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I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

Apparently, there was another semi-dodgy award in the Czech Republic yesterday,

This guy is more of a narcissist than my ex-wife...

In one of the speeches, he claims that he wouldn't be surprised if he got the Nobel prize this year as he and his team are rewriting economic theory .

Hope he gets back to Argentina soon and starts working to get investment here and get some real jobs.

OK his measures against inflation are working - although there may be a few surprises in the second half of the year, according to some.

Any more trips to pick up prizes and medals and he will start to annoy his supporters.
Apparently, there was another semi-dodgy award in the Czech Republic yesterday,

This guy is more of a narcissist than my ex-wife...

In one of the speeches, he claims that he wouldn't be surprised if he got the Nobel prize this year as he and his team are rewriting economic theory .

Hope he gets back to Argentina soon and starts working to get investment here and get some real jobs.

OK his measures against inflation are working - although there may be a few surprises in the second half of the year, according to some.

Any more trips to pick up prizes and medals and he will start to annoy his supporters.
Not sure about another award but I read he is going to Paris in a few weeks to watch the Olympics.
Apparently, there was another semi-dodgy award in the Czech Republic yesterday,

This guy is more of a narcissist than my ex-wife...

In one of the speeches, he claims that he wouldn't be surprised if he got the Nobel prize this year as he and his team are rewriting economic theory .

Hope he gets back to Argentina soon and starts working to get investment here and get some real jobs.

OK his measures against inflation are working - although there may be a few surprises in the second half of the year, according to some.

Any more trips to pick up prizes and medals and he will start to annoy his supporters.
Yes I saw that one. Milei in that one as well didn't want to do a press conference. Probably wanted to avoid potential problematic questions. Funny about your comment about your first wife and the narcissist. Definitely Milei is one which isn't always a bad thing if it can be controlled. I heard that speech about the Nobel prize and wasn't sure if that was real or AI generated. It was too far fetched that he would say something like that but he probably did.

There are only so many of these trips where it doesn't start getting annoying to his base. Even my wife's family that supports him are all saying, "basta" and come home and focus on Argentina.
Enjoy reading your posts @TonyTigre. What do you think an advantage of Argentina becoming a future global partner of NATO? Things like this don't make sense to me. I admit I know very little about Argentina but trying to learn more and more each day as I want to live there someday. Just a few months ago, and even today Argentina is totally broke, in debt and has a lot of problems. Is it really realistic for "Argentina to take its share of responsibility for global security"? That makes no sense to me. It even comes across as a bit absurd. I bet people that are against Milei read things like this and seems crazy to them?

“We together support (Ukraine) President (Volodymyr) Zelenskyy against the brutal Russian aggression, and at the same time we agree that Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorism,” Milei said through a translator.

Pavel said he believed that Argentina will become in the future one of the global partners of NATO.

“I’m glad that Argentina is ready to take its share of responsibility for the global security,” Pavel said.

I read that @Uncle Wong and was laughing too. I like Milei but it is ridiculous when it still has tremendous problems and other leaders are talking about Argentina "taking responsibility for global security". It can't even handle the poverty in Argentina.

He has made some progress but far from out of the woods. This was a great video.

Apparently, there was another semi-dodgy award in the Czech Republic yesterday,

This guy is more of a narcissist than my ex-wife...

In one of the speeches, he claims that he wouldn't be surprised if he got the Nobel prize this year as he and his team are rewriting economic theory .

Hope he gets back to Argentina soon and starts working to get investment here and get some real jobs.

OK his measures against inflation are working - although there may be a few surprises in the second half of the year, according to some.

Any more trips to pick up prizes and medals and he will start to annoy his supporters.
Milei is so far out of touch with reality. He is the world's biggest narcissist. I mean come on. He is giving a speech at a quasi fake award saying he will probably win the Nobel Prize. Then he sings songs about himself saying he is a Lion. Some of you people that claim he is doing no wrong remind me of the kingdom in the Emperor has no clothes.

Agree with parts of this but do think Milei needs to be careful with so many trips for questionable awards. @GlasgowJohn was correct when he called these quasi shady awards. It's not a problem for so many trips until it is if you know what I mean. Milei was smart enough in Germany to cancel press conferences. Many things to still fix in Argentina and @TonyTigre can argue these are all productive which can be true. But I'd counter they are productive until they are a distraction which can easily happen.

These awards are controversial and even in Spain some are saying they are shameful and illegal. This is all just show to rally against the opposite party. They are using Milei just as he is using them. What Milei is good at is reading the tea leaves and he probably can see about half of Argentina thinks flying around and accepting quasi shady awards is just for show. You aren't going to please these people no matter what but probably smart to pick your battles.

