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Newcomer Can I sign up for Mercado Libre on a 1 year tourist visa in Argentina? Help.


New member
After spending five weeks in Buenos Aires, I'm starting to grasp the local dynamics. I'm currently seeking information on how to create a Mercado Libre or Mercado Pago account without possessing a DNI card. My wife recently obtained her DNI card; she's on a year-long work visa, while I'm here on a tourist visa for the same duration. I've come across references to CUIL, CUIT, and CDI numbers. Could any of these serve as alternatives to the DNI for setting up an account?

I'm not entirely clear on what the DNI is, but I've gathered that it's crucial for various tasks. I initially attempted to obtain discount cards for Carrefour, COTO, and Jumbo, as we frequently shop there, but lacking a DNI made it impossible. This is where my confusion lies. In the US, such cards are readily available to anyone. I suspect there might be additional considerations or implications for using these cards in Argentina that differ from the US.

Any assistance in acquiring a Mercado Libre/Pago account would be greatly appreciated. Currently, the only Argentine detail I possess is a +54 cell phone number.

Just to add a little more info, I have visited this website (https://www.argentina.gob.ar/servicio/obtener-la-clave-de-identificacion-cdi) and, although I don't know what this is I've filled out the form and can deliver it in duplicate to an AFIP office.
The DNI serves as the national ID card in Argentina and is required for most activities. Since your wife has a DNI, a practical solution is to register everything in her name – Mercado Libre, Mercado Pago, supermarket discount cards, bank account, and so on. You can still utilize these services yourself; just provide her DNI if requested. Download Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago apps on your phone and use her login credentials. Given the restrictions on obtaining a DNI with a tourist visa, utilizing your wife's information for these purposes seems to be the workaround.
The DNI serves as the national ID card in Argentina and is required for most activities. Since your wife has a DNI, a practical solution is to register everything in her name – Mercado Libre, Mercado Pago, supermarket discount cards, bank account, and so on. You can still utilize these services yourself; just provide her DNI if requested. Download Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago apps on your phone and use her login credentials. Given the restrictions on obtaining a DNI with a tourist visa, utilizing your wife's information for these purposes seems to be the workaround.
We were trying to get discount cards for those places here similar to the kind you get at home at your box chain grocery stores. But they needed a DNI as well. Although, it appears that we the advertised discount even without the cards; Carrefour for example.

Thanks for the information. So would a CUIT, CUIL or CDI help in anyway? I’m not sure if I a, supposed to apply for any cards to ensure I’m paying taxes on the goods I buy, etc. Just want to pay my fair share as well as have access to Libre and Pago
We were trying to get discount cards for those places here similar to the kind you get at home at your box chain grocery stores. But they needed a DNI as well. Although, it appears that we the advertised discount even without the cards; Carrefour for example.

Thanks for the information. So would a CUIT, CUIL or CDI help in anyway? I’m not sure if I a, supposed to apply for any cards to ensure I’m paying taxes on the goods I buy, etc. Just want to pay my fair share as well as have access to Libre and Pago
NO, the CUIT, CUIL or CDI won't help you. I tried and didn't have success until I finally got my DNI. A CDI is just a tax ID number like an ITIN in the USA. Anyone can get one of those. You need one as a foreigner to purchase a car or a property.
I also tried and they said I had to have a DNI #. I use my friend's account and pay her the cash.
True. I tried a few times but was never successful. I finally got my DNI after many years living here. Once I get my DNI I could link it to my Mercado Libre. They have a very strict security system. I had to upload my DNI and then it even made me do a scan of my face on my computer to match up against it. I use Mercado Libre each week and my friend got tired of me using his.
Someone told me that they thought Mercado Libre allowed now foreigners to sign up for an account. Does anyone know if this is true or is this false information?
I am currently living in Argentina and at least until December 2023 no foreigner could register. What you can do is to register in your country, for example if you live in Argentina you can only use Mercado Libre Argentina.
I am currently living in Argentina and at least until December 2023 no foreigner could register. What you can do is to register in your country, for example if you live in Argentina you can only use Mercado Libre Argentina.
No, I don't believe you can sign up for Mercado Libre without a DNI. When my friends come in town, they always ask me to order their stuff for them. You might want to do the same with anyone you know locally.
upload a photo of my DNI
and it electronically scans for the DNI barcode; i tried tricking it into a USA passport (both old and new 2023 style), driver license (2 different States, 20 years difference), etc. but nope, no MercadoLibre or MercadoPago for anyone without a DNI. this obviously needs to change. and it would be nice if some grocery stores like Jumbo wouldn't be so adamant about entering your DNI for groceries. it feels weird, like Communist China weird. why does the private store need to know my identity to buy bread? (just make-up 8 digits, or put in your first 8 numbers of your passport)
and it electronically scans for the DNI barcode; i tried tricking it into a USA passport (both old and new 2023 style), driver license (2 different States, 20 years difference), etc. but nope, no MercadoLibre or MercadoPago for anyone without a DNI. this obviously needs to change. and it would be nice if some grocery stores like Jumbo wouldn't be so adamant about entering your DNI for groceries. it feels weird, like Communist China weird. why does the private store need to know my identity to buy bread? (just make-up 8 digits, or put in your first 8 numbers of your passport)
I also tried while I was there and I couldn't sign up. We asked our Airbnb host and they were very nice and they ordered what we wanted and it was very quick and came the next day just like Amazon at home. Very quick and easy. I did the same thing trying to sign up with passport and driver's license but it would not work. At the grocery store they let me use my State drivers license and sometimes I said I didn't have it and they asked for ID # and I just made one up as I don't know my license #. Seems to be some store policy but they asked it at all the grocery stores I went to.
You definitely have to have a DNI to use Mercado Libre. I read a few reports of people claiming to have signed up recently withOUT a DNI and saying their account still works but I'm told Mercado Libre eventually is asking everyone to upload copies of their DNI. I had to go through this process last year and it was a pain. Even though I uploaded my DNI I wasn't working. Finally I got it to scan my face on my iPad but it wouldn't work from my Macbook. Once they were able to verify my face with DNI it started working again.

It's impossible to get anyone on the phone. I was told they are doing this to prevent fraud and chargebacks.
I actually signed up for Mercado Libre a few years ago without a DNI. I ordered things for my amiga there for years without any problem. But last week it asked me to upload a DNI. So it seems like something has changed and even if you have a Mercado Libre account, it won't work any longer unless you upload a photo of your DNI and it must be the newer version. The old booklets won't work.
I actually signed up for Mercado Libre a few years ago without a DNI. I ordered things for my amiga there for years without any problem. But last week it asked me to upload a DNI. So it seems like something has changed and even if you have a Mercado Libre account, it won't work any longer unless you upload a photo of your DNI and it must be the newer version. The old booklets won't work.
I know some people that were in same situation. They opened without DNI but now they are using biometric for all accounts. They in process of forcing all older accounts with no DNI to mandatory DNI. Also be careful they track total purchase amount and compare to if you declare income with AFIP.
I know some people that were in same situation. They opened without DNI but now they are using biometric for all accounts. They in process of forcing all older accounts with no DNI to mandatory DNI. Also be careful they track total purchase amount and compare to if you declare income with AFIP.
Correct. Several of my clients that signed up for Mercado Libre without a DNI before they required it seem to be locked out from buying now without uploading a DNI. Seems like everything is getting more normalized.