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Food & Drink Does anyone else notice their coffee recently not tasting good?

This was one of the things that surprised me the most about Buenos Aires. With 60% Italian heritage I figured the coffee would be like in Italy. The locals seem to like that burned bitter taste in their coffee. It is just horrible. So far the best I have found is Puerto Blest Tostadores.
They always have a good variety and I spoke to the manager and they have a huge stock ahead of time all pre-negotiated of unroasted beans. No where has come even close for me.

They have a coffee subscription services that is coming too he told me.

Yes, look even on the link it says "con Azucar". Those are junk coffee beans. Very low quality full of sugar. Good coffee is expensive now.
Amazing that with all the complaining the locals do they don't complain as strongly about the absolute crappy coffee with sugar (cafe torrado). It is prohibited in much of the world except Argentina.

The so called premium Argentine coffee brands Ive had were ruddy awful and overpriced. Best cafe coffee I've had uses the Illy brand of coffee. I suspect it desn't come chep though.
I also love Illy coffee but it is more expensive as it is from Italy.

My preferred local brew is Super Cabrales, and the Carrefour Express near Pueyrredón y Peña has it for around 5k/250g bag, which ain’t bad in USD terms, considering the chino I bought it from when I moved to BA in 2022 had it for 1500/250g then.
Yes Super Cabrales is also what we get but it is often times out of stock at my local stores. That is a good price for it. Prices for it shot up but seems to have come back down to reasonable prices lately.
I was super disappointed with the quality of the coffee in most places. It was very good at my hotel, Park Hyatt and a few other restaurants but we had some coffee in several cafes and it tasted very bitter to me.
Yes it tastes bitter as many places use poor quality coffee beans covered in burned sugar. Just horrible. It is outlawed in many countries but they seem to like it here in Argentina.
Super Cabrales
going to have to question your exposure to actual coffee beans - this Super Cabrales purple bag i just tried is one of the worst ground coffees i've ever had; it's the Cardboard taste of Folgers/MaxwellHouse giant plastic tubs in the USA. have you ever had actual roasted coffee beans and ground them yourself?? i tried 3 times now to drink this Cabrales stuff (French Press) and my Suave instant coffee (non-Torrado, pricier) is 5x as good. i ended up putting the Cabrales to the side for a roast/steak that i'm going to coffee-encrust/marinate. just a warning to people who drink coffee without the sugary creamer: Cabrales in Mar2024 will make you very sad, unless you like the cardboard taste that usually comes paired with the paper taste of paper-filtered drip coffee. rant over! still on the hunt for actual coffee beans that are worth the cost (there are expensive whole-bean coffee bags at the local Cordiez supermarket, but i don't have a grinder and they're pretty expensive compared to the non-Torrado Suave instant coffee powder that is actually pretty good)
going to have to question your exposure to actual coffee beans - this Super Cabrales purple bag i just tried is one of the worst ground coffees i've ever had; it's the Cardboard taste of Folgers/MaxwellHouse giant plastic tubs in the USA. have you ever had actual roasted coffee beans and ground them yourself?? i tried 3 times now to drink this Cabrales stuff (French Press) and my Suave instant coffee (non-Torrado, pricier) is 5x as good. i ended up putting the Cabrales to the side for a roast/steak that i'm going to coffee-encrust/marinate. just a warning to people who drink coffee without the sugary creamer: Cabrales in Mar2024 will make you very sad, unless you like the cardboard taste that usually comes paired with the paper taste of paper-filtered drip coffee. rant over! still on the hunt for actual coffee beans that are worth the cost (there are expensive whole-bean coffee bags at the local Cordiez supermarket, but i don't have a grinder and they're pretty expensive compared to the non-Torrado Suave instant coffee powder that is actually pretty good)
