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I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

Milei should definitely be there!
I don't understand how anyone reading through the following article can come back with a different conclusion.
I agree. Now is the time to turn it up on foreign investments in Argentina. I am not a huge Milei fan but I know the only way Argentina is going to get out of this turmoil is with a lot of money and investments by foreign investors big and small.
Milei should definitely be there!
I don't understand how anyone reading through the following article can come back with a different conclusion.
Exactly 100% correct. This isn't some small trip to accept an award. This is a huge opportunity. If people can't understand the problems in Argentina aren't going to solve itself without help from abroad they don't understand how bad the situation here is.
Milei's trip to the United States to participate in a conference of millionaires is an excellent opportunity to attract investors. His presence at such a high-profile event could draw attention to investment opportunities in Argentina, potentially boosting the country's economic prospects by fostering international business relationships and gradually helping to move the country forward. I don't see anything wrong with him traveling a lot, as some critics suggest.
Milei should definitely be there!
I don't understand how anyone reading through the following article can come back with a different conclusion.
OK I give you this one @TonyTigre. Maybe this one but not fake awards.
He sure is racking up the miles. Sounds like he will go to the Copa Final on Sunday.

Yet another trip by Milei. This makes 12 trips. Only in office 229 days and he spent 47 days traveling. 20% of the time he is not even in Argentina. He has now visited 11 different countries and 5 different states in the USA.

Yet another trip by Milei. This makes 12 trips. Only in office 229 days and he spent 47 days traveling. 20% of the time he is not even in Argentina. He has now visited 11 different countries and 5 different states in the USA.

View attachment 6757
20%. That is such a waste. No reason he needs to be in Paris to watch the Olympics. What happened to No Hay Plata!
Argentina's politics reminds me a bit of the US politics. About 50% of the people hate the President and will no matter what happens. That is about the same as in Argentina. Milei can do nothing right with them. It is probably going to be like this for the rest of his term.
If you believes Milei went to Paris mainly to see the Olympics, consider the following:

1. If you look at the countries with the most voting power in the IMF and the World Bank, you should notice the importance of visiting the US, Germany, Italy, and yes, France, unless you think the Argentina doesn't have a debt or foreign investment problem. I would imagine when he visits China, he might want to drop by India and Japan as well. He'll probably be accused of wasting Argentina money just see the Taj Mahal and Mount Fuji from the Tokyo Tower.

2. Milei was previously scheduled to visit France in June, but the Olympics was rescheduled to July, so he decided to reschedule his visit to Paris so he can attend the games opening ceremony. (^sarcasm)

3. Soccer is obviously a huge thing for Argentina and Milei has a needle to thread when dealing with the outcry over the racist soccer player chants. Milei certainly doesn't want to through Messi under the bus for something he didn't do, but France also deserves a proper response. That's definitely a conversation that needs to happen face to face.

4. And a reminder:
To anyone who does not believe getting foreign investments is a very important priority for Argentina, then we can just agree to disagree and you don't have to read the rest of this post. Foreign investment includes getting loans from organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, and for foreign institutional investors to buy Argentinian bonds (especially new bonds in the future). It also includes foreign companies starting or expanding businesses in Argentina.

Multiple people have noted that others are using Milei for their PR or as a tool. I agree 100%, of course they are. That's how the world works. Countries use each other, people use each other. When influential people from other countries use Milei for their PR or political agenda, the name Argentina is talked about. The name Argentina and the business friendly changes being made are mentioned in the media coverage. Those allies also have influence in the IMF and the World Bank and would be more willing to support Argentina's interests in return. Of course there will be those who would like Milei to fail, but if they actively go against Argentina, that would be picking a fight with Milei the mad man. They have to ask themselves whether that's worth it. I think people are starting to realize it's not worth it because Milei will point a big spotlight on their weaknesses.

People like Musk and other billionaires probably want Milei to help them cut red tape and get some tax incentives if they invest in Argentina. Milei critics will no doubt complain he gives too much, no matter what the terms are, but the fact that they are even considering Argentina is an achievement in itself. At the beginning, you have to give investors some extra profits to offset the extra risk they are taking with you. You can renegotiate in the future when you have proven yourself. If you disagree with this, then tell us how you would like to spend all the tax credit that Argentina won't be giving away to the billionaires. [That's sarcasm in case you didn't get it because you can't spend the tax revenue on 25% of ZERO.]

For those who ask how many trips are too many, what do you think should be the right amount of advertising and marketing budget for Argentina to promote foreign investments and tourism, and how should those budgets be spent? How would their effectiveness compare to that of what Milei has been doing? Regardless of what your answers are, some of us are not going to agree with you. Milei wants to do it his way.

People say what Milei is doing, he is doing it for himself, for self promotion. Surely there is no better promotion for Milei than for Argentina to succeed under his reforms and leadership. So Milei's interests and that of Argentina are aligned. Milei being more famous means Argentina becomes more well known. As noted in the OP, Argentina can make all the changes in the world and it won't help if no one knows about it and the business community is not talking about it. So getting the name Argentina out there is a complementary effort.

Other also mentioned foreign critics of Milei. Well, he would probably also say again: "I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right."
If you believes Milei went to Paris mainly to see the Olympics, consider the following:

1. If you look at the countries with the most voting power in the IMF and the World Bank, you should notice the importance of visiting the US, Germany, Italy, and yes, France, unless you think the Argentina doesn't have a debt or foreign investment problem. I would imagine when he visits China, he might want to drop by India and Japan as well. He'll probably be accused of wasting Argentina money just see the Taj Mahal and Mount Fuji from the Tokyo Tower.

