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Black people in Argentina

I have some black friends back home and they are really in doubt at what the future holds for them. They told me they felt like things were going in the right direction with the issue of race equality but now with social media they tell me it's scary how quickly things are changing.
Like many things online I think things can go to an extreme and I feel like that is what is happening online. People can get a false sense of reality just reading posts on Twitter/X.
they always ask me why there aren't any black people here
this is weird - do they do the same in Estonia? some places just don't have a Hollywood ratio of skin tones. for instance, do those same race-obsessers worry about the lack of "white" people (whatever that means...Iranian? Russian? South African? Estonian? Spanish? Anglo-Saxon? Icelandic?) in places in Africa that are almost completely black? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maroua

now with social media they tell me it's scary how quickly things are changing.
have they tried walking outside? most people don't think about "race" very much, outside of race-conflict areas (where the infighting usually is between similar-looking ethnic groups, anyway) - unless you watch the Corporate Press propaganda and are told that 'racism is everywhere'

like @Finance Prof said, the internet isn't reality. if you read Reddit you'll think Argies love communism and it's super unsafe in Buenos Aires. @BowTiedMara covered this Woke obsession with making everything racist:

this is weird - do they do the same in Estonia? some places just don't have a Hollywood ratio of skin tones. for instance, do those same race-obsessers worry about the lack of "white" people (whatever that means...Iranian? Russian? South African? Estonian? Spanish? Anglo-Saxon? Icelandic?) in places in Africa that are almost completely black? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maroua

have they tried walking outside? most people don't think about "race" very much, outside of race-conflict areas (where the infighting usually is between similar-looking ethnic groups, anyway) - unless you watch the Corporate Press propaganda and are told that 'racism is everywhere'

like @Finance Prof said, the internet isn't reality. if you read Reddit you'll think Argies love communism and it's super unsafe in Buenos Aires. @BowTiedMara covered this Woke obsession with making everything racist:

I don't think people are obsessed with the race issue. Many times I have friends that ask me the same thing when they come here. Just out of curiosity because they will also visit other countries in South America while visiting Argentina. They might visit Brazil, Colombia or Chile and see many but here not many. Just curiosity.

Most people are good and decent and not racist. Here I think it is curiosity more than anything.
First time poster. I am a black male from Atlanta here in my first time in Buenos Aires. I will give you my perspective. There are good points made. No one knows what we have to go through. I am ok going to places where there are very few black people. For me part of the fun of visiting new places is just seeing something different.

The truth is that many black people are freaked out when they don't see other black people. I had a friend that came here and she told me she came here and she was "freaked out" she didn't see many black people at all. That is what got me interested in visiting. People here are very friendly. I didn't witness any racism at all.

I will say that it is not easy here dating or interacting with majority of females here as a black male. Most of the places I have visited I have done extremely well getting numbers or IG but here I didn't have much luck at all. Not racism but I just don't think many females here are interested in dating black males.

Argentina is an interesting place. I saw posts of people from Senegal but I didn't see any at all during my week trip.
Here I think it is curiosity more than anything.
the TikTok race-baiters are absolutely not curious, or they could ask literally any Argie while they're here, rather than making divisive videos based on lies about a "Black Genocide" - some people are so internally racist that they insist everyone and everything is racist.

i'll leave these here without comment:

6. https://x.com/PregoneroL/status/1786084756834164930

7. https://x.com/ArgentinoProm_/status/1789289145212260460

Atlanta here in my first time in Buenos Aires.
what up! good call getting out of the East Coast during these hurricanes. you'll have perfect weather in BsAs until the mosquitoes come around 26Dec. holler if you need help with anything, or want to check-out Mendoza. welcome - thanks for the anecdotes

she told me she came here and she was "freaked out" she didn't see many black people at all
this phenomenon is always interesting to me - would it be racist if Arabs freaked-out if they went to Iceland and didn't see any Arabs? i'd be interested to hear from her - can she join this forum and post? i've always been confused, because as a scottish-looking dude from the Southwest USA, i never once in all my 50-ish countries in my almost 20 years of traveling and living abroad, have i been to an ethnic-majority place like Afghan, Japan, Finland, etc. and even considered this angle...if anything, the excitement of traveling is seeing totally different people's appearance, clothing, food, lifestyle, etc.