If economy deteriorates or recession gets even worse or inflation gets worse all these trips for accepting awards for saving Argentina when it wasn't saved is going to come across as really silly. I'm not saying some of these trips are warranted but at this rate he will spend more than CFK on her trips. :ROFLMAO:

Like with most things in life, too much of anything is not a good thing. It is the same about traveling around the world for these awards. I agree with @TonyTigre that it is good to get exposure but I disagree that he should do it as much as he can whenever he can.
Like with most things in life, too much of anything is not a good thing. It is the same about traveling around the world for these awards. I agree with @TonyTigre that it is good to get exposure but I disagree that he should do it as much as he can whenever he can.
There are limits to everything. Same with everything in life or business. I don't blindly follow President Milei and say everything he does is right because it is not IMHO. I've disagreed on rhetoric with China and Brazil (2 biggest trade partners) as well as a few other things. It's okay to go to a few of these events but agree it can be a distraction if there are too many of them. After all, many countries will want to get exposure and these invites could come every month. It's not realistic to go on these trips too frequently.

Argentina is still a mess and likely will be for some time to come. If there is one thing I have learned from living and especially working in Argentina since 2002 is NOTHING is easy there. Nothing. Nothing happens as you think it will. Milei's best-laid plans most likely won't go as planned. Change will take longer than estimated and there will be pain points all along the way. This won't be easy and not the time to be taking victory laps.

If things later in the year are tough, you're going to see video reels most likely of all of these international trips and they will be used against him.

I'm all for investment trips and a few strategic trips that will help Argentina attract investors but it all has to be within reason and well thought out.
Not sure about another award but I read he is going to Paris in a few weeks to watch the Olympics.
No reason he should be going back to Europe in a few weeks. See this is what I mean. No hay Plata. Why does he need to go back and forth with the EU so often?? No hay plata remember?

Enjoy reading your posts @TonyTigre. What do you think an advantage of Argentina becoming a future global partner of NATO? Things like this don't make sense to me. I admit I know very little about Argentina but trying to learn more and more each day as I want to live there someday. Just a few months ago, and even today Argentina is totally broke, in debt and has a lot of problems. Is it really realistic for "Argentina to take its share of responsibility for global security"? That makes no sense to me. It even comes across as a bit absurd. I bet people that are against Milei read things like this and seems crazy to them?

“We together support (Ukraine) President (Volodymyr) Zelenskyy against the brutal Russian aggression, and at the same time we agree that Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorism,” Milei said through a translator.

Pavel said he believed that Argentina will become in the future one of the global partners of NATO.

“I’m glad that Argentina is ready to take its share of responsibility for the global security,” Pavel said.

Why are all of you Milei supporters so reluctant to give your opinion on Ukraine or Israel? You will see this was a mistake.

@Uncle Wong thank you for posting this link. Argentina joining NATO?? Is that not shocking to some of you? Argentina sharing responsibility for global security? Is this joke??? Even you expat Milei lover have to admit this is just crazy to think about Argentina being responsible for global security? This crazy thing to read.
Milei is so far out of touch with reality. He is the world's biggest narcissist. I mean come on. He is giving a speech at a quasi fake award saying he will probably win the Nobel Prize. Then he sings songs about himself saying he is a Lion. Some of you people that claim he is doing no wrong remind me of the kingdom in the Emperor has no clothes.

Meanwhile in Argentina people think this of the Lion.

Milei has spent 30 days of his first six months in office travelling around the world to meet leading right-wing politicians. A volatile individual, he has caused diplomatic incidents by publicly abusing the presidents of Mexico, Colombia and China as well as the prime minister of Spain.

Ironically, these antics and growing civil unrest in Argentina have made foreign capital wary of putting its money into the country, despite the ultra-favourable investment climate that Milei is attempting to create.

What investors want is stability, and half a century ago in Chile they had a repressive military dictatorship that gave them just that, in contrast to a potentially volatile scenario in Argentina where the polls show a growing number of voters beginning to doubt that things are going to get better any time soon.

Going to talk to potential investors is absolutely fine.

To go and pick up semi-dodgy prizes and medals from political allies using taxpayers' cash is not really sensible when we all know that "no hay plate"
Hopefully he comes to his senses and focuses on things here domestically. Things here are still a mess. I like the blue dollar going higher for selfish reasons but sounds like it's going to cause inflation if they have to devalue again.
Apparently, there was another semi-dodgy award in the Czech Republic yesterday,

This guy is more of a narcissist than my ex-wife...

In one of the speeches, he claims that he wouldn't be surprised if he got the Nobel prize this year as he and his team are rewriting economic theory .

Hope he gets back to Argentina soon and starts working to get investment here and get some real jobs.

