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Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

But @Sunny do you root more for a stronger blue dollar? I would think no matter what, anyone living on a fixed income would secretly be wishing for a very strong blue dollar. Yes?

No, I don't root for a stronger blue dollar. I root for the economy to be fixed to the point where this country starts working like a normal country. A stronger dollar does not guaranty that I will be able to get the stuff I need, at a decent price and of good quality. When the blue dollar was almost 1,200 pesos, I could buy more things with fewer dollars but, except for food, everything else was either not available or the quality left much to be desired.

I don't want to have to go to Paraguay or Brazil to buy goods, I want to be able to buy them here, at a price that makes sense. You see? Yes, a tourist wants the dollar blue as high as possible, but then they leave the country disappointed because of limited variety, bad quality of things, etc.
No, I don't root for a stronger blue dollar. I root for the economy to be fixed to the point where this country starts working like a normal country. A stronger dollar does not guaranty that I will be able to get the stuff I need, at a decent price and of good quality. When the blue dollar was almost 1,200 pesos, I could buy more things with fewer dollars but, except for food, everything else was either not available or the quality left much to be desired.

I don't want to have to go to Paraguay or Brazil to buy goods, I want to be able to buy them here, at a price that makes sense. You see? Yes, a tourist wants the dollar blue as high as possible, but then they leave the country disappointed because of limited variety, bad quality of things, etc.
***guarantee. 🙄
No, I don't root for a stronger blue dollar. I root for the economy to be fixed to the point where this country starts working like a normal country. A stronger dollar does not guaranty that I will be able to get the stuff I need, at a decent price and of good quality. When the blue dollar was almost 1,200 pesos, I could buy more things with fewer dollars but, except for food, everything else was either not available or the quality left much to be desired.

I don't want to have to go to Paraguay or Brazil to buy goods, I want to be able to buy them here, at a price that makes sense. You see? Yes, a tourist wants the dollar blue as high as possible, but then they leave the country disappointed because of limited variety, bad quality of things, etc.
You make very good points. It good for Argentina to have people like you. Most foreigner people only want strong blue dollar.
No, I don't root for a stronger blue dollar. I root for the economy to be fixed to the point where this country starts working like a normal country. A stronger dollar does not guaranty that I will be able to get the stuff I need, at a decent price and of good quality. When the blue dollar was almost 1,200 pesos, I could buy more things with fewer dollars but, except for food, everything else was either not available or the quality left much to be desired.

I don't want to have to go to Paraguay or Brazil to buy goods, I want to be able to buy them here, at a price that makes sense. You see? Yes, a tourist wants the dollar blue as high as possible, but then they leave the country disappointed because of limited variety, bad quality of things, etc.
Thank you. It is nice to hear an expat that has this attitude. From what I am seeing people do want to see economy improve but not too much to the point they are priced out of Argentina. Argentina was one of the most expensive cities in the world at one point. I know many expats that don't want to see it go to that and if it does they must leave the country.
No, I don't root for a stronger blue dollar. I root for the economy to be fixed to the point where this country starts working like a normal country. A stronger dollar does not guaranty that I will be able to get the stuff I need, at a decent price and of good quality. When the blue dollar was almost 1,200 pesos, I could buy more things with fewer dollars but, except for food, everything else was either not available or the quality left much to be desired.

I don't want to have to go to Paraguay or Brazil to buy goods, I want to be able to buy them here, at a price that makes sense. You see? Yes, a tourist wants the dollar blue as high as possible, but then they leave the country disappointed because of limited variety, bad quality of things, etc.
I have the same feeling. It doesn't do any good if it's very cheap here and I don't feel comfortable walking down the street. I own my own place so I am somewhat insulated but I have some friends renting and they are on very limited fixed income and most important thing to them is low cost of living. They can't afford for things to get more expensive. They only have $X per month and can't exceed that amount and already struggling. Many expats won't admit it but low cost of living is the most important thing to them.
I have the same feeling. It doesn't do any good if it's very cheap here and I don't feel comfortable walking down the street. I own my own place so I am somewhat insulated but I have some friends renting and they are on very limited fixed income and most important thing to them is low cost of living. They can't afford for things to get more expensive. They only have $X per month and can't exceed that amount and already struggling. Many expats won't admit it but low cost of living is the most important thing to them.
Expats like @Sunny are probably not in the majority. Many as you say Betsy first and foremost need a low cost of living. Many will be forced to leave if Argentina keeps getting more expensive. I have friends that keep having to leave different countries as they get too expensive. They are on fixed incomes with their Social Security payments and running out of countries they can live in affordably. One friend lives in Albania and has a fairly miserable life but it's one of the only countries he can afford on his limited income.
I often wonder why people on a tight budget would rather move country instead of moving provinces. CABA does offer much more than a small provincial city, but you can't have the cake and eat it too. Plus having to deal with visas, fees, a new language, new culture, all over again.
I wonder the same thing. Some cities outside of CABA are a fraction of the price as CABA. Many beautiful places in this big country and almost all are much cheaper than BA.
Why do you think your friend has a fairly miserable life in Albania. I've heard that the winters can be depressing there, very rainy and cold. Also, even though the country offers universal health, the medical service is rather poor.
Well he doesn't speak the language and she has no real job there. He is living off a meager SS payment which isn't much at all. The photos he sends me he is always just feeding stray dogs. It looks like it rains a lot and cold. I'm not sure about medical care or services but it doesn't look desirable at all besides being a very cheap place to live.
Plan is to come around the Fall and work w Rubilar for the citizenship route. Not sure how familiar you are with the FIRE(financial independence retire early) movement, but if things go right I may hit my numbers for a lean FIRE to cover bare necessities and will do remote/part time for discretionary spending. And keep us updated on how your meeting with Agustin goes.
Saw this today online and thought of you @FuturoBA I have not heard of this movement before you mentioned it. Now every time I see it I think of your post.