That is what got me interested in visiting. People here are very friendly. I didn't witness any racism at all.
i do the same - gotta see something when big claims are made. i joined the military for a few years to see if babies were really being killed. i became a cop for a couple years to see if most cops were racist.

Not racism but I just don't think many females here are interested in dating black males.
i wonder if part of that is economic - like they assume you're from Brazil and thus not rich enough? (my one black friend in Mendoza is from Brazil).

I saw posts of people from Senegal but I didn't see any at all during my week trip.
same - i suspect those are groups of people who stay very close and remain in a very specific area.

i will say @Jerome if you are interested in Asian women, you MUST go to Okinawa. i was stationed there for a bit and it's the weirdest thing, but my black co-workers SMASHED all day long, because Oki chicks were obsessed with the "Rap" image...dudes would dress different than normal just to appease it, and Oki chicks loved the "chain" and sunglasses-at-night image. i was told several times "i onree date brack guys" (if this offends you, bahahhaha good, because that's how some japanese talk, not being able to pronounce L).

can't speak on mainland Japan, since i only flew in/out of there, but something to look-into. it never hurts to "go where you're treated best" as NomadCapitalist says, and ifi was a single dude i would absolutely go somewhere that i was desired. this was like fifteen years ago because i'm older, but something to ask your friends/family who have been to Japan/Okinawa ;)
the TikTok race-baiters are absolutely not curious, or they could ask literally any Argie while they're here, rather than making divisive videos based on lies about a "Black Genocide" - some people are so internally racist that they insist everyone and everything is racist.

i'll leave these here without comment:
When I was speaking about curious I meant my friends that are asking me. Not people posting about it on Tik Tok. Those people I agree are race baiters. My point was that my friends and family have asked me about it out of curiosity so others must as well.

First time poster. I am a black male from Atlanta here in my first time in Buenos Aires. I will give you my perspective. There are good points made. No one knows what we have to go through. I am ok going to places where there are very few black people. For me part of the fun of visiting new places is just seeing something different.

The truth is that many black people are freaked out when they don't see other black people. I had a friend that came here and she told me she came here and she was "freaked out" she didn't see many black people at all. That is what got me interested in visiting. People here are very friendly. I didn't witness any racism at all.

I will say that it is not easy here dating or interacting with majority of females here as a black male. Most of the places I have visited I have done extremely well getting numbers or IG but here I didn't have much luck at all. Not racism but I just don't think many females here are interested in dating black males.

Argentina is an interesting place. I saw posts of people from Senegal but I didn't see any at all during my week trip.
Welcome Jerome. I'm glad you came out to see things for yourself. I have several friends from NYC that have came down and visited and they were black. They had no issues here and enjoyed their stay. My 2 single friends that came said the same thing as you. Said they normally have better luck with getting numbers and it was tough in BA. Or they would get a number but would contact and they never contacted back. It might just be cultural as it had nothing to do with income because my friend was chatting with them for a while and they did know he was a doctor. He was ok with it and chalked it up to cultural preferences.
the TikTok race-baiters are absolutely not curious, or they could ask literally any Argie while they're here, rather than making divisive videos based on lies about a "Black Genocide" - some people are so internally racist that they insist everyone and everything is racist.

i'll leave these here without comment:

6. https://x.com/PregoneroL/status/1786084756834164930

7. https://x.com/ArgentinoProm_/status/1789289145212260460

what up! good call getting out of the East Coast during these hurricanes. you'll have perfect weather in BsAs until the mosquitoes come around 26Dec. holler if you need help with anything, or want to check-out Mendoza. welcome - thanks for the anecdotes

this phenomenon is always interesting to me - would it be racist if Arabs freaked-out if they went to Iceland and didn't see any Arabs? i'd be interested to hear from her - can she join this forum and post? i've always been confused, because as a scottish-looking dude from the Southwest USA, i never once in all my 50-ish countries in my almost 20 years of traveling and living abroad, have i been to an ethnic-majority place like Afghan, Japan, Finland, etc. and even considered this angle...if anything, the excitement of traveling is seeing totally different people's appearance, clothing, food, lifestyle, etc.

i do the same - gotta see something when big claims are made. i joined the military for a few years to see if babies were really being killed. i became a cop for a couple years to see if most cops were racist.

