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"Boom of Argentinians in Chile"

Oh, yes! I've seen it in the news. It seems the same is happening in Paraguay, with many Argentinians crossing over to Ciudad del Este to buy electronics.

Yes! You're right, Paraguay is another favorite destination for Argentinians to go shopping.

I think we are living more in global times and you are going to see a lot of comparisons with cost of living from one country to another. Also, a lot of people looking to emigrate to other countries. Especially ones that are not prone to wars and better quality of life and cost of living.
Yes! You're right, Paraguay is another favorite destination for Argentinians to go shopping.

Argentines have always flocked to Paraguay to buy electronics. They have very low taxes and IVA on electronics so there are some good deals. My local friends previously just got it all in Miami but now trips there are few and far between.
The boom of Argentinians in Chile continues, a year ago, the Cristo Redentor crossing was packed with Chileans heading to Mendoza and other nearby provinces to take advantage of the exchange rate and buy goods at very low prices. Today, the traffic is heavy again but going in the opposite direction. Now, due to Argentina's widening exchange rate gap and economic conditions, Chile has become relatively cheap for Argentine consumers.

The same phenomenon is happening in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. A friend went to the Iguazu Falls and, with some friends, decided to go shopping there. To give you an idea, a high-end Samsung phone that costs 1,600,000 ARS here was bought there for just 600,000 ARS. The differences are incredible!

The same phenomenon is happening in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. A friend went to the Iguazu Falls and, with some friends, decided to go shopping there. To give you an idea, a high-end Samsung phone that costs 1,600,000 ARS here was bought there for just 600,000 ARS. The differences are incredible!

The taxes in Paraguay are very low. Argentineans used to just fly to Miami to buy stuff but it's so expensive now to fly to the States I think more and more are just going to Paraguay.
Milei has the big task of liberalizing the import of basic consumer goods. It’s becoming increasingly common for Argentinians to travel to Chile or Paraguay to buy clothes and shoes. The difference is truly vast.🫨


I did a little photoshoppery of the Aduanas sign in Ezeiza, to make it a bit more truthful. The high import taxes/tariffs are why electronics and clothing (and autos) are so stupidly expensive in this country, relative to incomes.
It's all a vicious cycle, and this is no small issue. Milei should give it the attention it deserves. The clothing sector is one of the hardest hit; the situation is critical for them, with sales plummeting 72%. This impacts workers, who are losing their jobs because of it. Clothing has become almost a luxury due to its high cost, and people are focusing on buying only the essentials, leaving what they consider luxuries, which should be regular purchases, behind.
