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Food & Drink Does anyone else notice their coffee recently not tasting good?

Yeah, I was surprised about JV myself as well. I you go to Colombia ping me and I'll recommend you good coffee / food places.
I wanted to take a guy's trip to Colombia for my best friend's birthday but my wife put a kabosh on that trip once she saw some Tik Toks of all the girls there. Ha. What is your favorite city in Colombia? Medellin seems to have an anti-tourist bias now.
I wanted to take a guy's trip to Colombia for my best friend's birthday but my wife put a kabosh on that trip once she saw some Tik Toks of all the girls there. Ha. What is your favorite city in Colombia? Medellin seems to have an anti-tourist bias now.
Problem with Medellin and Cartagena is the sex tourism, specially if you get a date on Tinder or get wasted at long hours of the night someone could put something in your drink.... If you like the beach you can go to chill places like Santa Marta. If you like city night life then Bogota is good.
Problem with Medellin and Cartagena is the sex tourism, specially if you get a date on Tinder or get wasted at long hours of the night someone could put something in your drink.... If you like the beach you can go to chill places like Santa Marta. If you like city night life then Bogota is good.
The getting drugged in Colombia sounds scary. Does this sort of thing happen in Buenos Aires at all much? I read hear or there but it doesn't sound like a big problem in Argentina?
The getting drugged in Colombia sounds scary. Does this sort of thing happen in Buenos Aires at all much? I read hear or there but it doesn't sound like a big problem in Argentina?
It's rare, but in Colombia this would happen to you if you are a heavy partier, get into drugs and stuff.

I'm Argentinean but been living in Bogota for more than a year and never had any issue. And in BA is pretty rare... going to bars late at night in touristy neighborhoods is safe.
It's rare, but in Colombia this would happen to you if you are a heavy partier, get into drugs and stuff.

I'm Argentinean but been living in Bogota for more than a year and never had any issue. And in BA is pretty rare... going to bars late at night in touristy neighborhoods is safe.
I heard in Colombia getting drugged can easily happpen as a female. In BA never heard of anyone having this happen and some of my friends have been living here for 10 years. BA is very safe.
I heard in Colombia getting drugged can easily happpen as a female. In BA never heard of anyone having this happen and some of my friends have been living here for 10 years. BA is very safe.
You should be careful if you're a young single female at the bars and clubs. I had a friend that was alone in Medellin and she was drinking out at the clubs many years ago and someone slipped something into her drink. She was starting to feel strange in the bathroom and fortunately another female got her into an Uber and helped her get home but she didn't remember anything in the morning. Same thing happened to her in Mexico City so she is doing something wrong.

But I am reading about this happening to young females even in the USA now in Los Angeles so stay aware and don't leave your drinks unattended. I have not ever heard of this happening in Buenos Aires for females.
Mara knows what's up.

I'm going to BR in a couple of weeks, so I'll get a reprieve from the terrible coffee here, and probably bring some artisanal stuff back to prolong the coffee bliss.
I liked the coffee in Brazil better than here. I also liked the food in Brazil very much. @Darksider415 do you like the food better in Brazil or Argentina? I thought it was great in Brazil. Here it isn't bad but I was in heaven in Brazil.
I liked the coffee in Brazil better than here. I also liked the food in Brazil very much. @Darksider415 do you like the food better in Brazil or Argentina? I thought it was great in Brazil. Here it isn't bad but I was in heaven in Brazil.
I enjoy both on their own merits. That said, my wife is Brazilian and we have a lot of Brazilian friends here, so we do cook a lot of Brazilian food, as well as Argentine and Southern US cuisine.
I saw this post on X today and thought of you @Darksider415. You aren't the only one that likes Super Cabrales.

I tried this brand as I read on here but I don't like the taste of it. Coffee prices here are so crazy expensive for really bitter and bad tasting coffee. Hard to believe the locals like this stuff. I always say Starbucks in the USA is crap but ironically here I actually think it is not bad. But it is expensive at around almost $20 for 250 grams but at least the beans aren't blended with sugar. The best coffee here is usually the Colombian beans. Any good gems where you all are getting good beans lately? I know there are a few posts but not sure what prices are like now in them.
I tried this brand as I read on here but I don't like the taste of it. Coffee prices here are so crazy expensive for really bitter and bad tasting coffee. Hard to believe the locals like this stuff. I always say Starbucks in the USA is crap but ironically here I actually think it is not bad. But it is expensive at around almost $20 for 250 grams but at least the beans aren't blended with sugar. The best coffee here is usually the Colombian beans. Any good gems where you all are getting good beans lately? I know there are a few posts but not sure what prices are like now in them.
It blows my mind that we are so close to Colombia and Brazil and other countries with good coffee but it's so incredibly tough to get good beans here at a fair price. When my family comes in to visit me, I always ask them to bring me a big can of coffee or two when they ask me what they can bring. I don't want the latest iPhone but I will take good coffee.

Café Martínez is where I usually go @Stan for decent quality but prices are not cheap here either. Last time I went it was about $18 USD for 500 g. Olive oil here is expensive too even though Argentina produces a lot of olive oil. These are the types of thing that Milei needs to fix.

It blows my mind that we are so close to Colombia and Brazil and other countries with good coffee but it's so incredibly tough to get good beans here at a fair price. When my family comes in to visit me, I always ask them to bring me a big can of coffee or two when they ask me what they can bring. I don't want the latest iPhone but I will take good coffee.

Café Martínez is where I usually go @Stan for decent quality but prices are not cheap here either. Last time I went it was about $18 USD for 500 g. Olive oil here is expensive too even though Argentina produces a lot of olive oil. These are the types of thing that Milei needs to fix.
This irks me too! We are located so close to great coffee yet it is so expensive due to import taxes and greedy store owners. It is sad but I cut back on coffee due to prices. I cut way back on extra virgin olive oil. Have you checked out the prices of some of it? Crazy!

This irks me too! We are located so close to great coffee yet it is so expensive due to import taxes and greedy store owners. It is sad but I cut back on coffee due to prices. I cut way back on extra virgin olive oil. Have you checked out the prices of some of it? Crazy!

I also watch my olive oil use. I used to go through tons as I love to eat it with bread daily. But it is sad I cut back. And the shocking thing is Argentina is a major exporter of olive oil so they can't use excuse of IVA taxes to import it. It is more expensive here than USA and Europe!

I also watch my olive oil use. I used to go through tons as I love to eat it with bread daily. But it is sad I cut back. And the shocking thing is Argentina is a major exporter of olive oil so they can't use excuse of IVA taxes to import it. It is more expensive here than USA and Europe!

Actually oil oil prices aren't cheap at the moment. I am here now in Malaga and it is not that cheap. I saw some stores where it was locked up. I am not sure what is going on but it isn't only expensive in Argentina. Companies probably can make more money selling it and exporting it vs. keeping it in Argentina. They are greedy and would rather make more money.
Actually oil oil prices aren't cheap at the moment. I am here now in Malaga and it is not that cheap. I saw some stores where it was locked up. I am not sure what is going on but it isn't only expensive in Argentina. Companies probably can make more money selling it and exporting it vs. keeping it in Argentina. They are greedy and would rather make more money.
Global warming and bad weather has produced a shortage of olive oil around the world.