i wonder if part of that is economic - like they assume you're from Brazil and thus not rich enough? (my one black friend in Mendoza is from Brazil).

same - i suspect those are groups of people who stay very close and remain in a very specific area.

i will say @Jerome if you are interested in Asian women, you MUST go to Okinawa. i was stationed there for a bit and it's the weirdest thing, but my black co-workers SMASHED all day long, because Oki chicks were obsessed with the "Rap" image...dudes would dress different than normal just to appease it, and Oki chicks loved the "chain" and sunglasses-at-night image. i was told several times "i onree date brack guys" (if this offends you, bahahhaha good, because that's how some japanese talk, not being able to pronounce L).

can't speak on mainland Japan, since i only flew in/out of there, but something to look-into. it never hurts to "go where you're treated best" as NomadCapitalist says, and ifi was a single dude i would absolutely go somewhere that i was desired. this was like fifteen years ago because i'm older, but something to ask your friends/family who have been to Japan/Okinawa ;)
This is something as a black male that I really hate. These race baiting videos on X really are destructive for us. I believe in free speech but some of these videos are very extreme. I know there is a lot of anger for migration into Europe and some into the United States but I feel like a lot of these videos are painting the wrong picture and driving some hate.

I'm fortunate that I don't experience direct racism myself but in the back of my mind I am always on edge. Every time I see another video online of a black male doing something bad it makes me sad.

@StatusNomadicus does your black friend in Mendoza date ok? How are his experiences as a black guy living in Argentina? Like I said no one was rude to me. Even in the clubs that I went to girls would talk to me. They knew I wasn't from Brazil and although most of the people there don't speak English, the girls that I spoke to spoke decent English. I just don't think many would seriously consider dating a black male in Argentina based on my experiences.

Everyone told me to go to Brazil and I am going in December. I don't judge a city by how many of a certain race are there. I didn't even run into many black tourists there which is ok.
This is something as a black male that I really hate. These race baiting videos on X really are destructive for us. I believe in free speech but some of these videos are very extreme. I know there is a lot of anger for migration into Europe and some into the United States but I feel like a lot of these videos are painting the wrong picture and driving some hate.

I'm fortunate that I don't experience direct racism myself but in the back of my mind I am always on edge. Every time I see another video online of a black male doing something bad it makes me sad.

@StatusNomadicus does your black friend in Mendoza date ok? How are his experiences as a black guy living in Argentina? Like I said no one was rude to me. Even in the clubs that I went to girls would talk to me. They knew I wasn't from Brazil and although most of the people there don't speak English, the girls that I spoke to spoke decent English. I just don't think many would seriously consider dating a black male in Argentina based on my experiences.

Everyone told me to go to Brazil and I am going in December. I don't judge a city by how many of a certain race are there. I didn't even run into many black tourists there which is ok.
Hey @Jerome! Glad you had a good time here. I have been in Argentina a few years and find people here very tolerant with all races as long as you are respectful no one seems to care.

I don't think your situation is rare here with the girls. I watched a black American that came and traveled throughout South America. He has a Youtube channel. I'll see if I can find it. He documented his journey in South America and he said exactly what you are saying. He had good luck as a black guy in Peru, Brazil, Chile and found it tougher in Argentina and Uruguay.

You will like Brazil. I have been there with my friends that are black and they had no problem at all there.
Hey @Jerome! Glad you had a good time here. I have been in Argentina a few years and find people here very tolerant with all races as long as you are respectful no one seems to care.

I don't think your situation is rare here with the girls. I watched a black American that came and traveled throughout South America. He has a Youtube channel. I'll see if I can find it. He documented his journey in South America and he said exactly what you are saying. He had good luck as a black guy in Peru, Brazil, Chile and found it tougher in Argentina and Uruguay.

You will like Brazil. I have been there with my friends that are black and they had no problem at all there.
Hey @Jerome,

I agree with @Finance Prof that you will enjoy Brazil. I'd recommend Rio de Janeiro. It's a great city. I owned an apartment there for many years so I spent a lot of time there. For the dating scene, it will be much easier than a city like Buenos Aires. I have several black friends that traveled around down here with me in Argentina as well as Brazil and Brazil was much easier.

Here in Argentina, I just don't think many females have had any experience at all dating black guys. It sounds like you have an open mind and can appreciate each country is different. A good friend of mine used to come in Buenos Aires many years ago and he experienced the same situation as you did until I just had female friends of mine set him up with their friends. After a few trips down here, he did well dating.