Like many things, it's gotten worse over time. That said, it's still one of the better local grinds.
For when I want actually good coffee, I have some whole beans I brought in from Coffee Lab in São Paulo that I grind, but for morning caffeination, the Super Cabrales is fine.
going to have to question your exposure to actual coffee beans - this Super Cabrales purple bag i just tried is one of the worst ground coffees i've ever had; it's the Cardboard taste of Folgers/MaxwellHouse giant plastic tubs in the USA. have you ever had actual roasted coffee beans and ground them yourself?? i tried 3 times now to drink this Cabrales stuff (French Press) and my Suave instant coffee (non-Torrado, pricier) is 5x as good. i ended up putting the Cabrales to the side for a roast/steak that i'm going to coffee-encrust/marinate. just a warning to people who drink coffee without the sugary creamer: Cabrales in Mar2024 will make you very sad, unless you like the cardboard taste that usually comes paired with the paper taste of paper-filtered drip coffee. rant over! still on the hunt for actual coffee beans that are worth the cost (there are expensive whole-bean coffee bags at the local Cordiez supermarket, but i don't have a grinder and they're pretty expensive compared to the non-Torrado Suave instant coffee powder that is actually pretty good)
I have found coffee quality here keeps going down and down and down. It is pathetic that generations here in Argentina get used to the torrado sugary crap and start liking that taste and think it tastes good. Argentines love sugar.
Like many things, it's gotten worse over time. That said, it's still one of the better local grinds.
For when I want actually good coffee, I have some whole beans I brought in from Coffee Lab in São Paulo that I grind, but for morning caffeination, the Super Cabrales is fine.
I agree quality keeps getting worse. I just recently have given up on coffee here and saving money at the same time.
going to have to question your exposure to actual coffee beans - this Super Cabrales purple bag i just tried is one of the worst ground coffees i've ever had; it's the Cardboard taste of Folgers/MaxwellHouse giant plastic tubs in the USA. have you ever had actual roasted coffee beans and ground them yourself?? i tried 3 times now to drink this Cabrales stuff (French Press) and my Suave instant coffee (non-Torrado, pricier) is 5x as good. i ended up putting the Cabrales to the side for a roast/steak that i'm going to coffee-encrust/marinate. just a warning to people who drink coffee without the sugary creamer: Cabrales in Mar2024 will make you very sad, unless you like the cardboard taste that usually comes paired with the paper taste of paper-filtered drip coffee. rant over! still on the hunt for actual coffee beans that are worth the cost (there are expensive whole-bean coffee bags at the local Cordiez supermarket, but i don't have a grinder and they're pretty expensive compared to the non-Torrado Suave instant coffee powder that is actually pretty good)
Totally agree with you. I'm not sure if I got the purple bag of Super Cabrales. I thought it was blue but it was bad. There are a few cafes with good coffee but most of the good stuff is all imported and the price at some places have gone up quite a bit, especially in Soho. I don't understand how the locals making pesos can swing it. Many of these cafes are full and it's not just tourists. It is locals too.
The so called premium Argentine coffee brands Ive had were ruddy awful and overpriced. Best cafe coffee I've had uses the Illy brand of coffee. I suspect it desn't come chep though.
I also love Illy coffee but as you mentioned it is not cheap. I agree cup of coffee in many places keeps going up.

My favorite coffee is Lattentecafe.

Lab is also good in Palermo Hollywood:

Cuervo in Soho has great flat whites.

In Belgrano try All Saints

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I also love Illy coffee but as you mentioned it is not cheap. I agree cup of coffee in many places keeps going up.

My favorite coffee is Lattentecafe.

Lab is also good in Palermo Hollywood:

Cuervo in Soho has great flat whites.

