in Barranquilla. Cartagena is by far the most beautiful city in Colombia but just too small and touristy. After a while I think it would get old. The beaches in town are dirty and suck (although they have nice beaches a short boat ride away but let's be honest it would be a pain to have to go that route vs. just walking). No doubt the old town is beautiful but I much prefer bigger cities.

I didn't think the food was anything special in Cartagena. The best places are mom and pop and not too expensive (try Narcobollo which is my favorite spot in Cartagena... where the locals go). Brazil and Colombia are the two best countries to find a beautiful, educated and intelligent girl.

Many of the hottest girls in Cartagena are prostitutes which I doubt you'd want to deal with if you want a meaningful relationship. And many of the others are dark skinned which isn't my personal taste. In Bogota, Cali and Medellin it's not difficult to find a meaningful, intelligent and beautiful non-puta. In fact, as a gringo you're a commodity there so you will get a lot of attention. Before getting married, I'd travel around much of South America so I know it well. Not all, so I don't want to generalize. But after living and working in Argentina for the past 20+ years I know it well.

I had lots and lots of employees and they were almost all single. Even today most of them are single in their 40's. The ones that WERE married are now divorced and likely won't get remarried. And the guys are no better. Many don't want to ever get married and would rather hang out with their bro's vs. hanging out with a girl. Weird culturally that society that way.

I mean on one hand it's cool if you're a guy and you meet a good group of guys because you will be a brotherhood and these guys would kill for you. They would do anything for you and I made some lifelong friends in Buenos Aires that I'm closer to than my real family. But sometimes I'd yell at them because they would rather hang out with the bros even when a beautiful girl would want to go out.

I thought the most beautiful girls were in Cali. 2nd was Medellin. The girls are so beautiful in Colombia I'd think your biggest issue/problem would be trying to stay faithful to your girlfriend. Because as a gringo, girls will always be attracted to you (at least that was my case when I visited). I'm not just talking about just prostitutes (who would be constantly giving me their number on paper and definitely will be attracted to you). But just walking around in the mall I'd get people that would chat me up while paying for something. Or in restaurants, or stores, or pretty much anywhere. I don't think I could remain faithful in Colombia. In Argentina you won't have that issue. Most of the females are a royal pain in the ass.

Your priorities might be difficult. If you're looking for an amazing wife, then Colombia is a good option. If you do it right you can find a really intelligent girl. Colombians are the best wives and best mothers. I should know. I've been married to one for the past 17 years.
Reading this makes me want to go with Colombia, haha. How unhappy could you be if you can find a amazing wife/girlfriend? How happy can you be if you can't find a good one?
Reading this makes me want to go with Colombia, haha. How unhappy could you be if you can find a amazing wife/girlfriend? How happy can you be if you can't find a good one?
Oh yes. You certainly won't be unhappy in Colombia. I assume you're fluent in Spanish? If not, get fluent or at least conversational. That will greatly enhance your experience, especially with dating. It will make the relationship meaningful vs. just about sex. I have friends that have lived in Colombia for years and they don't speak much Spanish. I really despise expats that live in a host country and never take the time to learn the local language. I never hang out with these people. I'm not saying you have to get fluent. But take the time to learn Spanish.

If your goal is to find an amazing girlfriend/wife then Colombia is definitely the place to go. The girls are genuinely friendly and beautiful. If you're looking for a genuine girlfriend than stay away from the putas. I'm not saying you shouldn't have fun. But don't delude yourself or confuse yourself between sex and love. That's the biggest mistake I've seen guys make there.

Culturally, I don't think there is much to do in these cities compared to Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is a world class capital city. None of those cities (even Bogota) can be considered that. In BA you have opera houses, amazing plays and shows, world class bands filling stadiums here. Amazing restaurants of any type of food. European style/feel living. Even the locals look European as 80% of them are descendants from Spain/Italy. So while beautiful, they don't look at themselves as "Argentine" more as "my grandparents were from Spain, Italy". Colombians are just exotic and hot. They consider themselves "Colombian" and know they are some of the most gorgeous girls on the planet. However, because there are so many other gorgeous girls they know they have to keep you happy.

I just don't get that feeling in Colombia at all for as much as I love the place. But yeah having sex with tons of beautiful girls won't make you unhappy either. So you have to factor that into the equation. Ha. But don't discount what I'm saying about it being hard to stay faithful there.

I had the same problem in Brazil many years ago. I was dating a model in Rio de Janeiro. I mean this girl had it all. She spoke three languages fluently. She looked like a young Sofia Loren with big breasts. She was a runway model working in Milan and Rome much of the year. I fell in love, I bought an apartment in Rio to spend more time with her. And I TRIED to stay faithful. But there were just too many gorgeous girls around. It was impossible to stay faithful. I was a happy guy in love but after all a guy is a guy. We are only human. That's going to honestly be your biggest risk in Colombia.

Girls from Colombia and Brazil are the best sex you can imagine. So after that it's hard to go back to anything else. I had my apartment in Rio during the early 2000's which was arguable the best time for a single guy to ever be in Brazil. I've been to over 500+ cities around the world and I have yet to experience anything close to that era.