I have traveled all over the world and actually enjoy how each country and city is different. That's the great thing about traveling. The world would be a boring place if each place was the same and you had the same experiences in each place you visited. Safe travels.
does your black friend in Mendoza date ok?
well, he's gay, so like most gay dudes i think his dating game doesn't need to be as good as guys pursuing women :p can't help you on that, but Brazil sounds cool and would be a good experiment to see how you would do, dating-wise. ever read "The Game" by Neil Strauss? highly recommend it for the psychology and self-improvement aspects. it's quick and fun to read, and challenges you to self-improve in a lot of ways (the haters think it's a guide to lying to women; they didn't read it)

the only thing about Brazil is the president and main judge are censorial communists, so for me i wouldn't go there, but just be careful if you go!

i will say about Argentina, it seems like some aspect of Argies makes it a bit harder to date as a foreigner. i'm not pursuing, but in my regular interactions with women in other countries and here, Argentina has been overall hard to connect with the people. in the US and other countries women might ask if you're married when they don't see a ring. or just flirt. or be interested and want to get your number...i've been traveling solo a lot in my life and Argentina is a bit....errm....segregated? when it comes to the people/culture. i think it's something about how people are very distrustful of government, crime, scams, and so the society is very family-oriented (and the majorit Catholic aspect is a huge factor) and has close-knit networks that is just hard for someone like me, from a big city in the USA, to imagine.

TL;DR - i'd say the overall difficulty in communicating with and connecting with Argies is more relevant than your game or skin tone or wealth or language or anything else @Jerome. and which part are you going in December? i always wanted to take some jiu jitsu classes in Sao Paulo someday. oh, and weather-wise around that timeframe: in Buenos Aires it gets HOT and humid and death-by-mosquitos at the end of Dec, and all of Jan/Feb. it was horrible. i suspect parts of Brazil will be similar.

He had good luck as a black guy in Peru, Brazil, Chile and found it tougher in Argentina and Uruguay.
i can totally see this

and weirdly enough, i just looked on google @Jerome and (haven't watched it) maybe this dude knows his stuff?
This is something as a black male that I really hate. These race baiting videos on X really are destructive for us. I believe in free speech but some of these videos are very extreme. I know there is a lot of anger for migration into Europe and some into the United States but I feel like a lot of these videos are painting the wrong picture and driving some hate.

I'm fortunate that I don't experience direct racism myself but in the back of my mind I am always on edge. Every time I see another video online of a black male doing something bad it makes me sad.

@StatusNomadicus does your black friend in Mendoza date ok? How are his experiences as a black guy living in Argentina? Like I said no one was rude to me. Even in the clubs that I went to girls would talk to me. They knew I wasn't from Brazil and although most of the people there don't speak English, the girls that I spoke to spoke decent English. I just don't think many would seriously consider dating a black male in Argentina based on my experiences.

Everyone told me to go to Brazil and I am going in December. I don't judge a city by how many of a certain race are there. I didn't even run into many black tourists there which is ok.
These race baiting videos are speaking to emotions that many want to feel. Logically none of it makes sense, they're interacting w less than 1 percent of the population w less than a 1 percent sample size of how those they see act on a daily basis. One person for one minute with one negative interaction (or even multiple people multiple times) doesn't make a city nor a country a negative place. Too many are drawing too much conclusions on limited sample size or only seeing what they want to see.

Hey @Jerome,

I agree with @Finance Prof that you will enjoy Brazil. I'd recommend Rio de Janeiro. It's a great city. I owned an apartment there for many years so I spent a lot of time there. For the dating scene, it will be much easier than a city like Buenos Aires. I have several black friends that traveled around down here with me in Argentina as well as Brazil and Brazil was much easier.

Here in Argentina, I just don't think many females have had any experience at all dating black guys. It sounds like you have an open mind and can appreciate each country is different. A good friend of mine used to come in Buenos Aires many years ago and he experienced the same situation as you did until I just had female friends of mine set him up with their friends. After a few trips down here, he did well dating.