In Belgrano try All Saints

Thank you @Wally for these places. I just asked my friend and she said you have good taste in coffee! She said these are great places. I am bummed to hear that many places have bad coffee. A few people I follow on X have posted how prices keep going up for coffee there. :(

Are prices really jumping this high from just a few months ago???? That seems crazy it can jump up this high from just 3 months. This poster from X seems like a reputable person that wouldn't exaggerate. Just seems crazy that kind of jump in a short amount of time.
Thank you @Wally for these places. I just asked my friend and she said you have good taste in coffee! She said these are great places. I am bummed to hear that many places have bad coffee. A few people I follow on X have posted how prices keep going up for coffee there. :(

Are prices really jumping this high from just a few months ago???? That seems crazy it can jump up this high from just 3 months. This poster from X seems like a reputable person that wouldn't exaggerate. Just seems crazy that kind of jump in a short amount of time.
4600 pesos for helado is very crazy. Prices get so crazy now.
Thank you @Wally for these places. I just asked my friend and she said you have good taste in coffee! She said these are great places. I am bummed to hear that many places have bad coffee. A few people I follow on X have posted how prices keep going up for coffee there. :(

Are prices really jumping this high from just a few months ago???? That seems crazy it can jump up this high from just 3 months. This poster from X seems like a reputable person that wouldn't exaggerate. Just seems crazy that kind of jump in a short amount of time.
Hi @Jenn I saw that post on X and I asked her what store it was but she never answered.

I think I paid $6000 for a kilo, the other day? So yeah, 4600 for an individual portion is ridiculous.
Does anyone know what prices are for the ice cream bars at Helados Italia now in Soho? I was there 1.5 months ago and it was 4,000 pesos per bar. I'm curious what they are now in the store? I see them on Rappi for 4,500 pesos each but I know sometimes Rappi inflates the prices vs. instore. @Darksider415 I see 1 kg of helado on Rappi at Helados Italia it says 16,000 pesos which is crazy. I know they are more expensive vs. other stores.

Hi @Jenn I saw that post on X and I asked her what store it was but she never answered.

Does anyone know what prices are for the ice cream bars at Helados Italia now in Soho? I was there 1.5 months ago and it was 4,000 pesos per bar. I'm curious what they are now in the store? I see them on Rappi for 4,500 pesos each but I know sometimes Rappi inflates the prices vs. instore. @Darksider415 I see 1 kg of helado on Rappi at Helados Italia it says 16,000 pesos which is crazy. I know they are more expensive vs. other stores.

They are 4,500 pesos each which is expensive but very good. Ice cream at some places has gone up but most places aren't 16,000 pesos a kg. That place always charges a massive premium.

For coffee I really like Lattentecafe.
This was one of the things that surprised me the most about Buenos Aires. With 60% Italian heritage I figured the coffee would be like in Italy. The locals seem to like that burned bitter taste in their coffee. It is just horrible. So far the best I have found is Puerto Blest Tostadores.
They always have a good variety and I spoke to the manager and they have a huge stock ahead of time all pre-negotiated of unroasted beans. No where has come even close for me.

They have a coffee subscription services that is coming too he told me.

Flat & White is also good: https://flatnwhite.com/argentina/

This was one of the things that surprised me the most about Buenos Aires. With 60% Italian heritage I figured the coffee would be like in Italy. The locals seem to like that burned bitter taste in their coffee. It is just horrible.

Indeed, this also happens in Colombia: Juan Valdez sells their espresso in plastic cups and you'll get the worst of coffees in traditional 'Panaderias'. So I always look for 'specialty coffee' places. More here: https://www.menteargentina.com/blog...e-a-guide-to-the-best-coffee-in-buenos-aires/
Flat & White is also good: https://flatnwhite.com/argentina/

Indeed, this also happens in Colombia: Juan Valdez sells their espresso in plastic cups and you'll get the worst of coffees in traditional 'Panaderias'. So I always look for 'specialty coffee' places. More here: https://www.menteargentina.com/blog/you-say-you-wanna-coffece-a-guide-to-the-best-coffee-in-buenos-aires/
Thanks for the link. Good cafes on that blog. I will check out Flat and White. I always heard Colombia had good coffee so funny to hear that about Juan Valdez.