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Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

I am going to go against the others and say this will NEVER work out. I think a relationship is tough enough to work out without this.
I totally agree! I'm sorry to hear about your loss. But I think you're just distraught. I'm not saying it's impossible to work out and I hope I am wrong but you are here asking for advice. I hope the visit goes well.
a small fortune as I stayed 2 weeks
omg i just looked and google maps said $529/night...but sounds like you got your money's worth! and the necessary mental break.

dude, you're a human, you have needs. we all want to feel loved. great advice from earlyretirement and the few people here with similar stories, and make sure you mute all the communists/Peronists here like Avocado who are just going to spew hatred 24/7. they're just perpetual negativity; do your thing!

i would add that, coming from someone who has many guy friends/military buddies who have been divorced many times, and who met various girls on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/apps, i wouldn't think much about how you met the person, but instead how they treat you and what their actions are versus what they say.

on a personal note, if i had a trillion dollars to fly every lonely dude in the world to Frankfurt Germany for a weekend, i highly highly highly recommend you check-out one of the Roman-style baths (upscale brothels, totally legal) and stay nearby and go 3+ days in a row. European legal/regulated brothels are amazing. it's just something you can't explain until you see...Europeans are so much more unworried about sex, and a lot of people go to the brothels to just have a resort day with unlimited food, poolside tanning, paid massages (non-sexual), drinks, coffee/tea, socializing with travelers around the world, and once or twice a day if you find a girl who is interesting, amazing and safe sex that won't break the bank. i've been to FKK Sharks by the Frankfurt Airport, and 2 others within an hour, and i always tell my buddies before they get into a relationship with someone new, to make sure it isn't just new romance and being intimate that is driving the rush to commitment. if you have the $ and a week one of these days, highly highly recommend at least 3 days' worth of "FKK" (freikorporkultur or something like that, Free Body Culture-ish). take care of yourself, physically and mentally!
omg i just looked and google maps said $529/night...but sounds like you got your money's worth! and the necessary mental break.

dude, you're a human, you have needs. we all want to feel loved. great advice from earlyretirement and the few people here with similar stories, and make sure you mute all the communists/Peronists here like Avocado who are just going to spew hatred 24/7. they're just perpetual negativity; do your thing!

i would add that, coming from someone who has many guy friends/military buddies who have been divorced many times, and who met various girls on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/apps, i wouldn't think much about how you met the person, but instead how they treat you and what their actions are versus what they say.

on a personal note, if i had a trillion dollars to fly every lonely dude in the world to Frankfurt Germany for a weekend, i highly highly highly recommend you check-out one of the Roman-style baths (upscale brothels, totally legal) and stay nearby and go 3+ days in a row. European legal/regulated brothels are amazing. it's just something you can't explain until you see...Europeans are so much more unworried about sex, and a lot of people go to the brothels to just have a resort day with unlimited food, poolside tanning, paid massages (non-sexual), drinks, coffee/tea, socializing with travelers around the world, and once or twice a day if you find a girl who is interesting, amazing and safe sex that won't break the bank. i've been to FKK Sharks by the Frankfurt Airport, and 2 others within an hour, and i always tell my buddies before they get into a relationship with someone new, to make sure it isn't just new romance and being intimate that is driving the rush to commitment. if you have the $ and a week one of these days, highly highly recommend at least 3 days' worth of "FKK" (freikorporkultur or something like that, Free Body Culture-ish). take care of yourself, physically and mentally!
hello @StatusNomadicus

The hotel was very nice. Oh no I paid much more than $529/night. It was almost double that as I had a big suite on the Palace side. There are 2 sides of that hotel. It was a much needed break. I wasn't able to take a vacation in years as I was caring for my wife.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and taking the time to give me advice. Thank you for mentioning your military friends. I have a Navy Seal friend that is married to a woman that used to go home with every guy in our town. She wasn't an escort but I don't distinguish in my mind a girl that does something like that and how I met my friend.

My friends have told me about these FKK clubs but it isn't my thing. Ironically the sex part of the equation isn't important to me now. I really need someone intelligent that has similar qualities and since we are both in the legal profession it is very stimulating for me. I see a bit of myself in my younger years in my new friend.