OK his measures against inflation are working - although there may be a few surprises in the second half of the year, according to some.

Any more trips to pick up prizes and medals and he will start to annoy his supporters.
@GlasgowJohn did you see this news? You called it 100% correct. It turns out that award WAS fake. He wasted $400,000 USD traveling to accept this award and it was fake.

Looks like Mr. Nobel Prize potential winner isn't going to go to the Olympics after all. Poor guy. I guess his willingness to fly commercial has lost its charm like in the early days of his Presidency. 🤡

Looks like Mr. Nobel Prize potential winner isn't going to go to the Olympics after all. Poor guy. I guess his willingness to fly commercial has lost its charm like in the early days of his Presidency. 🤡

:ROFLMAO: Probably saves him from embarrassing himself from winning more fake prizes in the EU from right wing organizations. Reading that article it's funny they are trying to blame Alberto Fernández for the inspection. You can't make this stuff up.
If you only listen to one side of the story, you never get to the truth.
The guy who claims Milei was not invited by the named organization doesn't actually have license to use that name. So, no, he was not punked. Milei was invited by the founder of the institute and holder of the license to use that name. He was also invited by the Anglo-American University in Prague.

Nikita Polyakov:
"As editor-in-chief of e15, I would like to respond to the information that began to spread in the media a few days ago. According to them, the Liberal Institute should have distanced itself from handing over its Annual Award to Argentine President Javier Milea during the conference in the Žofín Palace, which e15 was a co-organizer.

From the beginning of the preparation of the "Javier Milei: How to inefficient government" conference, e15 has been talking with Jiří Schwarz, the founder of the Liberal Institute. The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, accepted the invitation of the Liberal Institute and the Anglo-American University in Prague and confirmed that he will receive the Annual Prize of the Liberal Institute.

Jiří Schwarz is the holder of the license to use the Liberal Institute trademark, and e15 has the relevant documents to prove this. Martin Pánek and the registered institute managed by him are no longer holders of a license to use the Liberal Institute trademark and were not even at the time of the conference. I consider the conference that e15 co-organised to be a success. It is not our place to comment further on the internal disputes of the Liberal Institute."
If you only listen to one side of the story, you never get to the truth.
The guy who claims Milei was not invited by the named organization doesn't actually have license to use that name. So, no, he was not punked. Milei was invited by the founder of the institute and holder of the license to use that name. He was also invited by the Anglo-American University in Prague.

Nikita Polyakov:
"As editor-in-chief of e15, I would like to respond to the information that began to spread in the media a few days ago. According to them, the Liberal Institute should have distanced itself from handing over its Annual Award to Argentine President Javier Milea during the conference in the Žofín Palace, which e15 was a co-organizer.

From the beginning of the preparation of the "Javier Milei: How to inefficient government" conference, e15 has been talking with Jiří Schwarz, the founder of the Liberal Institute. The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, accepted the invitation of the Liberal Institute and the Anglo-American University in Prague and confirmed that he will receive the Annual Prize of the Liberal Institute.

Jiří Schwarz is the holder of the license to use the Liberal Institute trademark, and e15 has the relevant documents to prove this. Martin Pánek and the registered institute managed by him are no longer holders of a license to use the Liberal Institute trademark and were not even at the time of the conference. I consider the conference that e15 co-organised to be a success. It is not our place to comment further on the internal disputes of the Liberal Institute."
I've found the truth is somewhere in the middle on things. This mess above @TonyTigre with the names sounds ify at best. Maybe goes along with what @GlasgowJohn mentioned that these aren't super prominent important awards. I'm actually a Milei fan. But I can understand the argument some of these people are making against spending hundreds of dollars flying across the world for these types of awards.

Things can shift quickly in the court of public opinion.
@Finance Prof, you're correct that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Nowadays, there's really no true non-partisan, non-biased source of information anymore. People really have to read both sides and judge for themselves. Sadly, many only read just one side now. When one side is extremely biases, the other side seems to have no choice but to be extremely biased as well in order to counter the misinformation. The truly unfortunate thing is that when some try to be more neutral or balanced, they might find themselves being attacked by both ends of the extremes.

When the misinformation is pushed onto people over and over again, people begin to believe it. Just like people begin to believe it's just about flying there to accept an award. Be a little more selective on the reporting and it can be spin into saying he is flying there just to taste the local cuisines. Of course he has to be careful of the optics and the court of public opinion, but some deals or negotiations are better done in person. And if you're in the city anyway for something else, dropping by a gathering to make a speech and meet some people, and do some marketing for the country sounds like a good idea to me. Milei seems to make a very good impression with the people he meets in person, for those he wants to meet anyway.