Saw this today online and thought of you @FuturoBA I have not heard of this movement before you mentioned it. Now every time I see it I think of your post.

Mr Money Mustache was the blog that got me started on it. This one was one the simplest and best https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/ .It explains what percentage you need to save and for how long it will take to reach full FIRE.

Another writer is Bill Perkins, author of "Die with Zero." I don't agree with everything he says, but plenty of which I do find interesting.
Mr Money Mustache was the blog that got me started on it. This one was one the simplest and best https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/ .It explains what percentage you need to save and for how long it will take to reach full FIRE.

Another writer is Bill Perkins, author of "Die with Zero." I don't agree with everything he says, but plenty of which I do find interesting.
Thank you I will check it out. I think the goal of retiring earlier in life is a good one.
Mr Money Mustache was the blog that got me started on it. This one was one the simplest and best https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/ .It explains what percentage you need to save and for how long it will take to reach full FIRE.

Another writer is Bill Perkins, author of "Die with Zero." I don't agree with everything he says, but plenty of which I do find interesting.
All my friends want to retire early but they don't want to put in the hard work! Many of them are now being asked to come back to the office. Not sure if they will quit or try to find another job.
MEP updates:

haven't posted in a bit, but my www.twitter.com/ArgentinaMEP is up-to-date minus the past 2 days. big changes today,

lots of stuff climbing. government MEP is now 1154 ARS/Dollar, up from 1042 a week ago. that's a lot in one week! and prices in Pesos seem to still be trickling down (got some nice pork loin meat for 3,500-4,000 Pesos/kilogram this week

Crypto Dollar is currently 1184. Western Union is 1098. still a bit more advantageous to use WU without fees, compared to my last real-world credit card MEP use of 1001.

any requests for Pacto de Mayo from anyone here? i'll be attending solo to see what it's like. let me know!
MEP updates:

haven't posted in a bit, but my www.twitter.com/ArgentinaMEP is up-to-date minus the past 2 days. big changes today,

lots of stuff climbing. government MEP is now 1154 ARS/Dollar, up from 1042 a week ago. that's a lot in one week! and prices in Pesos seem to still be trickling down (got some nice pork loin meat for 3,500-4,000 Pesos/kilogram this week

Crypto Dollar is currently 1184. Western Union is 1098. still a bit more advantageous to use WU without fees, compared to my last real-world credit card MEP use of 1001.

any requests for Pacto de Mayo from anyone here? i'll be attending solo to see what it's like. let me know!
Let us know how it goes. I was surprised to see Milei was still going there but let us know how it goes. Love that blue dollar is getting stronger! Cha-ching!
MEP updates:

haven't posted in a bit, but my www.twitter.com/ArgentinaMEP is up-to-date minus the past 2 days. big changes today,

lots of stuff climbing. government MEP is now 1154 ARS/Dollar, up from 1042 a week ago. that's a lot in one week! and prices in Pesos seem to still be trickling down (got some nice pork loin meat for 3,500-4,000 Pesos/kilogram this week

Crypto Dollar is currently 1184. Western Union is 1098. still a bit more advantageous to use WU without fees, compared to my last real-world credit card MEP use of 1001.

any requests for Pacto de Mayo from anyone here? i'll be attending solo to see what it's like. let me know!
Just let us know what the crowd looks like pro vs. against Milei. Sometimes it is difficult to get a true sense with the media because it is so biased. So let us know what % you see for or against.
How early do they want to retire?
Well I am in my 30's. Some of my friends are also in their mid 30s and have this dream that they can barely work and somehow retire early. Most of my friends work remote but they don't make a huge salary. They make ok money and the dollar goes further as some are living in Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Brazil. One is living in Turkey. But their salaries for the USA aren't anything special. Many want to keep up the digital nomad lifestyle but think that they can keep it up. Most aren't saving anything major at all and none of them own homes.

I worry that AI will take over a lot of roles in the future. I will probably head back to the States soon and change jobs as my employer is also making people come in at least a few days a week. Too many morons are posting videos about work from home and employers are getting embarrassed now.

My employer saw this and now is trying to get people to come in 2-3 days a week which is impossible from BA!

But their salaries for the USA aren't anything special. Many want to keep up the digital nomad lifestyle but think that they can keep it up. Most aren't saving anything major at all and none of them own homes.

And that's the problem. Most people your age and younger around the world have very little to look forward to. Real estate is a mess and out of their league, with sky high rents and mortgage down payments.

I worry that AI will take over a lot of roles in the future. I will probably head back to the States soon and change jobs as my employer is also making people come in at least a few days a week.

That's a wise decision. No one really knows what life is going to be like in ten years. Early retirement is still possible for those who spent the past couple of decades building a solid nest egg.

Too many morons are posting videos about work from home and employers are getting embarrassed now.

My employer saw this and now is trying to get people to come in 2-3 days a week which is impossible from BA!

That short shows what happens when people are allowed to do as they please. Businesses have made it way too easy for people to work remote and now the genie is out of the bottle. I don't see how it can be forced it back in.