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Food & Drink Cafe Tortoni!


Cafe Tortoni!

November 17, 2023

Founded in 1858, @GranCafeTortoni is the oldest in the country. Although on a day like today, but in 1894, it inaugurated its façade on Avenida de Mayo.
For this reason, "Buenos Aires Coffee Day" is celebrated on this day.

Between its wooden walls, next to its oak and green marble tables, Alfonsina Storni, Benito Quinquela Martín, Carlos Gardel, Baldomero Fernández Moreno, Federico Garcia Lorca, among others, sat, transferring something of their personalities to this traditional café, now inseparable. of the history of this City (Text of the Café Tortoni menu).


💥 Chocolate with churros with dulce de leche!!! Delicious!!

📌 Av. de Mayo 825, Montserrat.

🗓 Open every day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. There is no reservation, it is first come, first served!!!

You can see all the proposals, addresses and schedules at @PatrimonioBA, @BACultura, @BACapitalGastronomica and on the IG accounts of the participating spaces. Please note that this is a cultural program with free admission.

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☕️ The 86 notable cafes, bars, billiards and confectioneries are an emblem of the cultural heritage of the City of Buenos Aires. Located in many of the 48 Buenos Aires neighborhoods, they keep stories, anecdotes, flavors and smells that both residents and tourists have enjoyed for decades. Let's discover them!!!


Credits: @buenosaires.ar