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Does anyone else find it strange Argentina still thinks they won the Falklands War?

A friend mentioned to me that some Argie politician introduced a No Salmon Farming rule in Tierra del Fuego some years back.

Does anyone have any background or info on this?

Chile makes millions of USD out of salmon farming / I don't know why Argentia would not want a share of the fish pie
Is that photo photoshopped? Why would a USA Military official be photographed with anything controversial like this? Be careful as sometimes I have noticed that Twitter user has had fake things on his feed.
Argentina just won't let it go...

I have some mates that live on the Falkland Island and they say the locals will never agree to be governed by Argentina ever again. They are celebrating proudly this month.

Over and over the people there tell Argentina to leave them alone in peace.

Over and over the people there tell Argentina to leave them alone in peace.

Well she disagrees that it's not Argentina's

For anyone that wants to learn extensively about the Falklands saga there is a new book you can buy on Kindle about it.

A friend mentioned to me that some Argie politician introduced a No Salmon Farming rule in Tierra del Fuego some years back.

Does anyone have any background or info on this?

Chile makes millions of USD out of salmon farming / I don't know why Argentia would not want a share of the fish pie
That sounds like it is true @GlasgowJohn. I found this online.

Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, has become the first region in the world to ban salmon farming in its waters. This decision, made by the provincial legislature on June 30, 2021, was driven by significant environmental concerns and the potential negative impact on local economies and ecosystems.

The ban specifically targets intensive open-net salmon farming, which has been linked to various environmental issues in other countries, such as Norway, Chile, and Scotland. These issues include the spread of sea lice, algal blooms, and the use of antibiotics, all of which can harm local marine life and ecosystems.

The legislation in Tierra del Fuego prohibits the cultivation and production of salmonids in its jurisdictional waters to protect the region’s natural resources and biodiversity. The decision was heavily influenced by campaigns and demonstrations from local communities and environmental groups, emphasizing the importance of preserving the pristine marine environment and supporting sustainable economic activities like tourism and artisanal fishing

The plot thickens.

And this was a good read. Hopefully they don't have to be prepared to go to war again so shortly again.

It will be interesting to see if Milei does anything differently during his administration with the Malvinas.

I didn't know anything at all about the Falkland Islands. I heard about it but didn't know the story. I just read up on it and like many things it seems like Argentina is living in a parallel universe that is devoid of reality like the article mentions. I found this online.

Very sad news about all of these 8 people that are confirmed dead and 5 people missing. It's said to be an illegal fishing boat.

Very sad news indeed. But I am confused. Was it an illegal fishing boat? It says in the article that they weren't fishing. What were they doing then?