hey friend, you're one of the top 10 useful contributors here, serious question: i'm uninformed about health insurance in other countries other than when i was required to have it in the USA for various jobs over the past couple decades...i haven't paid for anything at a medical place in BsAs yet, so how possible is it to exist without one of these wide-ranging insurance plans?
i planned to be uninsured, just like i was once i left my last 'real' job - i don't wear glasses, i have no meds, i don't have any crazy health issues (late 30s), and when i feel my teeth are dirty i go pay a small amount to get them cleaned by a hygienist (in the US it was like $75 and in Thailand like $15 a few years back). i don't have any specific questions, but mostly just a general, how many people like me are there, just paying cash/credit card for services as they need them?
especially if premiums are so crazy, why not pay cash at a private place? i use ZocDoc.com in the States. and of course some people have 17 medications, and the Sick culture of the USA makes it normalized to be 40% bodyfat and needing Statins and diabetes meds, but i'm not asking about the preventable conditions that people choose to maintain...how much cheaper would it be for you and similar Expats to just cancel their plans and pay a la carte?