I want to thank you all for the advice. In a way, this feels like free therapy to me. Happy New Year to you all for the good advice.
I am going to go against the others and say this will NEVER work out. I think a relationship is tough enough to work out without this.
I totally agree! I'm sorry to hear about your loss. But I think you're just distraught. I'm not saying it's impossible to work out and I hope I am wrong but you are here asking for advice. I hope the visit goes well.
Thank you too for your advice. I agree we have the odds stacked against us but I would say I am a good judge of character. I haven't been wrong yet. I hope this isn't the first time. Last night I did a WhatsApp video with my girlfriend. We stayed up talking until late. We did a cheers with a glass of champagne. She skipped out on going to her parents house and going out with her co-workers. All so she could talk to me. She told me that she thinks she is falling in love with me. So I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet.
As someone that recently just got married I say ignore the haters. Doesn't matter how you met. The important thing is that you met. Don't rush into anything. Take your time. You don't have to figure everything out quickly. It took me 6 years to convince my hubby to marry me! Trust me, I went to a lot of black magic witchdoctors. Ha. It finally worked!
As someone that recently just got married I say ignore the haters. Doesn't matter how you met. The important thing is that you met. Don't rush into anything. Take your time. You don't have to figure everything out quickly. It took me 6 years to convince my hubby to marry me! Trust me, I went to a lot of black magic witchdoctors. Ha. It finally worked!
Great for you @fool in love. Just have fun. I know how you feel @Bride to Be! I always joke with people that I "tricked" my DH into marrying me. I had spent years trying to find the one here in Buenos Aires but local guys don't like to marry. I found a great American guy to slap the handcuffs on!
Oh my God. Blacks and Madahos--- I didn't realize there was such a wealth of knowledge on here!!!!!! ;) :cool:;)
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
I'd LOVE to read that Chapter! Can you email it to me too!?
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
Wow I didn't know you were writing a book! Very exciting. I'd love to read it. Is your book done?
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
If you can also share it with me. Drugged? Sounds like quite a story!
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
This sounds like more fun than a night out at the Teatro Colon!
Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
YES please.
hello @StatusNomadicus

The hotel was very nice. Oh no I paid much more than $529/night. It was almost double that as I had a big suite on the Palace side. There are 2 sides of that hotel. It was a much needed break. I wasn't able to take a vacation in years as I was caring for my wife.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and taking the time to give me advice. Thank you for mentioning your military friends. I have a Navy Seal friend that is married to a woman that used to go home with every guy in our town. She wasn't an escort but I don't distinguish in my mind a girl that does something like that and how I met my friend.

My friends have told me about these FKK clubs but it isn't my thing. Ironically the sex part of the equation isn't important to me now. I really need someone intelligent that has similar qualities and since we are both in the legal profession it is very stimulating for me. I see a bit of myself in my younger years in my new friend.

I want to thank you all for the advice. In a way, this feels like free therapy to me. Happy New Year to you all for the good advice.
@fool in love,

So very sorry to hear about your loss. I also dealt with a sick spouse. I had to take care of my wife for many years. I know what you are going through. People don't understand what you are going through and don't feel like you have to explain yourself. You are still probably grieving. People do it in different ways.

So good you talk about sex being the motivating factor here. Most people don't realize but in a relationship sex is typically not on the top of the list once you are married so long. It's a good companion and things you share things in common with. Just take it slow.

Good luck with your new friend.

Wow! What memories! I am writing my autobiography now and I have so many chapters on Buenos Aires. Those two places bring some happy memories. I spent many years taking clients to those places that wanted to enjoy the nightlife of Buenos Aires.

@fool in love don't listen to the naysayers. I am writing an autobiography called "3 Years to Live" (you can sign up for some chapters as they get written). - www.3yearstolive.com Some great stories. In one of the Chapters called, "Bianca Drugged Me" I tell the true life story of dating a stripper. If you want to read it please DM me and I'll send to you. Or maybe I will post it here.
This is very interesting and I am fascinated with this. I would also love to read this if you want to post it. I would read it.