I have traveled all over the world and actually enjoy how each country and city is different. That's the great thing about traveling. The world would be a boring place if each place was the same and you had the same experiences in each place you visited. Safe travels.
One of the greatest dating hacks is having female friends. It makes talking to other women so much easier when you come pre-selected or having such social proof in addition to having friends they can introduce you to. It's amazing how many guys I know refuse to have platonic friends w the opposite sex and wonder why they have trouble in the dating market (not saying this towards anyone here but as a general observation)
well, he's gay, so like most gay dudes i think his dating game doesn't need to be as good as guys pursuing women :p can't help you on that, but Brazil sounds cool and would be a good experiment to see how you would do, dating-wise. ever read "The Game" by Neil Strauss? highly recommend it for the psychology and self-improvement aspects. it's quick and fun to read, and challenges you to self-improve in a lot of ways (the haters think it's a guide to lying to women; they didn't read it)

the only thing about Brazil is the president and main judge are censorial communists, so for me i wouldn't go there, but just be careful if you go!

i will say about Argentina, it seems like some aspect of Argies makes it a bit harder to date as a foreigner. i'm not pursuing, but in my regular interactions with women in other countries and here, Argentina has been overall hard to connect with the people. in the US and other countries women might ask if you're married when they don't see a ring. or just flirt. or be interested and want to get your number...i've been traveling solo a lot in my life and Argentina is a bit....errm....segregated? when it comes to the people/culture. i think it's something about how people are very distrustful of government, crime, scams, and so the society is very family-oriented (and the majorit Catholic aspect is a huge factor) and has close-knit networks that is just hard for someone like me, from a big city in the USA, to imagine.

TL;DR - i'd say the overall difficulty in communicating with and connecting with Argies is more relevant than your game or skin tone or wealth or language or anything else @Jerome. and which part are you going in December? i always wanted to take some jiu jitsu classes in Sao Paulo someday. oh, and weather-wise around that timeframe: in Buenos Aires it gets HOT and humid and death-by-mosquitos at the end of Dec, and all of Jan/Feb. it was horrible. i suspect parts of Brazil will be similar.

i can totally see this

and weirdly enough, i just looked on google @Jerome and (haven't watched it) maybe this dude knows his stuff?
I remember reading The Game and agree it's more about self-improvement and understanding social dynamics dressed in a way that a side effect is it makes you better skilled interacting with women. Kinda a constant theme with regards the hate is people only see what they want to see.
i will say about Argentina, it seems like some aspect of Argies makes it a bit harder to date as a foreigner. i'm not pursuing, but in my regular interactions with women in other countries and here, Argentina has been overall hard to connect with the people. in the US and other countries women might ask if you're married when they don't see a ring. or just flirt. or be interested and want to get your number...i've been traveling solo a lot in my life and Argentina is a bit....errm....segregated? when it comes to the people/culture. i think it's something about how people are very distrustful of government, crime, scams, and so the society is very family-oriented (and the majorit Catholic aspect is a huge factor) and has close-knit networks that is just hard for someone like me, from a big city in the USA, to imagine.
I would agree with this about Argies being more closed society. Until I met my girlfriend it was really difficult to crack the inner circle of locals. But once I met a few of her friends they let me come into their circle. The first asado I went to some of her girlfriends had their boyfriend there and they invited me to coffee and made friendships that way. It seems like they mostly hang out with the friends they already have. All my girlfriend's friends are people she went to school with and have known for a long time.
One of the greatest dating hacks is having female friends. It makes talking to other women so much easier when you come pre-selected or having such social proof in addition to having friends they can introduce you to. It's amazing how many guys I know refuse to have platonic friends w the opposite sex and wonder why they have trouble in the dating market (not saying this towards anyone here but as a general observation)
Agree completely. If you have a good group of female friends or even the right 1 or 2 female friends it can make life very easy. They vouch for you and take a lot of stress and fear out of the equation. When I visit my friends in different countries and we go out with a group of her friends it makes it very easy.

Even in Buenos Aires I did this and it made my life easier going on a few dates.
self-improvement and understanding social dynamics
the author concludes the book with being happily married...but the douchers think it's a book about getting laid. the most important point is about how you can go to a new city, reinvent yourself to be a totally different person, and that identity would be just as genuine "you" as how you limit yourself in your normal life. Neil Strauss is a great writer. hilarious and interesting stories in that book! everyone should read.

good advice all-around here from @Uncle Wong @Digital Nomad @FuturoBA