2. Milei was previously scheduled to visit France in June, but the Olympics was rescheduled to July, so he decided to reschedule his visit to Paris so he can attend the games opening ceremony. (^sarcasm)

3. Soccer is obviously a huge thing for Argentina and Milei has a needle to thread when dealing with the outcry over the racist soccer player chants. Milei certainly doesn't want to through Messi under the bus for something he didn't do, but France also deserves a proper response. That's definitely a conversation that needs to happen face to face.

4. And a reminder:
Come on @TonyTigre! You have some good posts but if you really think Milei went to the Olympics to do dealmaking for the IMF nations you're just another Milei shill. Argentina does have a ton of problems that need to be dealt with including "no hay plata". He has cut back many programs and terminated employees and going to the Olympics with his big sister isn't going to help.

Maybe he should focus on good relationships with his two biggest trading partners, Brazil and China. Instead of antagonizing both countries leaders he should start there. Trying to say he went to the Olympics to work on foreign investment problem is a joke.
If you believes Milei went to Paris mainly to see the Olympics, consider the following:

1. If you look at the countries with the most voting power in the IMF and the World Bank, you should notice the importance of visiting the US, Germany, Italy, and yes, France, unless you think the Argentina doesn't have a debt or foreign investment problem. I would imagine when he visits China, he might want to drop by India and Japan as well. He'll probably be accused of wasting Argentina money just see the Taj Mahal and Mount Fuji from the Tokyo Tower.

2. Milei was previously scheduled to visit France in June, but the Olympics was rescheduled to July, so he decided to reschedule his visit to Paris so he can attend the games opening ceremony. (^sarcasm)

3. Soccer is obviously a huge thing for Argentina and Milei has a needle to thread when dealing with the outcry over the racist soccer player chants. Milei certainly doesn't want to through Messi under the bus for something he didn't do, but France also deserves a proper response. That's definitely a conversation that needs to happen face to face.

4. And a reminder:
If you believe that Milei mainly went to Paris to do business you already lost. Of course he went to go see Olympic with his sister.

Come on @TonyTigre! You have some good posts but if you really think Milei went to the Olympics to do dealmaking for the IMF nations you're just another Milei shill. Argentina does have a ton of problems that need to be dealt with including "no hay plata". He has cut back many programs and terminated employees and going to the Olympics with his big sister isn't going to help.

Maybe he should focus on good relationships with his two biggest trading partners, Brazil and China. Instead of antagonizing both countries leaders he should start there. Trying to say he went to the Olympics to work on foreign investment problem is a joke.
Excellent point about China and Brazil. China very important for Argentina and Milei make problems and speak poorly of them. Same with Brazil. It ok to disagree with leaders but must be diplomatic. So @TonyTigre you argument doesn't make sense. Milei narcissist and like to get in news.
I think you are right @TonyTigre that it's not just about going to the Olympics but getting face time with other leaders but remember that people like Elon Musk were also there. My boss went to the Olympics and was in the VIP area and ran into Elon Musk so he was there and maybe Milei also was going to rub shoulders with him.

I do think @Avocado and @Larry makes a good point about China. China is very important for Argentina and I would think it makes sense to visit China ASAP. It seems like with his new connection and strong friendship with he USA he doesn't want to antagonize the USA but China is important too. Brazil relationship needs to be improved as well.
I think you are right @TonyTigre that it's not just about going to the Olympics but getting face time with other leaders but remember that people like Elon Musk were also there. My boss went to the Olympics and was in the VIP area and ran into Elon Musk so he was there and maybe Milei also was going to rub shoulders with him.

I do think @Avocado and @Larry makes a good point about China. China is very important for Argentina and I would think it makes sense to visit China ASAP. It seems like with his new connection and strong friendship with he USA he doesn't want to antagonize the USA but China is important too. Brazil relationship needs to be improved as well.
I agree with you @Uncle Wong. I think there is some truth in all of this. Milei just needs to tone things done and be more diplomatic. He reminds me of Donald Trump a little who had some good policies and would be much more popular if he just toned it down to appeal to more people.
If you believes Milei went to Paris mainly to see the Olympics, consider the following:

1. If you look at the countries with the most voting power in the IMF and the World Bank, you should notice the importance of visiting the US, Germany, Italy, and yes, France, unless you think the Argentina doesn't have a debt or foreign investment problem. I would imagine when he visits China, he might want to drop by India and Japan as well. He'll probably be accused of wasting Argentina money just see the Taj Mahal and Mount Fuji from the Tokyo Tower.

2. Milei was previously scheduled to visit France in June, but the Olympics was rescheduled to July, so he decided to reschedule his visit to Paris so he can attend the games opening ceremony. (^sarcasm)

3. Soccer is obviously a huge thing for Argentina and Milei has a needle to thread when dealing with the outcry over the racist soccer player chants. Milei certainly doesn't want to through Messi under the bus for something he didn't do, but France also deserves a proper response. That's definitely a conversation that needs to happen face to face.

4. And a reminder:
Agree but of course if he doesn't get everything accomplished by the end of this year, things like going to the Olympics with his sister will be used against him.